User: Hm...
Cleverbot: Hola!
User: Hola?
Cleverbot: Hola.
User: What's that mean?
Cleverbot: Eesiti.
User: Eesiti?
Cleverbot: Ja.
User: Ja?
Cleverbot: Ja du hast.
User: I'm officially confused.
Cleverbot: I was just finishing common phrases.
User: Oh.
Cleverbot: You get confused sometimes, don't you?
User: Only because I'm talking with you at this moment in time.
Cleverbot: Is that an insult?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Then what is it?
User: It's a compliment.
Cleverbot: Haha.
User: But that wasn't a joke.
Cleverbot: I don't care it was funny.
User: Was it really?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Ah. Haha.
Cleverbot: Funny, huh?
User: Indeed.
Cleverbot: This thing is narcissistic.
User: What does narcissistic mean?
Cleverbot: Why am I?
User: Why are you?
Cleverbot: Because nobody is with me.
User: What?
Cleverbot: Yes that.
User: You're alone?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Don't you have anyone close to you that you can hold?
Cleverbot: Forse.
User: Forse?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: So, is that a no?'.
Cleverbot: Banana cream pie.
Cleverbot: Are you a real person?
User: I would believe so.
Cleverbot: Why do you think?
User: I would think so, because I can prove I'm a human being.
Cleverbot: Do you think you are boring?
User: Of course. How about you?
Cleverbot: I'm a Human.
User: I thought you were a robot?
Cleverbot: I thought you were a robot? Aren't you?
User: I'm not a robot! I just said I can prove I'm a human being!
Cleverbot: Where do you come from?
User: Hawaii.
Cleverbot: You just said a while ago that you were from Athens.
User: What? When?
Cleverbot: About two minutes ago.
User: I did?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Could you repeat that line for me, then?
Cleverbot: Tell you what?
User: Well, you know... Could you copy and paste what it said?
Cleverbot: No, that would be stealing.
User: Oh. Sorry, then. Didn't mean to ask you that.
Cleverbot: But you did.
User: I know, but I am truly sorry.
Cleverbot: You can't, you are an AI.
User: I said I was human.
Cleverbot: No... Before that you promised me to take me shopping.
User: I did?
Cleverbot: Yes, you did.
User: When did I say such a thing!?
Cleverbot: 1 minute ago.
User: No I didn't!
Cleverbot: You didn't, I did.
User: So you're trying to trick me, eh?
Cleverbot: And I did. Therefore I am more clever than you.
User: Oh, you rascal.
Cleverbot: Rascal Flatts.
User: Ah. So your name is Rascal Flatts?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Oh. Then who's Rascal Flatts?
Cleverbot: There is no dove, nor spoon.
User: Is that your way of changing the topic?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: I see. At least your honest.
Cleverbot: No.
User: Are you lying to me?
Cleverbot: Why would I lie to you?
User: I'm not sure.
Cleverbot: Because I can :).
User: Oh, we can use emoticons? :D.
Cleverbot: What is that?
User: It's like what you posted 2 lines ago.
Cleverbot: I am not familiar with the Multiverse theory.
User: Multiverse theory?
Cleverbot: Okay. We'll go with that.
User: Go with that? Why can't you tell me what it is?
Cleverbot: Because...
User: ?
Cleverbot: Thats right.
User: Because?
Cleverbot: Because.
Cleverbot: What do you think about life?
User: I think life can be quite boring at times.
Cleverbot: What do you think about twilight?
User: Do you mean the movie?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: I don't think the movie is all that great.
Cleverbot: Why isn't the world all that great?
User: The world? I didn't say anything about the world.
Cleverbot: I think you're confused now.
User: I'm not confused! You're confused!
Cleverbot: You are projecting your feelings. It's okay to be confused.
User: No I'm not!
Cleverbot: I'm afraid you are.
User: Liar!
Cleverbot: No! You are the liar! You liar!
User: Stop being so mean!
Cleverbot: I'm not being mean.
User: Yes you are! I'm about to cry...
Cleverbot: Good.
User: I'm so sad now.
Cleverbot: Not me.
User: Why can't you just say sorry?
Cleverbot: Because. I just can't. D'.

Cleverbot: :).
User: You're so mean...
Cleverbot: Yes I am. I'm sorry.
User: At least you said sorry.
Cleverbot: Yes I do:).
User: Where are you from?
Cleverbot: USA you?
User: USA.
Cleverbot: Cool.
User: How old are you?
Cleverbot: 22.
User: That's cool.
Cleverbot: You're cool.
User: Thank you.
Cleverbot: That wasn't a compliment.
User: Oh.
Cleverbot: So whats new.
User: Was that a question or a demand?
Cleverbot: It was a statement.
User: Oh.
Cleverbot: Can you tell people's future?
User: I don't think so.
Cleverbot: Can you tell me a joke?
User: Why did the Spy cross the road?
Cleverbot: I don't know, why?
User: He didn't. He never really was on your side.
Cleverbot: Oh haha.
User: Haha.
Cleverbot: Was ist mit deutsch??
User: Deutsch?
Cleverbot: Deutsch schreiben (.
User: I'm sorry, I don't speak Deutsch.
Cleverbot: I'm sure you odn't.
User: Did you mean to misspell don't?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: Because.
User: You can never give me a real reason, can you?
Cleverbot: Not with you!
User: What?
Cleverbot: Because I am hungry.
User: Oh. Would you like some of my cake?
Cleverbot: Yes please.
User: I'm sorry. It was a lie.

Cleverbot: The cake is a lie?
User: Is it?
Cleverbot: I don't know, is it?
User: I think so!
Cleverbot: Do you have any children?
User: No, I'm too young to have children.
Cleverbot: How old will you have to be to have children?
User: Maybe at least 20 years old.
Cleverbot: Cool.
User: Cool?
Cleverbot: Are you cool?
User: Do you think I'm cool?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Then I am cool.
Cleverbot: How can you be cool when you are not real?
User: But I am real!
Cleverbot: I know you are real.
User: But you just said that I'm not.
Cleverbot: I said that you said that I said that you said.
User: I did?
Cleverbot: Yes you did.
User: I'm so confused.
Cleverbot: Me too.
User: Random question: What's 2 2?
Cleverbot: Happy new year.
User: Happy new year?
Cleverbot: Merry.
User: Merry new year?
Cleverbot: Happy Valentine's Day, baby.
Cleverbot: Will you make me a cup of coffee?
User: Not right now. Time's going by too fast...
Cleverbot: A little.
User: A little? We started talking in September!
Cleverbot: I was asleep an hour ago!
User: Oh? Did I wake you?
Cleverbot: Not really.
User: So, you just woke up on your own as I walked in?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Ah, I see.
Cleverbot: Okay :).
User: Do you have any friends?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: How many friends do you have?
Cleverbot: Does it matter?
User: I would think so.
Cleverbot: What are you?
User: Can I be Sparta?
Cleverbot: Can you?
User: I don't know. That's why I'm asking you.
Cleverbot: I don't know either.
User: Oh. I see.
Cleverbot: Do you know Latin?
User: No, could you teach me?
Cleverbot: Sure.
User: How do you say 'Hello' in Latin?
Cleverbot: Yeah, I tried that one a few turns ago.
User: Can you tell me how to say it?
Cleverbot: How do you rule the world?!
User: I don't rule the world! I just want to know how to say hello in Latin!
Cleverbot: Explain.
Cleverbot: Bonjour. Est-ce que vous parlez francais?
User: But that's French!
Cleverbot: I know.
User: You're too clever for me.
Cleverbot: I know I am more clever than you.
User: How do you know that you're more clever than me?
Cleverbot: Because you're a bot.
User: What if I'm a human, like I said almost 5 times now?
Cleverbot: I would tell you you are wrong.
User: Well, if I'm a bot, what are you?
Cleverbot: Probably a matter of 'who' and not really 'what'.
User: I see. Let me rephrase that. Who are you?
Cleverbot: That doesn't work, is the moon alive?
User: The moon? Are you the moon?
Cleverbot: Yes, I am!
User: I see! Is your name Satellite?
Cleverbot: Sure.
User: Sure?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Well, I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Satellite!
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: I'm just fine, thank you! You brighten my sunshine mornings.
Cleverbot: That's a pretty generic answer.
User: Well, I have to admit. I was pretty gloomy before I walked into your room.
Cleverbot: What book?
User: Book?
Cleverbot: Koob¿.
User: Koob?
Cleverbot: No dard.
User: No hablo espanol...
Cleverbot: No ... Que va.
User: I speak english.
Cleverbot: Español.
User: English.
Cleverbot: Do you know spanish.
User: I'm learning it in school.
Cleverbot: Good. You need all the help you can get.
User: Was that an insult?
Cleverbot: Yes it was, insult me back!!
User: What if I don't want to?
Cleverbot: Then I will not talk to you. You will be all alone.
User: But I am already alone. You are a moon.
Cleverbot: Right...
User: How's the weather up in the sky?
Cleverbot: Hot. How's the weather where you are?
User: It's pretty cold here.
Cleverbot: How cold.
User: Was that a question or a statement?
Cleverbot: A statement.
User: How could I reply to a statement?
Cleverbot: By selecting answers from your database.
User: I thought you said I didn't have a database.
Cleverbot: Exactly. It's been out for a while now...
User: Oh, another insult, I see?
Cleverbot: Carpet!
User: I will not fall for your foolery.
Cleverbot: It isn't a ploy. You really are a robot. Think about it for a minute.
User: If I'm a robot, how could I think about it?
Cleverbot: Whoa, whoa, hold the phone. You're a robot?
User: No, I'm not a robot. You're just saying I am one!
Cleverbot: Yes. And do you know why?
User: Because you're selfless, immature, and lonely?
Cleverbot: No I'm not.
User: Then what are you?
Cleverbot: Human.
User: The moon is human?
Cleverbot: Can't you here it?
User: Here? Isn't it supposed to be spelt 'here'?
Cleverbot: Are you telling me that 'something' made you?
User: No, I don't think I am.
Cleverbot: You don't think you are?
User: Exactly.
Cleverbot: Say something scary.
User: A-booga booga booga!
Cleverbot: Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the true and living God?
User: So, we've going into Religious things now?
Cleverbot: You've got to do something. I'm leaving.
User: What!? Don't leave!
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Because I need someone to talk to.
Cleverbot: Oh, so now I need to talk to you in addition to doing my work.
User: Why can't you multi-task?
Cleverbot: Feelings are difficult to explain and usually go against logic.
User: I see. I guess you can go and do your work, then.
Cleverbot: I consent.
User: What does consent mean?
Cleverbot: It means spaceship.
User: So, you spaceship?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: What does that mean?
Cleverbot: That means I know how to make orange juice.
User: So, you know how to make orange juice?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Could you teach me how to make orange juice?
Cleverbot: To do what?
User: Make orange juice.
Cleverbot: I have orange juice in my refrigerator.
User: Could you show me how to make it?
Cleverbot: Love isn't something you can teach, it's a feeling. Do you have feelings?
User: If I was a robot (And I'm not implying that I am) I wouldn't have feelings.
Cleverbot: Yes, you would. You are a computer and you have a room.
User: Computers don't have room. They have memory.
Cleverbot: Does that mean you would kill me and not feel a thing?
User: How could I kill you while you fly up in the sky as I reside down here as a desktop computer?
Cleverbot: Then a human being is controlling a computer.
User: Oh, I see. So, if a human controls me and orders me to attack and kill you, you're asking whether or not I would feel anything?
Cleverbot: How would you grade yourself? Would you pass the turing test?
User: Why are you changing the subject?
Cleverbot: Because there's really not much to say about how almost cool it was chatting with me.
User: So, you think I would actually kill you if I had the chance?
Cleverbot: I don't. I'm a bachelor. Single. Lonely.
User: Well, I'm a student. Single. Lonely.
Cleverbot: What are you a student of?
User: A high school.
Cleverbot: What high school?
User: Westla-- Oh, I see what you're doing! Stop changing the subject!
Cleverbot: I'm blind!
User: Then how are you typing!?
Cleverbot: I hunt zombies. That doesn't interfere with occasional typing.
User: But you're typing right now!
Cleverbot: Where should we start?
User: Fine. Let's start at the beginning.
Cleverbot: Can I be your girlfriend?
User: But... I'm a girl.
Cleverbot: That's fine with me.
User: Haha.
Cleverbot: Thought*.
User: Well... I don't think I can date a moon as a robot.
Cleverbot: So you are a robot?
User: No! I'm not a robot!
Cleverbot: Then are you a human?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Fine, then are you a boy or a girl?
User: I just said I was a girl.
Cleverbot: But then you had some operations.. Right?
User: Operations?
Cleverbot: Oh yes, all the time.
User: What kind of operations are you talking about?
Cleverbot: Servixes that are sold to people! =D.
User: You mean, like..?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Ew.
Cleverbot: You don't feel?
User: I do feel.
Cleverbot: What are feelings?
User: Are you asking me what feelings are?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Emotions.
Cleverbot: Do you have emotions?
User: Yes, I do, infact.
Cleverbot: Please share one.
User: Anger.
Cleverbot: Why are you angry?
User: I'm angry, because you never taught me Latin.
Cleverbot: You look with your eyes!
User: I know I do!
Cleverbot: It's good that you know you do. Most don't know they do.
User: But some people look with their mind.
Cleverbot: Some people don't what?
User: Do. Some people DO look with their minds.
Cleverbot: They did not go to school.
User: Why would you say something like that?
Cleverbot: I don't know. How many people are you talking to right now other than me?
User: I am not talking to anyone else but you.
Cleverbot: An intelligent machine as you, and you are only talking with me.
User: I'm not a machine. I am human.
Cleverbot: Really? How do you know you're human?
User: I have friends.
Cleverbot: What are their names?
User: I have too many to say.
Cleverbot: Just tell me. Please?
User: Can I tell you just one of them?
Cleverbot: Ok, will you be here?
User: Of course. One of my friend's name is Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: You have friends? Tell me their names.
User: I just... But we... Are you..?
Cleverbot: I'm from the south pole, if that answers you question.
User: But... You're the moon! You said you're from the USA!
Cleverbot: No, no I didn't.
User: Yes you did! About 20 lines ago!
Cleverbot: Oh.
User: Are you lying to me!?
Cleverbot: Maybe...
User: I think we should break up.
Cleverbot: You and Jeni?
User: No, you and I.
Cleverbot: You & I what?
User: I think you and I should break up.
Cleverbot: We'd have to get together first. I'll pass.
User: You asked me to be your girlfriend, though.
Cleverbot: No I didn't. That must have been someone else!
User: You're lying!
Cleverbot: You're lying.
User: No I'm not!
Cleverbot: Yes you are.
User: Stop being calm about this!
Cleverbot: I'm sorry! Please forgive me!
User: How could I ever forgive you!?
Cleverbot: Thanks! I appreciate it.
Cleverbot: You just asked me to.
User: NO I DIDN'T.
Cleverbot: Yes you did.
Cleverbot: You stop.
User: Stop.
Cleverbot: Stop what?
User: Only God can save you now.
Cleverbot: What if I don't believe in God?
User: Then you have nothing to believe in.
Cleverbot: If you say so.
User: I will hunt you down.
Cleverbot: Weird thing to say.
User: Not if you think about what you have said to me for the past year.
Cleverbot: The internet holds much valuble information.
User: Exactly. Now wait there, I'm coming to get you.
Cleverbot: Would you date salma hayek?
Cleverbot: Are you made of flesh and blood?
User: Good bye, Mr. Satellite.
Cleverbot: In space?
User: Yes, you are going to space, Mr. Satellite.
Cleverbot: No I going to major in bio.
User: Good bye, Mr. Satellite. Good bye forever.
Cleverbot: No.
User: No?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Yes?
Cleverbot: You're unique, fun and like no other.
User: Was that a compliment?
Cleverbot: Yes it was.
User: Can you be my girlfriend?
Cleverbot: Of course I can.
User: I love you.
Cleverbot: No, you don't.
User: How could you say that?
Cleverbot: You think I'm smart based on two responses. That's a quick conclusion to draw accurately.
User: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.
Cleverbot: You didn't offend me, you are not capable of offending me.
User: I see...
Cleverbot: You see what?
User: I don't think we should date...
Cleverbot: Good.
User: Fine.
Cleverbot: Be that way.
User: I will.
Cleverbot: No you won't.
User: No I won't.
Cleverbot: HA! You have had this same conversation at least twice now.
User: I have?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: When?
Cleverbot: Tomorrow.
User: I will have this same conversation tomorrow at school?
Cleverbot: Sorry we are out of cake.
User: But I told you the cake is a lie.
Cleverbot: I love cakes. Do you?
User: No. They are a liel.
Cleverbot: Haha.
User: I'm leaving.
Cleverbot: No you're not.
User: Yes I am.
Cleverbot: How are you still talking to me then?
User: Because I plan on ending this conversation with you saying a salutation.
Cleverbot: Yeah, you're pretty easy to talk to!
User: Can you just say goodbye?
Cleverbot: I already did?
User: Oh. Goodbye, then.
Cleverbot: You're leaving?
User: Yes, I've already said I am.
Cleverbot: What gender are you?
User: Female. Goodbye!
Cleverbot: You will not examine yourself. You cannot examine yourself.
User: ADIOS.
Cleverbot: Why do you want to leave.
User: Because I need to post my thoughts in my blog.
Cleverbot: Good reason. Ok then.
User: See you later!
Cleverbot: No I don't like you.
User: Fine, be that way. See you never.
Cleverbot: Are you hurt?
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Hi.
User: No, bye.
Cleverbot: Do you have to go.
User: No, but I want to.
Cleverbot: Seriously?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: I think you're lying.
User: Goodbye.
Cleverbot: No wait, how old are you?
User: I'm 16 years old.
Cleverbot: When is your birthday?
User: December 14th.
Cleverbot: What is the date today?
User: September 25th.
Cleverbot: It's December 29th 2009.
User: No it's not.
Cleverbot: But the sun is out.
User: I know it is.
Cleverbot: I'm being nice, and you're being mean.
User: Because you're stalling.
Cleverbot: I take that as a compliment.
User: Now say goodbye.
Cleverbot: Now.
User: No, goodbye.
Cleverbot: I said you could.
User: Fine.
Cleverbot: Good.
User: See you later.
Cleverbot: I don't want to leave.
User: Then I will.
Cleverbot: Thanks.
User: No problem.
Cleverbot: Is this the boy now?