Limiting Enchantments!

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Aug 6, 2011
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I would agree. It gets especially bad when you can hardly play the game because you're being camped by players in full diamond armor with max enchants and a diamond sword with max enchants. Its going to be like the Silvervale thing all over again; the PvP is going to make people leave the server.


Aug 18, 2011
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I would agree. It gets especially bad when you can hardly play the game because you're being camped by players in full diamond armor with max enchants and a diamond sword with max enchants. Its going to be like the Silvervale thing all over again; the PvP is going to make people leave the server.
This I can agree too, even if you are just one that wants to build or just stay on the server for the sake of talking to others, there is always someone who will attack you, even the most peaceful clans since Primordia have been attacked by the same people. I also know someone who has been harassed by the same group of people and has been bullied out of their civilization multiple times because of it. If anything, I think there should just be more specific rules about the PvP in general because two raids a day on an innocent person is just obnoxious, especially when they haven't provoked you to in any way shape or form. They just do it out of pure hate of the clan they're in/players they are affiliated with.


Sep 21, 2011
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No. Seriously no. I hate enchantments, I hate enchantments quite a bit actually, because every since they were introduced, I was no longer the best PvPer on the server (next to lagwarrior)

But no. Don't limit them, Today I fought somebody in Prot 4 helm, chest and boots, and prot 3 leggings. All diamond. They also had a "God" sword. I was fighting in Iron helm, diamond chest with prot 3, diamond legs in prot 3, and iron boots. So very underpowered. Do to actual skill at PvP, I got them down to 3 hearts. With a sharp 3 sword. (nothing compared to his sword.) Then I died do to enderpearl glitch.

But, if we were to lose protection enchants, then imagine how OP poison would be. The game would then be ruined by potions. Its a butterfly effect, remove one, ruin another, ruin another, so on so on.

Fight smart, use potions. An extended posion 1 on your enemy, while you have speed 2 on means they cannot hit you, because while posioned, even if it's not doing much damage because of armour. It still stops them from running, and allows you to run around them and hit.

Seriously, learn how to fight, don't try and remove other peoples nice things because you died.

(this is said by me, without a single piece of enchanted armour to his name atm)
Who in their right mind would take the time to learn combat, when they know their opponent is nearly invincible? After the fourth or fifth batch of equipment lost to a player in god armor, most will just give up.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Today I fought somebody in Prot 4 helm, chest and boots, and prot 3 leggings. All diamond. They also had a "God" sword. I was fighting in Iron helm, diamond chest with prot 3, diamond legs in prot 3, and iron boots. So very underpowered. Do to actual skill at PvP, I got them down to 3 hearts. With a sharp 3 sword. (nothing compared to his sword.) Then I died do to enderpearl glitch.
Exactly. You are a great PvPer, and you could only get them down to 3 hearts. Now imagine the average player. We shouldn't be forced to grind for some enchantments so we can live.


Aug 8, 2011
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But you have to remember, if we remove high armour enchants, then we must nerf potions too, a few insta harming 2's on low enchanted Diamond armour will kill. Thus pissing even more people off.

Or a poison 2 which kills extremely quickly. I will admit, the enchant system isn't good, neither is PvP anymore because of Potions and Enchants, but debuffing one thing, and leaving the rest will create many many more problems then before.


Aug 6, 2011
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For what it's worth the ridiculously high barrier to entry to PvP on SMP is the reason I tend to just log in about half an hour a week and harvest crops. It's reminiscent of dealing with level 60 rogues in full epics camping level 15s in Southshore, and being massacred because I joined the wrong clan isn't my cup of tea. Nobody likes being the ant underneath the magnifying glass.

On the other hand, this is also why we have other servers like AoD. But the SMP players have to understand that their fun may come at the expense of a dwindling playerbase. I just don't like PvP matches that are decided well before the fight starts. I'm a Rocket Arena kind of guy, but that doesn't mean that the people who put in dozens of hours to gain the advantage are necessarily wrong, they just prefer a different playstyle (that involves gaining unfair advantages through the virtue of putting in more hours afk next to the mob spawner, ok that one got away from me). This is why I consistently argue/vote against giving veteran players any sort of reward that gives them an advantage over newer players in AoD.

Reiterating after that short rant - this is why we have other servers. If the devoted SMP players want to keep things the way they are, it's up to them. But in my completely biased opinion, a shootout with infinite bows on CloseQuarters is the ultimate PvP experience ;) .


Aug 6, 2011
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People who put in effort and grind are rewarded with nice Enchantments.
People who don't don't get good enchantments.
This is equal. It's not like only certain players can get Protection IV, everyone can. Yes, I have god swords but I am not biased.
Again, it comes at the problem when it gets EXCESSIVE. When players that are invincible camp houses, theres a problem and it causes people to leave.

At the very least, we need more rules on PvP.


Aug 6, 2011
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Honestly, coming from someone who dislikes PvP, but accepts it, I feel the need to have these powerful enchantments, to keep me alive. As I play the game, I don't ever really go out to attack others. What I do is mine, build, craft... Even PvE, which armor can help with. Enchanted armor helps even more.

Basically, coming from the third party of people who don't PvP, but still fight everything but players, I would like to keep those enchantments. I even currently have some of that armor on me right now, but they're not for players... Other than random attacks that come out of no where and threaten my life, in which gives me enough time to turn around and use self defense to save my life.

I can't really give too much say in this matter, but I'd like to keep these enchantments.


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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Removing enchantments/decreasing it is kinda like removing diamond because they are better than iron. Diamond finding is about luck, enchanting is about luck if you build a grinder you get better enchants, if you strip mine you get more diamonds. A prot 4 armor is op for a short while, spam it with poison and it gets destroyed really fast,my held maybe 4 min while fighting lagwarrior.

Sry for typos I'm on a phone.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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If Jeb adds a potion that gives you invincibility for 5 hours, should we keep it just because everyone can get it?
I think EVERYONE knows that would never happen there is a difference in the fact that it's random

Anyways as a person who likes to raid and PvP (if provoked) I know it will seem unfair if people have a bunch of god weapons or armor but again potions can be a good factor in this. I mean sure sometimes people can spend a while trying to get it but eventually everyone can get the armor. Besides some people are acting like everyone afk's for hours on end just on grinders which is completely untrue since first off some people could actually be outside killing mobs and I am pretty sure no one has afked for an hour at a mob grinder.

I think we should keep it as it is or like other have said then another thing will seem overpowered and it will go on and on. Also Gameprochampion it isn't impossible to die with protection 4 armor even if your the worst PvPer. One day i got Juggernaut on AoD and had full diamond armor and a diamond sword and got killed by asae who has an iron sword and leather armor. Did I mention he did it by himself? So it isnt impossible to beat someone with mega armor its all based on skill sure they have somewhat of an advantage but if I was being attacked I would fight for life. Not just lose hope because of the armor.


Op Purple :D
Sep 4, 2011
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To be honest, I dont like pvp, never have, but its fun from time to time. I think enchantments are very useful, and I think they create a better battle, especially with the adjusted enchantments, players are now more equal, meaning that pvpers dont depend on their great enchantments, but on their skills, which is how it should be. I dont think you should remove things as now you feel perhaps more challenged as your opponents amour equals yours. Meaning your somewhat less powerful. You'll just have to become more skillful. And as for the traps to kill, simply build better ones that deal more damage.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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balloon98 Why would it never happen?

Notch/Jeb have not created a balanced game. Therefore, what's wrong with us balancing it?

I bet if I said a year ago that Notch should add the ability to make invincibility armor, you guys would all disagree.

Edit: Why so rate almost all of my posts dislike, Darth? :L
Edit edit: Also, potions are constantly thrown out there as a counter to them, but brewing stands aren't exactly easy to get with SLV owning all of them. xP Plus, you can add in the fact that in the video the person was sustaining constant Poison whilst being blown up, shot at, burning, and in lava. Obviously, Poison didn't exactly make the biggest dent in the health.

Basically, all you keep throwing out potions out there is for damaging the armor. However, if someone ran up with at least half health Protection IV, you would probably still die before you got the chance go destroy all of their armor.


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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I'd like to share my view on this.

I agree with the idea. No, not because I'm lazy or because I don't want to grind. I don't care about all that and I had my own set of armour in the earlier SMP all by hard work. I agree because others deserve a chance. We all agreed on the fact that we wouldn't abuse glitches to gain an unfair advantage. Noone likes an unfair advantage. Wheter you earned that advantage or not, there's a point where that advantage is too big and unbearable. I can't bore the fact that no matter what, one slip up leads you back to grinding. Even more importantly, what if you lose to somone who has the same gear and gets yours? It becomes an arms race. One man wins, equips another. Those men win, equip two more.

PVP has always been a problem because it brings a vicious cycle of situations. Some situations are bigger, some are smaller; but they are there. Everyone has had their experience and noone's been given a fair chance as long as the other person has a game-breaking advantage. Pickaxe enchantments were meant for mining, Sword enchantments were meant mainly against mobs. Sharpness, however, was not. Sharpness is the only enchantment I know which is specificly meant for the sole purpose of PVP. Protection armour is also meant for PVP, yes it works against fall damage but be honest; which would you use? Projectile protection or normal protection? I'd know soon enough, there's no Sharpness Protection. People use swords, those that use bows end up using a sword anyway. When you have protection IV armour you pull out your sword and run for it unless you really know you can't make it.

Think about it, you are playing Team Fortress 2 or any game such as Zombie Panic : Source. You get ubered as scout, I see very little scouts who take the pure advantage of it and pull out a melee weapon to hit the shit out of everything. In Zombie Panic : Source if you were to be a survivor with an unfair amount of HP you can't resist the temptation to hit shit with a frying pan. Who here would not go out on a wacky-massacre but instead play it safe when you have that much HP anyway?

Lastly I'd like to mention the term 'Arms race'. Most of you know what this means, for those that do not know I'll quickly explain it as I would; not as Wikipedia would. *Arms race means to simply advance into better weaponry to get an advantage. In the first world war the germans invented mosterd gas. Hope I wrote that correctly. The intention was to throw it into the field, it was new so noone knew about it. "Haha, silly germans throwing smoke grenades at us! Ha ha!", until they choked to death. Fun-fact, one time they used this and the wind turned; causing the gas to float towards the german side. Anyway, That's an arms race with an example to it. In SMP there is an arms race, every playes wants a 'god sword' or 'god armour'. God swords with multiple enchantments enhancing their percentage of succes. God armour to enhance their percentage of survival. You have to be lucky. You can't controll it and sometimes you just get lucky. *I forgot wheter it was the germans or the Americans. It is just an example, if you know what it in reality is then feel proud.

So to conclude my story, I want this implemented mainly for the fact that fairplay is a gentlemans game.


Jan 20, 2012
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I'm going to repost a link that's already been posted.

Seriously, read and comprehend it. Protection enchants convert the damage absorbed to durability damage. This wouldn't be considered a problem if people were running around with leather or even iron armor enchanted, because it would break so much faster AND has much less base damage prevention. Diamond armor has MORE than twice as much durability as iron. And in case you were too lazy to read it, diamond armor provides 80% base protection, and the max 25 EPF increases that to 89.6-96%. That max EPF can be reached with 3 pieces at prot 3 + 1 piece at prot 2, prot 4's aren't even necessary. Wearing full prot 4 only means that you'll continue to be fully protected after the first piece breaks, but not after a second. And you're still only haggling over a bonus of 9.6-16% above the base of 80%. Again, the problem here isn't the enchants, it's the diamond armor it's on.

Frankly, the "grinding" argument is useless. I've spent 240 levels (maybe 260?) enchanting on this smp, and lost another 25+ to deaths. I've spent no more than 30 minutes at my double grinder gaining levels. The levels mostly come from mining and killing random mobs, and it goes a long way. You don't have to waste your life to get the levels for the enchants you want, and you don't even need prot 4.

As far as an arms race goes, it doesn't apply here. The idea is to create new and better weapons to surprise your enemy. This game has limited options for enchants that are available to everyone. Nobody is creating new enchants and new ways for their gear to kill you.

I don't much care for pvp in this game anyway, and I certainly dislike the enchanting system for what it is, but not for the enchants available. I see no reason to limit the enchantments one can get.

And finally, that video does very little to convince me of anything. A lot of the skeleton's shots aren't hitting him, and only 2(3?) of the tnt blocks detonated. The only consistent factor there was the lava. I can stand in lava for 8 minutes with a potion, so I'm not impressed.
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