Is it Time for a New SMP Server?

Is it time for a new SMP Server?

  • Yes, I want a server with PvP and a structure like one of the previous servers (SMP?, Primordia).

    Votes: 36 43.9%
  • Yes, I want a server with PvE like JtE, but with a different structure.

    Votes: 11 13.4%
  • Yes, I want a server with PvP, but a totally new structure.

    Votes: 11 13.4%
  • No, I love JtE!

    Votes: 24 29.3%

  • Total voters


Jan 12, 2012
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JtE can't last forever. But when is it time for it to go?
I have been thinking about this for some time now. I really haven't talked about it that much because I don't want to sound like an old crab, but JtE's time is coming. Face the facts! I've decided to talk about this due to the recent news of an old server possibly coming back and the news of a very nice update to minecraft itself. After reading through Chillingworth's thread about old servers, I realize that many of you are not satisfied with the current SMP, JtE. Many of you desire a structure similar to Primordia. This news caused me to further question some people and analyze JtE itself. I won't say any names right now until the people I questioned want to be associated with this, but here are some points that we discussed:​
1. Player Count - Obviously the player count is down from the opening of JtE. That is perfectly normal for any server, but from what I have observed, the player count is reaching all time lows. I've been on a lot more this past week due to school being out and I've noticed very low player counts not only on the weekdays, but also on the weekends. The player counts remind me of the last days of the previous SMP, when I was one of the very few who still played.​
2. PvE - I've always taken into account who is on the server. I hardly ever see people on that I would normally see on the old SMPs. One of the people who I actually interviewed was a very active player on the previous SMPs and she was also active for the first few weeks of JtE. I recently went looking for her since I noticed that she was hardly ever on JtE. I found out she was very active in AoD/PTNT/RoF. She said that JtE just lost its touch and it wasn't as fun as Primordia and one of the previous SMPs. I found this very upsetting that she no longer found joy in Blocktopia's SMP.​
So I talked to her a bit more about the PvE VS PvP issue. She said that many players didn't like PvP because they would always get killed. I feel that the players that said that didn't give PvP a try. It is the truth that when I first started PvP, I would get killed due to other players or nature. But I didn't give up. I slowly learned the ropes and ways to deal with PvP. Many people think PvP means they are in combat 24/7. This is simply Not True. I would like to make a metaphor. Have you taken Biology at your school? Do you at least know what evolution/natural selection is? In Minecraft SMPs, PvP is the natural selection. It keeps people from creating too many clans, too grand of a city, too much of this and too much of that. If you took Biology, you also learned that when a population gets too large it collapses. Snowfall was growing exponentially, then it collapsed and many people in its clan didn't come back to JtE. (Not the best metaphor but you get the idea.) In the previous SMP, I made some decent towns. They weren't grand but they were nice. It was much more of an accomplishment then, than it would be in a PvE server. I was proud that I gathered all the those materials and built the buildings with the danger of an attack. I never actually liked to participate in PvP, but it gave me a challenge that was fun.​
Another thing in JtE that ruins the fun is the Nether Network. It is very convenient and it makes travel easier, but let's face it. It's much more of a challenge to transport everything in the overworld and it's more fun too. If we had PvP, another NN would not be made I think. If one was made, it would be a hotspot for combat and many would not travel it. PvP would make travelling fun again!​
3. Pre-Made Towns, Trades, Emeralds - At first I thought all of these trades and pre-made towns and emerald being a major currency would be awesome, but it's not. The trades were somewhat useful in the beginning, but now they're just blah. I think they were actually too useful I think. They discouraged players from getting things on their own and they took the fun away. I don't think the trades are that good anymore now that we all have loads of supplies. This also made emeralds not rare, which isn't that big of a deal but still meh.​
4. Quests - I can't say too much on this topic since I really didn't do any quests, but they are gone now anyways. Many people complained of the glitches, and I just found them unattractive. There were a lot of quests that I just felt looked stupid.​
5. Minecraft is being Updated - As we know with the previous SMP, updates can make our SMP server outdated. Another reason for updating the last SMP was the fact that it lacked natural cocoa and emerald ore. Right now JtE lacks natural quartz and it will lack naturally spawned horses, mules, and donkeys soon enough. This also brings up the issue of resources. As we all know, resources like glowstone cannot be found in the nether in great quantities anymore.​
6. Application Process for Towns - When I first started Elysium, I thought this would be great, but it's not. I've created many successful towns in the previous SMP, but this time I had trouble doing it. The main reason: I had no way of creating a TAG with a clan chat that would bond the new members to my clan. Let me explain. If you were a new player to Elysium, and two people called out your name in the chat. They each asked you if you wanted to join their clan. One person had a very fancy TAG and had chest protection and a clan chat. The other person didn't have a TAG or any fancy chat, but they had a very nice up and coming town that you couldn't see from the spawn. Who would you choose? I would choose the person with the fancy book cover, the TAG. See what I mean? This gave the smaller clan a disadvantage right off the bat. I also just really enjoyed the clan chat in the previous SMP. It was very convenient and we created a nice town even without the incentive of something like the clan chat or chest protection.​
I understand that there are other opinions out there so please post away if you disagree! I encourage those who Agree to also post. Everyone's opinion is critical!​


Jan 19, 2013
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I agree/disagree with this. I agree since JtE is low, and the SMP aspects could be improved a bit. I disagree since that, i love JtE. It'd be a shame to see it go, since there are some wonderful towns. Maybe a crossover of Primordia/JtE (possible name, Elysidoria?) Also, some people cant use f3 (like me), since f3 has a use on those types of computers, so the nether network is useful.


Feb 29, 2012
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I liked the rush of SMP where everyone in your clan trusted each other and watched out for the people in the clan. There was a lot more builds in a group, we all thought of ways to improve our base to prevent raids. We had to be creative with tasks like a tunnel system. We could create our own clans and clans didn't become oversized. There is ways to avoid PvP you had to figure out ways to give your clan the advantage. I feel that a lot of the JtE player base would stay if they tried PvP out and stuck with it for a week. I know a number of players who left because of the change to PvE and got bored with it. Thank You, [RFA] Storm for posting this! I agree with this whole thing. xD


Aug 5, 2012
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Plus as I said to some of the staff members, it's ALL PvE. There's hardly any PvP involved [Full Map]. Also, its the summer, people are out of school, open a new server! (Preferably with PvP :p) People can get a LOT of progress during summer. Then PvP, here we come! during the school year.

Since we're already approaching the new idea of a new server and many people want PvP (Full Map). Then just allow Full Map PvP on JtE, since we've had a LOT of time already to play and gather resources.


Oct 8, 2011
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Well, I actually liked JTE/Primordia in the RP sense. Buuut, It got boring for me. If I were to play SMP again, it'd have to be engaging and really wanting me to come back for more. The world would have to be bigger too. And maybe make some starter kits, because who likes screwing up and ending up half-dead in a 1x2 hole in the middle of the night with no food and tons of mobs around you.... (that actually happened to me)? I think it should be a mix of Primordia, JTE, and normal SMP. I think there should be pvp off in cities/clans/whatever you call em. Just ideas :D


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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I agree/disagree with this. I agree since JtE is low, and the SMP aspects could be improved a bit. I disagree since that, i love JtE. It'd be a shame to see it go, since there are some wonderful towns. Maybe a crossover of Primordia/JtE (possible name, Elysidoria?) Also, some people cant use f3 (like me), since f3 has a use on those types of computers, so the nether network is useful.
You can always download a minimap that is showing coords, or simply doing /getpos If you need your coords


Oct 21, 2011
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Heres a perspective from a huge PVPer.
JtE? It was fun to camp the pvp wall and crush anyone who walked a step in, yeah. I got yelled at for that. Got boring, i left. Easy as that. If you are a good PVPer you know what im talking about.
Primordia had that pvp aspect but a different form of attacking, with spells. I didnt at all like how all the crafters that were full tier level 20 or whatever it was could switch to anything, and the entire server was crowded with warlords. I stopped after that, no one could duel. The webshop was the best minecraft thing ive seen, hands down. If it were up to me, same classes, same approach, different clans, same webshop, same map/ship/war scene. Just dont let people switch to full tier warlords because they got far in the easiest class ever.

I picked the box 'PVP with a different structure' because im tired and i misclicked. No way to redo it, so the poll might be a little off. Oh well. Now you know my opinion.
Thanks for pointing it out. Dont circlejerk me if you disagree, just simply state why. This is my opinion.


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
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NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jte has been successful thus far, it can't be a failed server yet......

I completely disagree the player count may have dropped a bit before but it's since started coming back up, i see players online all the time
Jte has been one of the most successful and i think it will come back around if we give it time


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
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Really, I think this happens with every SMP server at some point. People can get bored, or fed up with certain things. If you look back, people will say similar things on past servers. I'm not disagreeing with your post - it is logical and constructive, refreshing compared to other threads like this - but I believe that this just happens. Its part of the Survival Server Life-cycle (totally just coined that).

But overall, I disagree. I think that Elysium should definitely continue, there's still room for improvement, and exciting stuff. It will eventually end, of coarse, but it just seems like this is a bit unnecessary. I'm sure the upper-staff have plans and fun ideas, and this thread seems to only outline things that people have disliked about the server. Which can be good and constructive, for a new server will come about eventually and input and feedback is needed, but you gotta as well look at the positives. Look at the new active players that play Elysium, they've been introduced to this wonderful community, and this has been a very stable server, and look at all the fun people have had. Has it been perfect? Nothing is really, all the other SMP's have had players leave, and there times come to an end. I think we should all just relax, and take a breath. The upper staff, like said before, will I'm sure bring this journey to a satisfying end. And if you don't like the server, one will come about eventually. This thread should be retitled, to something like: ''Feedback for future servers'' or something like ''The Elysium player-base thoughts'', were people can openly discuss there reaction to the server, and how it could be improved. That'd be better.

-may have gone a bit off topic, but eh, thanks for reading!


Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Oh! You really did make a forum about this.

But, I agree fully with what you say. JtE is losing it's touch. I only got hooked on for a week or so before I lost interest. Why? There's actually not much you can do, In my opinion. I don't think quests are fun. Yeah, I know the server is an RPG server. But it's not fun. A lot of resources can be hard to find now.
As we all know, resources like glowstone cannot be found in the nether in great quantities anymore.
It's true. Even know they opened up more areas of the map, how long is that going to last until it's gone again? Full map reset (in my opinion) would be nice, but they're will always be that one person to disagree because they built something really nice (as in a town/city/house) and they don't want to lose it.

Dungeons is somewhat alright, but out of curiously, on average, how many times does someone use them a day?
I don't. And with some, you need big groups to actually finish them or to get in. But with player-count, it's so low that it's not even worth it.

What I wish could happen are:
  • Re-Build the structor of JtE
- As crazy as this sounds, I think JtE could use a little more work. Add more features! Something that users could brag about, or make it more enjoyably.

  • Look back at old SMP's
- Why not just go back to old SMP servers, and just look at the features that they use to have and look hard at what users use to enjoy a lot. I enjoyed how PvP was enabled at night. That was fun.

  • Ask us what we want?
- Look at it like this: Xbox One had a feature where you couldn't use used video games, the community submitted feedback to Microsoft and they listened, and they now allow used games. How about, the Admins ask what we want. We give them ideas. They take it into consideration and they try it out. They ask us what we want to see, not just what they think would be good.
(edit) Like when RoF was being made. I remember Ogaric coming on to classic lava, asking what we would want for Lava Survival (at the time we thought it was for classic lava) and we gave him ideas and some where implanted. Maybe JtE could do the same?

Again, this is a rough sketch of what I'm thinking of. Ideas?


Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
This thread should be retitled, to something like: ''Feedback for future servers'' or something like ''The Elysium player-base thoughts'', were people can openly discuss there reaction to the server, and how it could be improved. That'd be better.
The problem with Elysium isn't the roof, it's the foundation. There are far too many things that need changed. It wouldn't be worth all the work to change all that stuff, because by the end it wouldn't even be Elysium anymore. We need to build the foundation of a new server.

Honestly, I'm tired of a new SMP every half year.
MBH, you say you are tired of new SMPs every half year. Why? What's the use of keeping JtE if the majority don't want to play on it anymore?

I was just talking to myusername in game and he was saying that superstein is a good director and he can pull it through. The problem isn't the staffing. The staff are great! The problem is the server. I would be fine with all the current staff on the next SMP. I feel like the server is beyond repair.

I agree- I don't like PVP but I really do think JTE has lost its touch and is rather boring.
I wouldn't mind having a smp with pvp if it means a new smp. x3
I'm glad you're willing to try out PvP! :)


Jul 3, 2012
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Smp with full out pvp would be great, ive seen these factions server where there like clans and you fight other clans trade, betray steal and that sort of thing, maybe we should get the faction plugin?
God, no. I'm sure many users would agree with me. What about the users with bad computers that lag 24/7, or the ones that just can't PvP? And I'm pretty sure Factions is also greifing.


Honestly, I'm tired of a new SMP every half year.

What happens in 6 months then, we get yet another SMP server? We should have a server that can run for a long time but has stability between a fair playerbase and a fun environment. Meaning, if this is not happening for JtE, it has to be worked with. i.e major updates.
But surviving is so much fun! So what if we have to get a new smp? c:
After awhile new landscapes give you more of a fresh start to build something fun. :D


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
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Well, a bit of my point seems to have been missed. Creating a new server takes time. It takes man power, inspiration, and the know how to get it running. People seem to be wanting a new server. Some people seem to want to keep this server. Does it really matter at this point in time? A new server will come about, but in time...its not as if this will happen immediately. Just as Elysium was created, the server will be worked on, whilst the current server continues. There will be more time, maybe a good deal of time, for Elysium, and then a server will come about.

I'll say it again, this thread is more for feedback and the opinion of the current server. I'm sure the staff are taking it very seriously, for this is the player-base, but some of whats been said seems rushed and unnecessary. Rushing leads to sloppiness, and nobody wants a sloppy server. Server's take time. I respect and understand some of these opinions, but remember that you can't just pull a trigger on a server. Time.


Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
I'll say it again, this thread is more for feedback and the opinion of the current server. I'm sure the staff are taking it very seriously, for this is the player-base, but some of whats been said seems rushed and unnecessary. Rushing leads to sloppiness, and nobody wants a sloppy server. Server's take time. I respect and understand some of these opinions, but remember that you can't just pull a trigger on a server. Time.
Yes, I absolutely agree with this John. I did not expect an SMP server to pop up next week. By me making this thread and with the support of those people voting yes, I want the higher ups and community to know that we want a new server to be made and we want their time focused on that rather than continuing to try and improve JtE while it is on death row without possible repair.

Update: Right now 75% of the people that voted want a new server to be made, and out of the people that voted yes, 87.5% want the new server to be PvP.


NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jte has been successful thus far, it can't be a failed server yet......

I completely disagree the player count may have dropped a bit before but it's since started coming back up, i see players online all the time
Jte has been one of the most successful and i think it will come back around if we give it time
JtE has like... 4 players online most of the time :s when bb has around 7-11 aod has 9-20 and rof has 12-20. :L
(this is when I randomly go /glist <estimate>)


Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
Well, a bit of my point seems to have been missed. Creating a new server takes time. It takes man power, inspiration, and the know how to get it running. People seem to be wanting a new server. Some people seem to want to keep this server. Does it really matter at this point in time? A new server will come about, but in time...its not as if this will happen immediately. Just as Elysium was created, the server will be worked on, whilst the current server continues. There will be more time, maybe a good deal of time, for Elysium, and then a server will come about.

I'll say it again, this thread is more for feedback and the opinion of the current server. I'm sure the staff are taking it very seriously, for this is the player-base, but some of whats been said seems rushed and unnecessary. Rushing leads to sloppiness, and nobody wants a sloppy server. Server's take time. I respect and understand some of these opinions, but remember that you can't just pull a trigger on a server. Time.
Of course it will take time, people who support the change are most likely waiting for the announcement like the last 1-2 weeks of SMP 4 that a new server is being worked on. JtE has been running for 6 1/2 months now and people want to change the map up. Even people who were against PvP a few months ago are willing to try it out and some people from past SMP's are coming back. I understand that people worked hard on their buildings and accomplishments, but a refresh is a chance to improve yourself.


Oct 21, 2011
Reaction score
I'll say it again, this thread is more for feedback and the opinion of the current server. I'm sure the staff are taking it very seriously, for this is the player-base, but some of whats been said seems rushed and unnecessary. Rushing leads to sloppiness, and nobody wants a sloppy server. Server's take time. I respect and understand some of these opinions, but remember that you can't just pull a trigger on a server. Time.
Yes, I absolutely agree with this John. I did not expect an SMP server to pop up next week. By me making this thread and with the support of those people voting yes, I want the higher ups and community to know that we want a new server to be made and we want their time focused on that rather than continuing to try and improve JtE while it is on death row.
I Absolutely love the way you put that a few posts up- Its not about the roof, its about the foundation.
Ive seen plenty of servers (whether it be minecraft or something else) that start up, fail, and are scrapped.
The beginning of things is extremely important. Ever heard the phrase, 'Make a good first impression?' If a server was lame at the start what would make me want to come back? A new one. JtE was nice at the start. excuse me while i go off topic pro here but theres a different game that was amazing at the start then failed and 6 months later after it failing im playing it again Jolteon42 . But as it went on, it got increasingly boring fighting the same mobs, building the same things. That server seemed more like a flame war, ooh that town made this and said this about us we should attack them but we cant pvp so we use words and start dramabombs all over the place and drag paceboys into it because its fun- no thanks. That server went downhill. Personally after being in that experience, and the one with the other game i mentioned briefly, i gave up all hope on that server, but i said 'ill give it a shot in 6 months C:'.

Bottom line, repeating what i said. Server started well, 'roof' collapsed. Built the tower too high. Simple is alright. Standard is bad. Primordia wasnt standard one bit, and wasnt the simplest thing in the world. But if you cared enough and got into it, it was easily the coolest minecraft server ive played on.
TL;DR: Minecraft server re-production should be like primordia and have a strong start but not be murdered by rules and standards.


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
JtE has like... 4 players online most of the time :s when bb has around 7-11 aod has 9-20 and rof has 12-20. :L
(this is when I randomly go /glist <estimate>)
Timezones: I'd say ROF usually has more than 20 online ( I guess I've been playing a more active to me one now. For a while I thought TNT wars was completely dead because of this XD from what I see though it's still above TNT wars, should we scrap that too while were at it?


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
I'll say it again, this thread is more for feedback and the opinion of the current server. I'm sure the staff are taking it very seriously, for this is the player-base, but some of whats been said seems rushed and unnecessary. Rushing leads to sloppiness, and nobody wants a sloppy server. Server's take time. I respect and understand some of these opinions, but remember that you can't just pull a trigger on a server. Time.
Yes, I absolutely agree with this John. I did not expect an SMP server to pop up next week. By me making this thread and with the support of those people voting yes, I want the higher ups and community to know that we want a new server to be made and we want their time focused on that rather than continuing to try and improve JtE while it is on death row without possible repair.
Now we are getting somewhere. This is much more constructive than what I've seen. This thread is most definitely getting attention, you can tell by all those usernames below this page. People should voice their thoughts, constructive criticism is good. That is why I think this will be a productive thread. I just had to try and clear that up, and to make sure people understood that as well. However, the one thing I must say is that staff I'm sure will be able to work on a future server, whilst still continuing on with Elysium. I'm sure they'll focus on the new server, but that doesn't mean they should neglect Elysium, a server people put a lot of time and love into. Overall though, I'm glad to see this.

I voiced my opinion. I'll stop typing now (I do type alot don't I?), and thank you for your responses and understanding. Can't wait to see some articulate responses to this.

Da Jinks

Political Nerd
Dec 13, 2011
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Right, gonna make this post both putting down reasons I think JtE should keep on forever, and reasons I think a new server would actually be nice.

Why should JtE stay? We have a (relatively) new Director, with fresh ideas and ways to change the server for the better. With the loss of quests, we can now look into improving dungeons to the max, and look into many changes to keep the server strong. We currently have a very strong server with room for improvement, basically, and why should we start from scratch when we have a strong base? As well, just because other SMPs before have shut down after 4-6 months, doesn't mean JtE has to keep the trend rolling :p

On the other hand, we are at the perfect point to reboot if wanted, with summer coming and a new update possibly coming soon that will change Minecraft dramatically. We can also take what worked in this server and improve on what failed with a new server, and introduce a brand new experience for new players to Blocktopia.

Overall, JtE is my favorite server I've ever joined in Minecraft, and I'm biased to say it should go on forever. I definitely love the discussion since, even if this doesn't lead to a shutdown and restart, it leads to players stating there opinions for what should be changed :)