Probably within a few weeks of me actually making my account. I went to a Freebuild server first, built some stuff, then got bored. I saw a Lava Survival server and became interested, although the staff were utterly useless. I think I played some CTF on another community, then shortly after that found Blocktopia's Lava Survival (I'm pretty new compared to most of the people here ) I foud it interesting, checked out Tnt but didn't like it, but was interested in Zombie. It always seemed to be full, so getting in was hard, but when I did I loved it. I found the forums probably about a month later.
I was looking for a server with more than five people on it, and came across the zombie server. I loved how it was always busy, and then found build. From there I played a bit of tnt, until I was forced onto smp by a few people.
Got bored of building, looked for something random, saw something called lava survival played it, shit server, looked for a better one, found blocktopia lava survival, found zombie, found tnt, joined forums, found smp, found cmp, now
well i found minecraft went to the website and say that i could play for free, i browsed the servers and found one the caught my eye :O it was lava survival! the only thing was i could never get on because it was too busy D: one day i got on and loved the game mode so much and went to the website. And thats how it happend :)
Well my friend told me about the servers Blocktopia had so i checked it out and began at TNT found that boring then went to Zombie stuck around in Zombie before i got bored with it then went to Lava and found that place fun and cool (no pun intended to the Water God ) and i met every staff member on Lava and just stayed there
I had heard of the Zombie server from a friend of mine by the name of Ghoul47. He had been on the server about 2 years ago and enjoyed it. He was playing on a random Freebuild map as I logged in to start building stuff.
We soon got to know each other and then went onto my temp Freebuild server.
After that, he told me about Zombie Survival. I thought it was interesting, so I went to check it out. It was known as TheOne's Zombie Survival at the time.
I enjoyed my time there, and was a Jump Quest expert. :D
A couple months later, school started, life went on. I didn't play on the server for at least 3 months.
I come back after those few months or so and enjoy my time there once more. Jowe, who I had seen on my first visit, along with some other Operators, had encouraged me to try the forums, which was still known as TheOne's. I joined the forums and have been here ever since.
Then I soon became Zombie Op, but that's another story. ;3
On my old server, the owner blocked us from placing the TNT block and restricted all commands that would potentially destroy a block. We had an argument, I left, and saw a server with TNT in the name. I went in and had a blast.
I went on the MineCraft Community page and clicked on the link to TheOne's Community Central, then when it changed I messaged Nibbsy over youtube WTF HAPPENED TO THEONE'S?!?!? Oh and Merry Christmas. :D
I blame youtube for this nightmare. I watched a video of 'TheOne's lava survival', and got interested in minecraft. Lo and behold, I found that very server, along with several others. I preferred TO's, and now I'm here.
I was looking around on the classic server list, and after having played a few lava survivals, found out they were hella fun. I found TheOnes, and I thought the community was awesome, then here I am.
I searched "Zombie" for fun, as I had been bored one day and was looking for random servers. First, I joined a random one with like 5 people in it. I had no fun. Then, I went to Blocktopia's, and I was instantly hooked. Now look where I am :3
Played a few classic servers,eventually gave up on them,then Mac27 told me to come on SMP :D Haven't played any other Blocktopia servers but I plan on it :D