The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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I'm sticking to my vote on myusername22 because I think he's the shiftiest out of all of the unknowns.

He's kept somewhat quiet the whole game, but when he does post he's added on to the thoughts of other people. His defense states that it's due to a low amount of time, but there has to be some opening for him to give a post containing all of what he feels.


Ayy lmao
Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
Hey hey hey, I wasn't allowed on my computer yesterday and I made post while walking around a shopping centre. When I did make the post I saw that Oak was looking at the thread so make of that what you will.

If I had to pick someone, I would pick sSploorky because from my understanding he is a 3rd party role that wins at the end or something but I can't believe that, since he could easily be lying and since we don't have any serious leads, this is a good option imo

Vote Sploorky


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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VOTECOUNT - The one where the voting situation has not improved

Alpha102 - 1 - JKangaroo (Lynch in 10)
xXxFruitNinjaxXx - 1 - storm886 (Lynch in 10)
myusername22 - 1 - Alpha102 (Lynch in 10)
77_is_the_best - 1 - Ltin (Lynch in 10)
Ltin - 1 - timdood3 (Lynch in 10)
Old_Man_Oak_63 - 1 - xxxFruitNinjaxXx (Lynch in 10)
Sploorky - 1 - 77_is_the_best (Lynch in 10)

Not voting:
@Fiestaguy, @Mmarz11, @Jivvi, @Duffie, @std1997, @Sploorky, @Old_Man_Oak_63, @Prizyms, @Ooglie101, @digitalmez, @myusername22, @Nottykitten, @Hunter27a1

With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch and 10 to no-lynch.

Deadline of day: Sunday, 2pm GMT (Player with most votes on him/her will be lynched at that moment, if there is no proper lynch at any time before that. In case two players have the same amount of votes, will decide with a classic coinflip)

Approx 14hrs to go till autolynch. Please don't let me flip a coin, that sucks to do...


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Ok seriously we need to make a GROUP DECISION on whom to lynch instead of having 7 votes on 7 different people. The scum can easily take advantage of the current situation (bandwagon on an innocent nearer to the end of the deadline with good evidence) and I'd rather not see that happen!


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Hey hey hey, I wasn't allowed on my computer yesterday and I made post while walking around a shopping centre. When I did make the post I saw that Oak was looking at the thread so make of that what you will.

If I had to pick someone, I would pick sSploorky because from my understanding he is a 3rd party role that wins at the end or something but I can't believe that, since he could easily be lying and since we don't have any serious leads, this is a good option imo

Vote Sploorky
This is a good point. Why haven't we questioned Sploorky a bit more on his role?


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
if a townie get's lynched it's bad for the entire town. For that reason I've been trying to lay low though that idea seems to have backfired a little I may have played this round poorly I'm sorry for that.

on another note does it bother anyone else how little old man oak has said Personally I think if we let people like that live it makes it insanely easy for some of the mafia to lurk. If we let people be that silent and don't lynch it it'll make others think it's okay and we'll end up with mafia surviving to end game way too easily. personally I feel one of the problems of the towns losing streak is that we've started to let certain scummy things slide too much and now their being abused by the mafia/thirdparties.

vote Old_man_oak_63


Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
I have no huge opinions, so I will opt out of voting this round, because I simply wont be fully comfortable with voting anyone today.

For the people voting me: I do understand, the only thing I ask is that you can trust that the mafia are a natural hindrance to my win conditions. Third party have their own win conditions, don't you think mafia/groups of killers are going to put that win at risk? I already said the game doesn't end if I win, I can't make you believe me though. If you do trust me, then believe this: Lynching me is just going to waste your time.

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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I know I have said little, however with all these investigative roles I thought perhaps that we may have received some new information. Guess I was wrong, we have a ton of claims but no definitive course of action, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a few of the scum managed to sneak in a claim to prevent themselves from being lynched.
You ltin interest me the most right now however, your role doesn't make a lot of sense to me, you can target a person and if they themselves are the target of someone else you redirect that to yourself?

It sounds somewhat similar to the bodyguard but didn't @storm886 already claim that?
It just strikes me as odd the sheer amount of roles that either seem to be able to investigate or protect, so to conclude someone or some people must be lying about their claims. The tough part is going to be sorting out who >.>
Either way my vote is going on ltin, between his bandwagon on myself and his somewhat weak roleclaim right now I can't trust him.
vote Ltin


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Ok, so it looks like a voting war between OMO and MyUser.

- Seems to be positively siding with Alpha.
- Is part of some discussion but doesn't really make a detailed contribution.
- Is somewhat inactive.

Old Man Oak
- I haven't heard anything from him
- Seems to be lurking.
- Has contributed at all.

Then there's Ltin and Sploorky.

- Claims to be The Mime. A meddlesome role with no real benefit.
- Can be a hinderance to use in the future.

- Has explained to us that he is a third party role, with an allegiance to himself.


Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
Well I believe that puts OMO and myusername at the top. Even though OMO is inactive, it isn't entirely abnormal of him. I don't find him that suspicious to point where I think he needs lynched just yet. Myusername is a little suspicious with the way he carries himself, but again not to the point where I want to lynch him yet. Sploorky, I don't know too much about Sploorky besides that he is a third party role apparently. That could be a bad thing but time will tell.

Ltin is the person I think we need to lynch. His role isn't entirely beneficial and is a bit confusing. Notty has mentioned that he could target one of our investigators and take the fall if they are killed, but who says he will do that? I'm not even sure if he is for the town. If he does do it and dies then... I suppose we would never get the investigation anyway, and the investigator would just get targeted the next night. It would be far more beneficial for me to protect our investigator, that way the investigator would be able to provide the results the next day. In addition, Ltin has been very aggressive and throwing multiple people under the bus without much reason. I feel as if he is steering the town in the wrong direction. On the other hand, an inactive player doesn't steer in any direction. So in this case, the best option is:

vote Ltin


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
I'm going to vote Old Man Oak

This may be bad judgement, but my vote for OMO is because I can't get a read on him at all.

Yes, Ltin's role claim could be a problem to us in the future, but lets hope that with proper guidance that he'll be able to stay out of the way when it comes to investigations.

Myuser. He seems to be holding back. His usual opinionated posts are lacking. It seems to me that he's playing it safe and keeping under the radar, which seems like scum behaviour.

Sploorky is a sinister mystery to me. I foolishly want to find out more about him.

Tonight though, I want to be rid of Old Man who has contributed nothing to our discussion. All he's done is lurk.


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
I'm going to vote Old Man Oak

This may be bad judgement, but my vote for OMO is because I can't get a read on him at all.

Yes, Ltin's role claim could be a problem to us in the future, but lets hope that with proper guidance that he'll be able to stay out of the way when it comes to investigations.

Myuser. He seems to be holding back. His usual opinionated posts are lacking. It seems to me that he's playing it safe and keeping under the radar, which seems like scum behaviour.

Sploorky is a sinister mystery to me. I foolishly want to find out more about him.

Tonight though, I want to be rid of Old Man who has contributed nothing to our discussion. All he's done is lurk.
Put it at the end of the post <3