
Nov 28, 2011
Reaction score
but I'm so addicted and I can't stop

Hate-play? New prefix I learnt on dictionary.com. Anyways. I LOVE osu! though I haven't played due to homework and school work. In others words I don't have the time (unless on weekends). SO MEH. (BTW MY WHOLE LIST IS FULL OF JAPANESE SONGS................DON'T JUDGE ME).


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
this game is hard and that's ok so here are some things to keep in mind
  • Relax your wrist - This fixes every problem you have here you go
  • If the next difficulty up on the song you're practicing is way too hard and the past difficulty is way too easy then use the Mods button at the bottom to speed up and/or increase the difficulty in other ways until you're confident enough to do the next difficulty (Or reduce the difficulty of the song you can't seem to do)
  • You can do it I believe in you
Mar 16, 2013
Reaction score
Snap's Guide to the Osu! Grading System.

SS - 100% Accurate. Achieving this means usually being looked at as a godsend, since in order to get this rank you have to be perfect. Probably not a good idea to go for this rank since the amount of hair that'll be pulled will be your head's worth.

S - Over 90% 300's on every hit-circle, slider, and spinner. Less than 1% 50's and absolutely no misses on anything. Not too hard of a grade to get in my opinion, but you need a ridiculous amount of concentration. I myself have only gotten 8-10 of these, and lemme tell you, it gives you a happy buzz inside when you do get one.

A - Over 80% 300's on the aforementioned and no misses. The Grade looks clean and sharp, and having a handful of A's and B's really makes you a respectable Osu! player. Get a lot of 'em! :p

B - Over 70% 300's on the aforementioned and no misses. This grade, while not exactly astonishing, will let people know that you're an ok player at [insert song], and it also looks real nice next to a Normal difficulty song, in my opinion.

C - Over 60% 300's and no misses. If you're just trying to play a song for leisure and aren't going for higher ranks, then by all means is the best rank. It lets others know that while not real exact at [insert song], you are chill with it and can do it. An ok rank.

D - Anything below 60% 300's and no misses. Get a better rank, these are gross to have unless the song is not in your league of skill. It doesn't really send a good message anyway, It's like getting a D on a report card, you're parents are gonna be like, "Do better next time." Y'know?

Special Ranks:

SS - 100% accuracy with the flashlight and/or hidden mods. You see the top leaderboards always flooded with these, since it's basically a SS rank on steroids. Trust me when I say that we've all had the inspiration to get to the #1 spot on a beatmap and then see the scores and mods along with this rank and we're all like Nope.

S - Over 90% 300's, less than 1% 50's, no misses, with the flashlight and/or hidden mods. Probably not too impossible to get, but I have yet to get one. I tried once though, and let me just say that it is definitely way harder than it looks.

And that's my guide to the Osu! Grading System. I hope you find it useful, have learned some knowledge (or both) and can put it to use. Thanks for reading. :)


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Snap's Guide to the Osu! Grading System.

SS - 100% Accurate. Achieving this means usually being looked at as a godsend, since in order to get this rank you have to be perfect. Probably not a good idea to go for this rank since the amount of hair that'll be pulled will be your head's worth.

S - Over 90% 300's on every hit-circle, slider, and spinner. Less than 1% 50's and absolutely no misses on anything. Not too hard of a grade to get in my opinion, but you need a ridiculous amount of concentration. I myself have only gotten 8-10 of these, and lemme tell you, it gives you a happy buzz inside when you do get one.

A - Over 80% 300's on the aforementioned and no misses. The Grade looks clean and sharp, and having a handful of A's and B's really makes you a respectable Osu! player. Get a lot of 'em! :p

B - Over 70% 300's on the aforementioned and no misses. This grade, while not exactly astonishing, will let people know that you're an ok player at [insert song], and it also looks real nice next to a Normal difficulty song, in my opinion.

C - Over 60% 300's and no misses. If you're just trying to play a song for leisure and aren't going for higher ranks, then by all means is the best rank. It lets others know that while not real exact at [insert song], you are chill with it and can do it. An ok rank.

D - Anything below 60% 300's and no misses. Get a better rank, these are gross to have unless the song is not in your league of skill. It doesn't really send a good message anyway, It's like getting a D on a report card, you're parents are gonna be like, "Do better next time." Y'know?

Special Ranks:

SS - 100% accuracy with the flashlight and/or hidden mods. You see the top leaderboards always flooded with these, since it's basically a SS rank on steroids. Trust me when I say that we've all had the inspiration to get to the #1 spot on a beatmap and then see the scores and mods along with this rank and we're all like Nope.

S - Over 90% 300's, less than 1% 50's, no misses, with the flashlight and/or hidden mods. Probably not too impossible to get, but I have yet to get one. I tried once though, and let me just say that it is definitely way harder than it looks.

And that's my guide to the Osu! Grading System. I hope you find it useful, have learned some knowledge (or both) and can put it to use. Thanks for reading. :)
Are you sure every map follows this
Mar 16, 2013
Reaction score
Yay I found this thread :) look what i achieved today I am pretty happy for my level
Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for this man, I tried the song myself and it's one of the faster paced songs I've seen, it would take skill to get the grade he did. I failed on Hard, but somehow managed to get an S on Normal.

Also I'm not sure if you seen it @vati180 but dat global chatlog doe