Sorry ;~;Give me like a few days to read that. I'll get back to you. xD
I do admit, that post was overexaggerating a little, but I had to find some way to get my point across. Sorry if it seemed like I'm trying to say that you were trying to pick on me. Basically what I wanted to get across/meant from that long-winded post was to explain my suspicion on you. I don't feel like it is something solid, it feels more of a hunch, hence I tried explaining why it feels like a hunch that you are suspicions. Those ARE assumptions made, I just felt like mafia is being way too sneaky and I can't or rather don't have time to personally analyse every single post on every page to find someone closer to being a mafia. Hence I decided to reread and go with whom I feel can be potentially mafia. Risky method, yes, that's why I'm not voting you for the haphazard reasons mentioned in my long post. To be frank while I was writing that my ideas were all cluttered up I had no idea what point I was trying to get across. Now that I have a clearer mind, these were my main ideas behind my accusations.Jkangaroo said:-snip-
No, I'm not sure there is.A quick question for @digitalmez
Assuming someone / people would know your role but not your alignment, would you have any way to actually proof the role having a pro-town alignment?
(I am not asking you to claim, just wondering the exact thing I ask, you don't even have to go into details, a yes/no is enough. I currently don't see an issue with the question, but if someone/you see it as giving away too much information, don't answer.)
Ok so I noticed you said you have the ability to kill someone but I wonder how this makes you town. Mafia can kill people and not do so and claim town. I don't understand how this all makes you town and then to be called "Abhorrent Adam" is just red lights for me. In this instance, I'd rather trust an Alien for another day than a killer.and yes, I do have the ability to potentially hurt or kill someone.
Yeah, I'd just like to say that she didn't point that out as the main reason she's town. In fact, she didn't say she's town for any specific reason, she just stated that she was town. I don't really see how her being potentially able to kill or hurt someone makes her instantly mafia. As for the name argument, I don't know why she has such a name or if it means anything, but first of all, why would she say she has such a role name when she could invent any name that fits the idea of a harmless town role, and secondly, why couldn't a town member be called "Abhorrent"? As I proposed, maybe whatever her role's backstory is is in conflict with the Cowboys' moral code, as in maybe she's cowardly or something in the universe of the game.Ok so I noticed you said you have the ability to kill someone but I wonder how this makes you town. Mafia can kill people and not do so and claim town. I don't understand how this all makes you town and then to be called "Abhorrent Adam" is just red lights for me. In this instance, I'd rather trust an Alien for another day than a killer.
Also a lot of the evidence/logic has been already covered quite well by Samlen/JKangaroo and so with the evidence that they've brought to light and my own personal opinion. I'll be voting Digi.
My theory is based off of Ooglie's claim, her name, and what JK/Samlen had posted a couple of pages ago. I also don't trust a killing role who claims to be town but then gives no proof/claim of why. Her name is obviously a weak reason, which is why it's not the only reason I'm voting for her off. I do feel her name even though an extremely weak reason should still be considered and looked at.Yeah, I'd just like to say that she didn't point that out as the main reason she's town. In fact, she didn't say she's town for any specific reason, she just stated that she was town. I don't really see how her being potentially able to kill or hurt someone makes her instantly mafia. As for the name argument, I don't know why she has such a name or if it means anything, but first of all, why would she say she has such a role name when she could invent any name that fits the idea of a harmless town role, and secondly, why couldn't a town member be called "Abhorrent"? As I proposed, maybe whatever her role's backstory is is in conflict with the Cowboys' moral code, as in maybe she's cowardly or something in the universe of the game.
To be honest, all you're basing this off of is Ooglie's investigation and her name. That's not exactly much, in my opinion, at least. Swate was acting much, much more suspiciously and fits the idea that mafia has at least one of their own in each inn, which would leave out the investigation, and her role name? Seriously? I'll admit, the names so far have given some insight to the role, but again, why would she admit to having such a role name when she's really mafia and why couldn't a town member be called that?
Yes, and let me once again point out, that she claimed that she has the potential ability to kill, not just a straightforward ability. That could mean that it is not activated yet or something, which could also lead to so few kills.I know this is a very flawed argument, but I just need to get this off my chest. Since mafia work as a group to get one kill per night, and Digi claims to be a killing role, it just seems really silly that only one person would be carrying out the whole killing herself from her name and her role description of a killing role. The norm (and by norm I mean perhaps 99% of the time) is that the mafia chooses one person per night to perform the killing action and the person would also carry out their specific action. Digi has been brutally honest about being a killing role, and I feel like her honesty in revealing her ability to kill is believable, which also means that it would be silly to place a killer who kills every night in a group of mafiasos, and considering we only had one kill per night. It also appears more likely that she has been considering people to kill very carefully, instead of going about and killing anyone outside of mafia.
I missed that part, but my argument still stands.Yes, and let me once again point out, that she claimed that she has the potential ability to kill, not just a straightforward ability. That could mean that it is not activated yet or something, which could also lead to so few kills.
Interesting. Do you mean you deflect the ability used on you over to someone else or is it like so that you're told that someone used an ability on you (not which ability, just some ability) and then you can choose to pass it on the next night?ok, screw it--
Let me explain my role more thoroughly. Any ability used on me I can pass it off to someone else.
So when I say I have the potential to kill or hurt someone, it's unintentional.
Let me make myself clear-- I have no direct killing abilities.
I'm able to deflect night kill abilities. I'm guessing that I can't simply pass off any other abilities.Interesting. Do you mean you deflect the ability used on you over to someone else or is it like so that you're told that someone used an ability on you (not which ability, just some ability) and then you can choose to pass it on the next night?