OOC Remnants of the Elements Discussion


Oct 20, 2012
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Hello! This is the OOC thread for Remnants of the Elements, the sequel to Guardians of the Elements. If you're not familiar with it, it was the first (successful) roleplay on Blocktopia EscapeRestart- or so it seems, from what I've gathered. It's been ten months since it started, two months to a year, and ended just this morning, but the story still continues on in a timeskip, after a period of slumber.

[23/4/2015] But that's not happening just yet, though. The IC thread will be up in about a week, in which we'll discuss any last-minute things we still haven't agreed on. I haven't been doing well with the character roster, so I can't quite tell who actually left and who didn't, thus I'll be tagging everyone on that roster past and present, and rely on everyone else to tag those who I forgot to.

For the week, I'd like to bring up a few things we'd need to discuss, as there's a lot of things we still haven't actually agreed on. As such, I'll be putting up each object of discussion, with the current decision on it (mostly based off my own thoughts) after it. I'll (hopefully) be editing it regularly as it changes. Be warned, though, if no one can decide on anything at the end of the week, I'll be going with what I please!

-Time Era, Culture, Clothing
Current Question: Exactly what sort of time period will it take place? What'll the people be wearing?
Current Decision: Around a medieval era, but with lots of different cultures with some that aren't necessarily based on ones with real life, so you can expect creative licence on culture as well as clothing.

Current Question: Why are the Guardians waking up?
Current Decision: Right now, people are leaning towards there being a war between those who can use powers and those who can't. I honestly don't want to go with the war- not yet, anyway. The reason behind it being a point of conflict is something I can agree on, though... And I'm okay with it happening eventually. Just not from the get-go, Avatar the Last Airbender-style.

Current Question: Any change in mechanics from GotE?
Current Decision: Yep! First of all is quite clearly the addition of an OOC thread, though you can still put in OOC notes in the IC thread. Just make sure it's short- a few sentences, a comment on something, that sort of thing. I suggest an IC post to go along with it. There's a few others, one of the main changes being on characters, which I will explain in a long post.

That's all I can think of for now.

As there will be no roleplaying in Elements for the week, we will be using the reports mechanic that we never actually got around to using to pass the time- as well as set up things that could possibly end up important in the future, such as written lore. If you were one of the Guardians that were still alive then, you may join in- if you're not, but want to contribute to the story anyway, depending on the circumstances you could perhaps add something in after discussing it with everyone else. Here we'll see if anyone else wants to join in- you can still join even after it starts, but it might help to discuss the story a bit.

The reports start here.

[25/4/2015] I'm currently writing a list on who's confirmed to be joining RotE. I haven't been doing well with the roster for GotE, so this'll be a little difficult.

Faliara as Himinn Rauha [Sky] (Continued)
CaffeinatedKitty as Alouette [Flight] (Continued)
Naoh as Takot [Fear] (Continued)
Clairebluh as Cyra [Corruption] (Continued)
Timdood3 as Ross [Water] (Continued
Toiletprincess as Zwn Mitera [Life -> Death] (Continued)
S_swimmer as Ark Palmer [Sin] (Continued)
Enderfive as Endal [Magic] (Continued Eventually)
Jolteon42 as Liro [Ground] (Continued)
mariosatr as Skri'ik [Cloud] (Continued)
Mia (aka Mad11gab8) as Tora [Fauna] (Continued)
avis night fluffy(fury) as Topaz [Fire] (Continued Eventually)

Faliara as Nora [Human]
Faliara as Josef [Human]
MrStitch (aka std) as ??? [Fire Spirit] (Continued?)
Catcocomics as himself [Frost Phoenix] (Continued)
Catcocomics as Alkuld [Dwarf]
Catcocomics as ??? [Human]
masternico012345 as Conour [Human]

[9/6/2015]In case anyone reading this gets confused at the difference between the confirmed roles list and the list provided in the IC thread, the confirmed roles list only lists the roles I was sure was joining at the time.

In other news, Fiestaguy has provided a library for GotES (that's the name we're referring GotE and RotE to). Here it is! http://fiestasheep.openshells.org/gotelib/otelib.html
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Oct 20, 2012
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Character Bios
Race: Guardian in human form.
-Biological: between 16 and 19.
-Chronological: as old as the world itself.
-Actual: not even he knows.
Height: 6 ft 1.
Gender: male.
Weight: around 60 kg.
Build: tall, lean and skinny. Agile and flexible, but physically weak.
Appearance: fair skin, fairly straight medium length light brown hair swept to the side (no, not like Bieber, I don't really know how to describe it well, sorry), blue-purple eyes, straight nose.
Clothes: a linen shirt and a leather jacket with pockets, dark pants with plenty of pockets and leather shoes.
Accessories: purple safety goggles, which are typically on his head above his eyes; and a utility belt with more pockets and some magic equipment, such as vials for potions. A battlestaff to enhance his magic power and accuracy when using it.

Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
-Resistant to mind control or influencing by other Guardians (although definitely not immune). Passive ability.
-Potion brewing (which takes time and raw components). Continuous ability.
-Item enchanting (nothing major, in case of a sword maybe to give it a glow or make it stronger or increase the wielder's speed a bit). Instant ability.
-Can cast spells. Can be instant and continuous, depends on the spell.
-Can control raw magic essence, which he mostly uses in battle as projectiles or as a shield, although is not limited to battle. Can be instant or continuous, for example an energy blast (to use as a projectile against an enemy) would be instant, a shield would be continuous.
-Can perform magic rituals. Continuous ability.
-Can draw magic energy from the planet to increase his own (but is hesitant to do so, since the consequences of doing so are severe). Instant ability.

-Physically weak.
-Magic shields can stop weaker physical attacks, but stronger ones will pass through (although weaker in force than they were before passing through the shield). For example, it can probably stop or deflect a normal punch or even an arrow or a sword (assuming they're not enchanted in any way), but a heavier weapon, such as a boulder or a greatsword swung with enough strength would probably pass.
-Extreme fear of flying.
-Health and life force are connected to his own natural magic energy.
--Gets tired easily, especially when working more powerful magic.
--Weak against poison, especially the sort designed to work against magic capabilities.
--Drawing energy from the planet results in extreme fatigue, dizziness, headaches, lessened regeneration of both physical injuries and magical energy, and in some cases, unconsiousness or coma.
-Relies on speed to win against his enemies, if the battle is drawn out, he quickly loses his power.
You can suggest more if you think this might be OP, I try to limit it enough and give enough weaknesses, but I can't judge my own characters objectively.
Name/Race: Saul, Human
Biological Age: 25
Chronological Age: Post-creation era
Actual: wat
Height: 6'1
Gender: Male
Weight: 250 pounds
Build: Skinny but strong from hours of servitude
Appearance: A tall, skinny priest who looks more like a thief than a priest
Clothes: A robe of red and gold, sandals, and a hat marking how many years he has been in servitude.
Accessories: A ring that was given to him by his father before his parents died

Physical abilities:
Skilled with the sword.
Contains intensive amounts of knowledge of many things due to Do'zax

Abilities gained from Do'zax:
Able to use a sword of fire
Able to summon fire from his hands
Able to be healed by fire

Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
Immune to poisons and diseases

Name: Do'zax
Race: Fire Spirit
Biological Age: Unknown
Chronological Age: Pre-creation Era
Actual: wat
Height: Unknown (cause he's a spirit)
Gender: Unknown but speaks in a man-like voice
Weight: Unknown
Build: Whatever his hosts is
Appearance: Usually prefers to take a form of a tall man made out of fire whenever he talks to someone outside of Saul

Physical Abilities:
Practically none considering all of his power is given to Saul to use

Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
Ability to summon fire for Saul
Healing by fire for Saul
Ability to summon a sword made by fire for Saul

Whatever Saul feels. He also feels.
Age: 56 (about young adult if I'm not mistaken)

Gender: Male

Height: 4ft 6in

Weight: 240 (70% of that was gained from a life of mining)

Build: Short, stout, strong, but kind of slow

Origin: N/A

Languages: Dwarf

Race: Dwarf

Eyes: light blue

Hair: Brown

Attire: Something very dwarfish.

Accessories: Blue cape, silver earring on left ear as a sign of honor, steel gauntlets.

Equipment: Dwarf-make battleaxe, dwarf-make war-hammer, blacksmith hammer, Pickaxe, backpack to carry things in, tinderbox, wood for torches and campfires, cast iron skillet.

Personality: good to chat over a flagon of ale with, loyal, honorable, good-natured.

Special skills: cleaving things with his dwarf axe, flattening baddies with his hammer, mining, strong, extreme physical endurance (he can run a very long way before tiring, even with a heavy pack), accurate with throwing axes, proficient with heavy armor.

Weaknesses: little resistance to magic attacks, easy to notice, kind of heavy.

Fears: [If he fears anything at all, he doesn't show it.]

Likes: Caves, trees, fellow dwarves, honorable people, roast mutton, stewed rabbit, a good flagon of ale, rare metals.

Dislikes: entropy, elves, foul creatures, magic (finds it annoying, but no hate), being tossed.
Name: Elfrida Twynam
Race: Human, Ground/Earth/Whateveryouwanttocallit
Age: 20
Height: 5’4”
Gender: Female
Weight: 58kg
Build: Average, a little tall, slightly athletic
Appearance: Slightly dark skin, shirt, slightly spiky, dark brown hair. A selective part of her hair, however, is considerably longer than the rest, reaching to about her waist. Several beads and wraps on this partially tame segment of hair that frames the side of her face.
Clothes: A cream-very light brown undershirt, sleeves bunched up at the elbows, though tend to fall down. An orange coloured over shirt and skirt, with parts tucked into her belt. Light brown pants reaching to her shins, as well as red socks. Slightly double heeled sandals. Gold studs on the heel and straps of the sandals.
Accessories: Leather belt.
Items: Hidden under her skirt is a small bag. Usually has money or other trinkets in it.

Physical Abilities (Non-Magical):
- Minor strength.

Magical Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
- Minor earth shaping (Though can drain her if she over uses).
- Rock dagger (Pull a dagger from rock. Still pretty consuming on her).
- Earth Shield (Makes parts of ground shoot upward to defend her from projectiles).

- Never really developed her magical abilities, so most are rather weak either way.
- Physically strong foes.
- Magically strong foes.
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Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Why did you only tag five people per post? You should probably edit those together. Or a mod can.

-Time Era, Culture, Clothing
Current Question: Exactly when will it take place? What'll the people be wearing?
.Apparently this planet became Literally Earth. I'd like to request that the planet not be literally Earth. Toiletprincess pls edit your report ;-;

But that doesn't really address the question. I don't think a planet that is not Earth, can really be compared to a time period from Earth. But, as we don't really know of any non-earth time periods, and as far as we know civilization on other planets (if you believe there are such things) follow the same basic progress as ours (or ours follow theirs, if you prefer). I think we should awaken in about the time of ancient civilizations. As for clothes. . . I don't care, really.
Current Question: Why are the Guardians waking up?
I don't know. It'd have to be something pretty important for the supernatural creators of this world to wake up.
Current Question: Any change in mechanics from GotE?
I don't really know what you mean by mechanics even, but obviously our powers are going to be weaker since they were absorbed into the planet when we were in stasis.


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
Why did you only tag five people per post? You should probably edit those together. Or a mod can.

.Apparently this planet became Literally Earth. I'd like to request that the planet not be literally Earth. Toiletprincess pls edit your report ;-;

But that doesn't really address the question. I don't think a planet that is not Earth, can really be compared to a time period from Earth. But, as we don't really know of any non-earth time periods, and as far as we know civilization on other planets (if you believe there are such things) follow the same basic progress as ours (or ours follow theirs, if you prefer). I think we should awaken in about the time of ancient civilizations. As for clothes. . . I don't care, really.

I don't know. It'd have to be something pretty important for the supernatural creators of this world to wake up.

I don't really know what you mean by mechanics even, but obviously our powers are going to be weaker since they were absorbed into the planet when we were in stasis.
I didn't really intend to make it literally Earth, we just had no other name for the planet so I was like... ehhh.... OH I wait no that doesn't work. I nearly thought 'Mother Ntaure' but we have literally nature so....... :I


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
What was wrong with "life mother"?
That was the literally meaning of her name, I was thinking more about the fact that some people in reality believe there is a life goddess sort of thing and gave them a name. Also, damnit, do we all have to wear the same style clothing because... why? Different cultures have different clothing, don't they?


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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Also, this is a suggestion/re-earthing of something Caff said in the PM"
"Who says we split the world into different areas of development and/or fashion trends".
Because who wants the entire world to be completely modernised, or who wants the world to be completely poor or whatever.
Or, in CaffeinatedKitty 's and I's case, we may want to have some sort of influence from the Victorian fashions because that's what we like.
Like saying if someone wants to have influence from traditional amazonian or african wear, or perhaps influence from street-wear, etc, etc. I don't think clothing should be limited to one linked chain of style.
Similarly, some cultures around the planet (note: most planets are huge.) may have nobles and royals and peasants whilst some may have presidents and prime ministers and middleclass. A dictatorship, perhaps, or a king/queen directing everyone with knights and merchants. Who says we need to limit the cultures and fashion choices to one wide-spread development such as we have in reality?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Different cultures are not only interesting, but also really important/necessary.
But they should all be around the same level of technology though, and how much do they interact/communicate with each other?

I think a good place to start would be a loose map/geographical map. Then work out how many cultures there are, where they are, and what they're like.


Oct 20, 2012
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Hmm... Sees legit. We could base them off real-life cultures if we get lazy, but I think we should come up with new ones. Perhaps there are people believe in something else entirely?

The nearest place everyone ends up going to is a village, and the first location available is one specific country, so we might want to work on that first.


Dec 10, 2012
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I know this wasn't a question or one of the things suggested but is there any progress on getting the summary/storyline of GotE finished? Cause if we're going to move onto a new GotE and then someone were to want to join then I'd think it'd be somewhat important to at least have an outline of GotE just so they have an idea of what happened in the previous roleplay.

just a thought


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I know this wasn't a question or one of the things suggested but is there any progress on getting the summary/storyline of GotE finished? Cause if we're going to move onto a new GotE and then someone were to want to join then I'd think it'd be somewhat important to at least have an outline of GotE just so they have an idea of what happened in the previous roleplay.

just a thought
I don't think it would be incredibly relevant until the Creation.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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I know this wasn't a question or one of the things suggested but is there any progress on getting the summary/storyline of GotE finished? Cause if we're going to move onto a new GotE and then someone were to want to join then I'd think it'd be somewhat important to at least have an outline of GotE just so they have an idea of what happened in the previous roleplay.

just a thought
You don't really need to have a summary finished; I only read a few of the more recent pages and then just hopped right into it. If you were to create another Guardian, he or she should be clueless, so the controller doesn't necessarily have to know everything. We could/should probably just explain some of the basic relations between the characters, but beyond that, a whole summary isn't really needed.


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
-Time Era, Culture, Clothing
Current Question: Exactly when will it take place? What'll the people be wearing?
Around a medieval-timesish period. Plenty of different styles of clothing and levels of development. Maybe the beginnings of electrical work in the most developed countries, but mostly steam power as in all but the least developed.
Current Question: Why are the Guardians waking up?
Perhaps the most powerful countries are on the verge of war? There are various possible reasons. Maybe the queen of one declined to wed the king of another, or they disagree on each other's policies on any important matter and resorted to force to make the other follow their rules.
Current Question: Any change in mechanics from GotE?
Might I suggest the only OOC in the IC thread be tags and short comments at the end of IC posts? It'll make it much cleaner.