OOC Remnants of the Elements Discussion


Jul 20, 2013
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More updates, and I think I'm happy with how Aldkuld is for now:

Age: Probably 16.

Gender: Female

Height: 4ft 11in

Weight: 100 lbs

Build: kind of small, agile, not very powerful

Origin: N/A

Languages: N/A

Race: Human, Fire

Eyes: Fiery red.

Hair: Fiery red/orange

Attire: dependent on homeland, barefoot

Accessories: pending

Equipment: Jo staff (when equipped at all). Prefers to use magic and agility to get through most situations.

Personality: Free spirited, friendly, natural (likes to be her own self).

Special skills: Very mobile; good at climbing things quickly, faster than most humans, good physical endurance, woodworking, fire-based magic, proficient with staves, proficient with short swords and broadswords.

Magic abilities:
Fire palm: holds a small flame in the palm of either hand, can be shoved in someone's face if need be. continuous.
Fire Jab: A quick jab, with the hand set on fire. Lesser: Jab merely stuns the target briefly. Instant
Flame Foot: Kicks become 80% more fiery. Continuous
Hot Heel: Axe-kicks become 90% more fiery, very dangerous to lightly armored foes. [Combo] Combine with Flame Foot, and pursuing foes are suddenly met with a new danger... Warning: combining Flame foot with Hot Heel is very hazardous in areas with lots of flammables, such as a field of dry grass. Continuous.
Fire Bal[BCOLOR=#999999]l[/BCOLOR]: Ball of flame that bounces a few times, setting fire to any flammables it touches. Does not bounce off large flammables. Reduced: fire ball doesn't bounce as much and isn't as hot. Intense: fireball is larger, ignores gravity, and acts like a Molotov. Instant
Dragon's Breath: Garlic breath is stinky and deadly. This one is simply deadly. Can be used to cook rabbits. Lesser: heat intensity reduced. Intense: spell width increased. Continuous.
Rocke[BCOLOR=#999999]t[/BCOLOR]: Propels the user in any direction. People are advised to avoid being behind the person using this spell. It is not advised to fly upwards, in the event that one should run out of magic. Lesser: Velocity and flame-trail power reduced. Intense: Velocity and flame-trail power increased. Continuous.
Dragon Spirit: Summons a large dragon made purely of fire to cause a massive menace, and sets the caster on fire afterwards. This spell cannot be cast unless the caster is over-saturated with magic energy. Warning: humans who cast this spell will collapse from exhaustion after casting.
Intense: The caster's dragon will also explode. Instant.
Fire Walk: People with this effect are immune to natural fire at all times. Incoming magic fire damaged is slightly reduced.
Intense: user becomes immune to lava/magma. Passive.

Magic used by each spell is gauged by the following spell name colors: Negligible, Minor, Lesser, Moderate, [BCOLOR=#999999]Greater, [/BCOLOR]Major, Excessive, Extreme, Insane.
Negligible uses so little magic that you could essentially do it all day, no breaks. Insane is hard to pull off, even for guardians, due to how demanding the spell is.

Important note: If the spell name's first/last letter(s) are different from the main body, then the spell has multiple casting intensities. More magic = more power.
This character will prefer to use the lesser intensity as she tends to use these spells as methods of escape or cooking food more than anything else.

Weaknesses: recklessness, big brutes, imprisonment, traps, water (getting drenched disables all magical abilities until dry), entanglement, strong wind, sharp bits of metal or glass scattered all over the floor.

Fears: Anti-magic groups, imprisonment, fear, angry mobs.

Likes: food, big open areas (preferably without roof), trees, magic, the night sky, stewed rabbit, running.

Dislikes: traps, confined spaces, fear, cake (any kind/flavor), evil.

Commonly hunted by: Anti-magic groups/organizations, malevolent magic-users, drunks (for some reason?), guards/police/knights of some certain nations.

Also looking for nations where my characters might fit in.
I might make one or two later, though that will take a bit of time.
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The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Name: Ark
Guardian of Sin
Race: Fallen Angel
Biological Age: 19
Height: 6' 6" (thank God for this I can finally make him shorter - but not too shorter still gotta keep him at the tallest character across all rps)
Gender: Male
Weight: around 221 lbs srsly idk who would be able to picture his body type from this
Build: Skinny, slightly muscular
Appearance: Long black hair; fair skin; innocent/angelic face; white irises
2 small gold wristbands
1 thick gold wristband with inscriptions
3 medium gold wristbands
1 white ring on pinky
1 black ring on pointer finger
1 silver ring with inscriptions on pointer finger
1 gold ring on middle finger
2 gold rings with diamonds on pointer finger
1 thick black wristband with inscriptions
3 gold rings on middle finger
1 gold ring on pointer finger
Lots of gold and silver rings and wristbands, some with inscriptions, some without, on both hands/wrists, one white ring, one black ring and one black wristband
Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
Ruin Magic (Specific spells yet to be identified) - Active
Angelic Magic (Specific spells yet to be identified) - Active
Summoning Magic - Active
Weaknesses: Fire, Abandonment, Himself, Mind games (idk about his physical weaknesses tbh I guess just someone stronger than him)

Here, I added to the map, what does everyone think? I added a few things from my intro post but I also tried to just begin to fill out a tiny bit to get everyone going. Of course, you guys can completely reject this. I was thinking of offering a location for the capital, but Faliara you should probably do that. I can suggest some names for it, though.

As for the Eclipse in the bottom left, I was thinking of it being some mysterious island that's completely pitch black although there's nothing casting a shadow. It's just a little fantasy idea, it could be a nice spOoky mystery we could visit in later times.

I also had an idea from the upper 3 islands; from Claire's reports we could have a demonic race that lives in all 3 of those islands. They could be descendants of three of the darker elements and we could call those elements the Curse Trinity (I was thinking maybe Corruption, Sin and Fear). What do you guys think?

And, for good measure, just in case any of my ideas fail, I'll say this: idk tho


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Sooooo are wings a normal thing or not?? I can't really finish writing my entry post until I know
But here
Name: Marisa Douglas
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7"
Weight: around 126-133 pounds
Build: Slim/willowy
Language: English/Water language
Race: Human, water
Eyes: Deep blue
Hair: Blue-black
Attire: I have a full wardrobe
Accessories: A sapphire necklace and sometimes earrings or bracelets.
Power: 90% water, 10% ice (manipulating/shaping water, drawing water from the environment around her(air, skin, ground, etc), freezing water)
Strengths: Skilled dancer. Quite good at manipulating water. Swims like a fish.
Weaknesses: Cannot resist sweets. Can't sing or play an instrument to save her life. A little slow on the uptake sometimes, and is rather impatient.
Fears: What happens after death. Losing all her loved ones. Being abandoned.
Likes: Dancing, swimming, sweets, being around people
Dislikes: Intolerance, being alone for extended periods of time, being grounded, wanting to eat when she's not hungry
Personality: will show rather than tell because I suck at predicting what my characters will actually be like
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sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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I mean if we really want to separate races and elements and stuff into separate nations or provinces then okay; I did have in mind that everyone (and I mean everyone, as in any kind of people (yes that includes other races)) would live wherever, assuming the place is not overly hostile to their element or race or whatever, but I feel like I've been pushing for too many things already anyway.

S_swimmer, mind describing the places you've added to the map, though? I like the idea of The Eclipse a lot, but other places are just names for me right now.

Since we're making the world now, and Arun specifically, I think this will be a good time to also discuss the country of Arun in general. For example, are the separate regions on the map provinces or biomes, is Arun a democracy or a kingdom, or perhaps some other kind of country? What's the climate there like in general? Are cities common, or are most of the towns small? Exactly how big is Arun in the first place?

I have a few ideas, but I'd like to hear yours as well.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Well I don't want to make any big decisions yet because this is fali's country/RP not mine

I believe the idea was that anyone can add to the map and we can just support and reject the ideas but if you guys want to give me ideas and let me edit the places in then that's fine by me c:

As for the whole races thing I kinda thought that with the differences between them, their culture, beliefs and and abilities, there would probably be a lot of segregation and racism - something we could fix when we wake up.

So now for the places I made:
I already described the Eclipse
Sylel is an elfen province with lots of forest and is more isolated and feels superior to humans and dwarves.
Eletheas is another elfen province and is covered in a much denser forest. The elves here are also isolated, and while some cities still discriminate, the majority of the settlements in Eletheas are friendly towards other races.
Alsari is a small elfen village that is wealthy for its size. The people there are welcoming towards foreigners but don't see many because they decently within the forest and aren't involved in much outside trade. It is a quiet but beautiful village. This is the place that Ark is brought to after awakening as well as the birthplace of an elf girl whose name I won't disclose yet since it's not my character.
Dialorea is a poorer province because it is landlocked and doesn't have a thriving industry. It is mainly plains, and therefore many of the people there are farmers.
Jedwick is a "rest village" because of its many taverns and inns.
Ramshorn is a farming village that unexpectedly has an abundance of higher power users. They've been having problems with cults coming in and spiriting away the children.
Ecremar is a wealthier human province because of its location on the water and its coal mines. It mainly exports coal.

I'll be adding some more and doing some of your requests if it's alright with everyone
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Oct 20, 2012
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The thing about how I coloured it is that I only did so so that it's more clear that it's a different biome. It doesn't quite say much about the biome itself.

To be honest, I had originally thought of the biome that has Eletheas and Alsari as the main capital- as in the place where everyone is mixed together, and where people gather for meetings and such- but I can always move that place elsewhere.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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The thing about how I coloured it is that I only did so so that it's more clear that it's a different biome. It doesn't quite say much about the biome itself.

To be honest, I had originally thought of the biome that has Eletheas and Alsari as the main capital- as in the place where everyone is mixed together, and where people gather for meetings and such- but I can always move that place elsewhere.
Hey you're the GM. So u can just reject what I had

I thought that the capital would be on that white-blue part since the capital is normally located at the most prosperous city and that little tip part sorta has access to everything around it and would be like the trading and traveling hub

But now that I know it's colored as a biome it probably wouldn't be in an icy place :p

Also should we make a political map or just keep those boundaries for the provinces


Oct 20, 2012
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Hey you're the GM. So u can just reject what I had

I thought that the capital would be on that white-blue part since the capital is normally located at the most prosperous city and that little tip part sorta has access to everything around it and would be like the trading and traveling hub

But now that I know it's colored as a biome it probably wouldn't be in an icy place :p

Also should we make a political map or just keep those boundaries for the provinces
I was considering putting it there too. With that sort of reasoning, it would make sense, except that it's a little near to the part I'm considering putting a village in...


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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But now that I know it's colored as a biome it probably wouldn't be in an icy place
The thing about how I coloured it is that I only did so so that it's more clear that it's a different biome. It doesn't quite say much about the biome itself.
Well I don't want to make any big decisions yet because this is fali's country/RP not mine

I believe the idea was that anyone can add to the map and we can just support and reject the ideas but if you guys want to give me ideas and let me edit the places in then that's fine by me c:
We can't really support or reject ideas if we don't know anything about them besides their name :p

I think that considering the facts that Arun is where the faith in Guardians is strongest, and it's also the country where we all wake up at, it's safe to assume that Arun is located at the same place where the events of GotE took place. That would mean that all the landmarks from GotE, like the Crater Lake or the cave would be present. Considering the fact that towards the end of GotE a jungle was raised there, it would make sense that Arun is a fairly warm country, perhaps in the tropics or near the equator (or both, depending on the size of Arun).

As for the political system I don't really have a strong opinion, but here are a few ideas I think would be interesting or would work nicely given the setting and the preferences some others have set forth:

A kingdom
Classic in such settings, I don't really see how we could muck this up. It could be a constitutional monarchy, with some or most powers in the hands of the people, like most modern monarchies, it could be an absolute monarchy where the king/queen does whatever (s)he wants or it could be something else. I think this would be the safest choice.

A confederacy of separate states/provinces
This would be something that I would like to try out the most. You'd basically have separate states, each with its own specific internal policies and laws, perhaps there'd be different forms of government within these states, one could be a democracy, while another would be headed by a duke or some equivalent. They'd all be then united under one central government, headed by either a monarch or perhaps a council made up of representatives from each province. It's not guaranteed to work, but I feel like this would be the most flexible and diverse, and therefore the most fun to play with, because there'd be something for everyone, while the underlying culture and other characteristics would be common for all the states.

Something else entirely
Honestly, that's all I've come up with so far, but you can make your own suggestions as well, of course. I like how Swimmer has already tried to start filling out the map, now we gotta continue that until the basic stuff is done.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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We can't really support or reject ideas if we don't know anything about them besides their name :p

I think that considering the facts that Arun is where the faith in Guardians is strongest, and it's also the country where we all wake up at, it's safe to assume that Arun is located at the same place where the events of GotE took place. That would mean that all the landmarks from GotE, like the Crater Lake or the cave would be present. Considering the fact that towards the end of GotE a jungle was raised there, it would make sense that Arun is a fairly warm country, perhaps in the tropics or near the equator (or both, depending on the size of Arun).

As for the political system I don't really have a strong opinion, but here are a few ideas I think would be interesting or would work nicely given the setting and the preferences some others have set forth:

A kingdom
Classic in such settings, I don't really see how we could muck this up. It could be a constitutional monarchy, with some or most powers in the hands of the people, like most modern monarchies, it could be an absolute monarchy where the king/queen does whatever (s)he wants or it could be something else. I think this would be the safest choice.

A confederacy of separate states/provinces
This would be something that I would like to try out the most. You'd basically have separate states, each with its own specific internal policies and laws, perhaps there'd be different forms of government within these states, one could be a democracy, while another would be headed by a duke or some equivalent. They'd all be then united under one central government, headed by either a monarch or perhaps a council made up of representatives from each province. It's not guaranteed to work, but I feel like this would be the most flexible and diverse, and therefore the most fun to play with, because there'd be something for everyone, while the underlying culture and other characteristics would be common for all the states.

Something else entirely
Honestly, that's all I've come up with so far, but you can make your own suggestions as well, of course. I like how Swimmer has already tried to start filling out the map, now we gotta continue that until the basic stuff is done.
I like the states/provinces idea

Also I did write a huge post up there giving some background on what I put you know


Jul 20, 2013
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I think I might have Kramia live somewhere near Alsari and/or Jedwick, assuming those are forested lands. She won't be living near people, just a small area in a forest.
Not 100% sure though.

I also think that the map area of GoTE should be in one province, as it wasn't really that big of an area.
And maybe something have odd (like maybe a legend or stories, along with some residual magic energy or something) about the crater-lake thing? That is where my first character impacted into the planet after all.
Dec 8, 2012
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How about if we gather all the names of villages, towns, kingdoms, and etc, in one post so that it is easier for the map editor to put all of those places. Also specify what the place is surrounded with, how big it is and a bit of suggestion on where to put it on the map.