The Local Cow
idk about you but im pretty sure happy endings trumped the murder of an innocent serial killer/vigilante!This means all of the mafia are dead and so is the serial killer.
idk about you but im pretty sure happy endings trumped the murder of an innocent serial killer/vigilante!This means all of the mafia are dead and so is the serial killer.
Well the first time when I killed Dess it was because I felt if I didn't kill a person off the list, I'd be very likely to be up for lynching because people didn't know if the list was true/false. And I killed caff because I'm with the town now and caff was probabily going to target me.Why did you decide to kill Mafia? It would have been better to not.
#BlameLtinsuperhalo6 How could you kill me!? I thought we were going for a happy ending... And I was even the one to start the trend...
If there's anything to be disappointed about, it's the fact quite a few people wanted to keep me alive, yet I was shot in cold blood anyway, and then everyone else ran off with my intended happy ending. :<
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