The Bastard Game: Day 5


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I am not a robot that makes the best moves in this game, and logic of why I should have done this and that, took you half a day to write, I didnt think it through that much, but I do honestly intend to help town.
Intentions aside if you play according to your win condition you cannot win with the town because there exist 0 scenarios where it's beneficial for the Mafia to kill you. Even the scenario you mentioned they won't bother killing you because they know you cannot lynch the last Mafia anyways and instead are just a useless vote. You will never have the Town win condition after death and thus if you play to your win condition your only option is to play so detrimental to the town that they lynch you just to get rid of you. That day is today congrats.

I feel bad for you if Ender did force to you make a claim, although I'm more convinced he only forced you to claim Third-Party and this mess of a claim is of your design.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
So basically, if we go ahead and lynch Danni and that he's not lying (gut feeling is pointing towards him telling the truth); then mafia get an extra kill per night because of his win condition now being mafia sided.

On the other hand, if we leave Danni alone; he could get night killed because of mafia or ignored throughout the game meaning that he can't win. If Mafia do kill him; do we get an extra lynch per day or?

I see Ender being a dickhead and forcing Danni to claim this round; if that's the case I would lean in leaving Danni alone as if his win condition is valid; then I don't want Mafia getting 2 kills per night or we are basically fucked. Notty, give us a tl;dr too because I'm not reading through that huge paragraph.
Runemen4 you better say what you found confusing about notty's latest post (going off of ur rating)

you clearly haven't properly read the thread (seeing how you thought danni's win condition lead to one kill per night/day) and seem to have no interest in reading it (telling notty to make a tl;dr on a post that took time and effort to make)

in the past 5 games i've been anti-town, my attitude towards reading posts have been 'well ehhh this doesnt really matter to me so ill just skim/skip it' but now that im ACTUALLY TOWN mafia has suddenly become more enjoyable again since its actually fun to analyse posts and stuff and tbh the way i feel like you're acting is as an unworried scum


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
No, it is the fact that in the 'roles that we could expect to see in this game' you never noted a role that is similar to the role which you have claimed, therefore making me think that you wrote this post then forgot what you had said before creating an elaborate role in which to disguise your true alignment/win condition. Slip?
no, I just didnt really concider it, sorry.

I believe Notty is saying that even if you wanted to 'help the town' you would end the game with no win condition since claiming you are pretty much a waste of a kill when the game actually starts.
If Danni needs to die to win, why would he make a claim that ensures no one will kill him?
made a gamble, in the coming days I will work hard for town, and most likely mafia will kill me one of these days, depending on if they believe me or not. If it goes as stated in the last sentence, this will be a great thing for town. I will be in a strong position to do lynches, with no reason to starting false lynches, and I will also be really hard to kill for mafia, If I got them all.
If however, they chose to not lynch me, I lost.

Yeah thats it, I made a decission, and depending on how the game goes, I may lose, or I may win. Its a risky play and it has been mostly fun so far. I like it. I stand by it. Most interesting day one I have had in ages.

To sum it up, I made a play which might cause me to lose, you guys say no win-condition like its the worst thing to ever happen. It simply means I lost. I can have a fun game either way, and mafia might still kill me. Its a gamble, and seems fun. I still think I may win, will be interesting to see.

and before we get any more claims about how my role is too shit to be real, If I shut my mouth and played correctly, making bad lynches, I would be lynched for town for being mafia sided, given mafia a kill when I lynched someone, and given them another kill and gaining their win condition when village lynched me. Its not the worst role I have heard of, but its a tricky one indeed.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
Today is our only safe day to lynch Danni. If we keep Danni alive, it means that on later days Danni, having to try and win the game, will automatically try to sabotage us or annoy us in order to get lynched because he cannot win with the town. This in essense means his vote and thus presence in the game is meaningless and even detrimental to the town as it brings us closed to a MYLO situation. And we as town cannot afford to lynch Danni any later day because then the Mafia gets 1 more nightkill and we probably lose the game at that point since we dont have enough town left.
But isn't that the point notty?

We have the choice to believe danni or not and so do mafia; if we kill him now we waste a possible scum lynch and basically give danni a chance to win. If we believe his role and don't lynch him it's possible mafia will kill him and give us another kill. Or alternatively if they don't, we just ignore him and he loses.

I genuinely think ender would put something like this in.


I can agree on this, but one thing, we got quite a long day ahead of us, is there anything we can do at this day? Claim names? Get the AFK people to respond, is there anything we should do day 0?
Kinda feels like he's scraping the barrel, not too sure tho


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I genuinely think ender would put something like this in.


Kinda feels like he's scraping the barrel, not too sure tho
If he did put this in then my analysis and thus plan of action of lynching Danni today is the best thing for the Town.

But isn't that the point notty?

We have the choice to believe danni or not and so do mafia; if we kill him now we waste a possible scum lynch and basically give danni a chance to win. If we believe his role and don't lynch him it's possible mafia will kill him and give us another kill. Or alternatively if they don't, we just ignore him and he loses.
We're not wasting a possible scum lynch. If Danni isn't lynched today we're no-lynching unless a day-cop somehow exists and got a finding. And like I said the Mafia won't kill him they don't have to.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Notty, how chances are there, that unless I come up with a great post, that you will convince enough people to lynch
If your claim is true then lynching you today according to my sound logic is 100% the best thing to do.
If your claim is false then you're a lying scumbag and lynching you today is 100% the best thing to do.

Pretty sure people understand that and you'll be lynched.


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
If your claim is true then lynching you today according to my sound logic is 100% the best thing to do.
If your claim is false then you're a lying scumbag and lynching you today is 100% the best thing to do.

Pretty sure people understand that and you'll be lynched.
great, you got me notty, about 30% of my claim i false, but you are nowhere near the real claim.

If I reveal my ability, it will be rather useless, so I would prefer not to, I plan on using it to help town though, how do I avoid the rest of this fuckup


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Runemen4 you better say what you found confusing about notty's latest post (going off of ur rating)

you clearly haven't properly read the thread (seeing how you thought danni's win condition lead to one kill per night/day) and seem to have no interest in reading it (telling notty to make a tl;dr on a post that took time and effort to make)

in the past 5 games i've been anti-town, my attitude towards reading posts have been 'well ehhh this doesnt really matter to me so ill just skim/skip it' but now that im ACTUALLY TOWN mafia has suddenly become more enjoyable again since its actually fun to analyse posts and stuff and tbh the way i feel like you're acting is as an unworried scum
to be fair he didn't read the last game either and got himself into a web of confusing lies and misinterpretations and then died as town


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
I am literally asking what my best course of action is notty, third party, win condition, my role, something else is false, revealing which one will probably make mafia kill me, my own fuckup that though, revealing my ability will also probably make me dead next night, so do save your lynch.

how to convince you and what to say/not an do



Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
I seem to recall playing a similar game to Danni (or at least the game it looks like he is playing)
Or maybe twice
One of those went badly
And both had very different circumstances
once again: vague, seemingly protown but not actually very helpful, basically chipping in to act like he's contributing

: e y e s :


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
I am literally asking what my best course of action is notty, third party, win condition, my role, something else is false, revealing which one will probably make mafia kill me, my own fuckup that though, revealing my ability will also probably make me dead next night, so do save your lynch.

how to convince you and what to say/not an do

this does not sit well with me, this smells of nothing left to lose last ditch attempt at pandering


Resident Roadman
Community Admin
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
May 17, 2014
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Runemen4 you better say what you found confusing about notty's latest post (going off of ur rating)

you clearly haven't properly read the thread (seeing how you thought danni's win condition lead to one kill per night/day) and seem to have no interest in reading it (telling notty to make a tl;dr on a post that took time and effort to make)

in the past 5 games i've been anti-town, my attitude towards reading posts have been 'well ehhh this doesnt really matter to me so ill just skim/skip it' but now that im ACTUALLY TOWN mafia has suddenly become more enjoyable again since its actually fun to analyse posts and stuff and tbh the way i feel like you're acting is as an unworried scum
Well, the fact that there are conflicting paragraphs from both sides means that I can't have a proper decision on both. I wasn't sure about what she was talking about and that was it; that was the reason why I used a confusing rating (that's what it's designed for right?). I did skim over some parts because I started when it was 14 pages long and it looked like the same arguments. That post from Notty did not clear anything up for me which is why I gave it a confusing rating too.

Just as a side note, someone did mention that his win condition leads to one kill per night/day). I'm not sure though which was the reason why I was asking.
If Mafia do kill him; do we get an extra lynch per day or?
I did ask for a tl;dr because I feel like I would understand her arguments better if they were summed up instead of being in large paragraphs where half of it is bolded. I don't understand why this would be used against me so carry on. Also, I just don't understand how your last paragraph applies to me at all and then completely ignores the fact that some people understand posts differently from others. Last game I didn't read properly and didn't ask for a tl;dr so I got myself killed. This game, I'm asking for a tl;dr from huge ones so I don't get confused.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I am literally asking what my best course of action is notty, third party, win condition, my role, something else is false, revealing which one will probably make mafia kill me, my own fuckup that though, revealing my ability will also probably make me dead next night, so do save your lynch.

how to convince you and what to say/not an do

Look I don't really know how to help your situation since I don't know anything about it except that you've sprouted a bundle of lies at us. But if you're town and the choice is between being lynched or being useless then it's not much of a choice to me.

Act with your own judgement, but I'd say even if you claim it's likely we won't believe you and lynch you regardless.

One one two

Per aspera ad astra
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
great, you got me notty, about 30% of my claim i false, but you are nowhere near the real claim.

If I reveal my ability, it will be rather useless, so I would prefer not to, I plan on using it to help town though, how do I avoid the rest of this fuckup
Why would we believe you now that you've admitted to withholding information?


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
I did ask for a tl;dr because I feel like I would understand her arguments better if they were summed up instead of being in large paragraphs where half of it is bolded. I don't understand why this would be used against me so carry on. Also, I just don't understand how your last paragraph applies to me at all and then completely ignores the fact that some people understand posts differently from others. Last game I didn't read properly and didn't ask for a tl;dr so I got myself killed. This game, I'm asking for a tl;dr from huge ones so I don't get confused.
You mean you're lazy. I don't normally back-up notty but her argument was pretty concise my dude