The Bastard Game: Day 5



This was actually the worst timing because I'm away at the moment (not like I'm pulling this out of nowhere, certain people can confirm this if you really don't believe me)
Arelic is Mafia. I've been suspicious of her all game but when Jivvi gave me a disagree rating today for a post saying she was suspicious and asking if anyone agreed (, I can't help but think this was a signal attempt. This is why I suddenly retracted suspicion on her at one point ( – to try to prove to Jivvi that I was able to understand signalling so that he’d give me more signals.
Just quoting this bit because das me, but addressing this post in general.

From a general viewpoint, each of the players you listed is based on vibes and Jivvi's reactions. Do you mind elaborating on why you find them scummy besides the latter? Most of the users on that list have been rather inactive. While that is an easy way to determine if someone's lurking/mafia, it also makes them easy targets. I know that Jivvi removing his reactions made everyone on the list a lot more suspicious, but it might be the mafia's attempt at framing players. I think you have some credibility in your post, and I suspect some of the players you listed may indeed by mafia. However, lynching them based on vibes and Jivvi alone seems rather unfair, even if they're not the most active players.


May 31, 2014
Reaction score

vote Nottykitten
I thought you wanted to wait until real notty revealed her name?

Also Nottykitten , Inffy's right. Unless the doctor can protect through role names, you're going to die. I really don't understand why you don't want to claim. The only two reasons I can think of are that you don't trust inffy's claim that you were targeted by mafia last night and so are thinking that he just wants your name to kill you or something. This doesn't make sense as the doctor could just protect you.

The other reason I can think of is that you don't want to be roleblocked. But surely being roleblocked is much better and more beneficial to the town then being dead.

Also unless you and Inffy have somehow made up an elaborate plan, Jivvi is pretty much confirmed mafia as you have a cop report saying that he is guilty and Inf was in a chat and paraphrased it, showing where Jivvi claimed mafia. So, where their was doubt cast over your sanity as a cop, your accurate read on Jivvi shows that you are indeed, a legit cop who gets accurate reports.
You not claiming and dying is literally going to make us lose a legit cop role.

I really don't follow your reasoning here. Could you explain why you do not want to claim?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Also what happened to "almost all serial killers
This was actually the worst timing because I'm away at the moment (not like I'm pulling this out of nowhere, certain people can confirm this if you really don't believe me)

Just quoting this bit because das me, but addressing this post in general.

From a general viewpoint, each of the players you listed is based on vibes and Jivvi's reactions. Do you mind elaborating on why you find them scummy besides the latter? Most of the users on that list have been rather inactive. While that is an easy way to determine if someone's lurking/mafia, it also makes them easy targets. I know that Jivvi removing his reactions made everyone on the list a lot more suspicious, but it might be the mafia's attempt at framing players. I think you have some credibility in your post, and I suspect some of the players you listed may indeed by mafia. However, lynching them based on vibes and Jivvi alone seems rather unfair, even if they're not the most active players.
Ltin = lack of contribution, filler-posts, scum tells that I mentioned earlier that Aqua agreed with (on mobile rn but I can find the quote later if you want)

You: change of behaviour/tone from previous game

Oak: Tried to imply I was lying about names which is just weird, hasn't contributed any. I wasn't really vibing him as scum this game since he's usually extremely shady regardless of allignment

And it's possible jivvi's trying to frame you guys but I personally find it unlikely. As unfair as it may be, we have to choose someone to lynch, and that person will obviously be the person with the most support for them being Mafia, which, unfortunately for you guys, is you right now. People are lynched on much less "evidence" than you guys have against you right now sometimes as well

We should probably kill oak first on that list since even if he's town he's not helping so we won't lose much unless he's a really powerful role in which case he needs to claim it

Nottykitten would you claim your name if rune blocks me (ltin) tonight instead of hk? Are you worried I'm going to kill/block you or something?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
I thought you wanted to wait until real notty revealed her name?

Also Nottykitten , Inffy's right. Unless the doctor can protect through role names, you're going to die. I really don't understand why you don't want to claim. The only two reasons I can think of are that you don't trust inffy's claim that you were targeted by mafia last night and so are thinking that he just wants your name to kill you or something. This doesn't make sense as the doctor could just protect you.

The other reason I can think of is that you don't want to be roleblocked. But surely being roleblocked is much better and more beneficial to the town then being dead.

Also unless you and Inffy have somehow made up an elaborate plan, Jivvi is pretty much confirmed mafia as you have a cop report saying that he is guilty and Inf was in a chat and paraphrased it, showing where Jivvi claimed mafia. So, where their was doubt cast over your sanity as a cop, your accurate read on Jivvi shows that you are indeed, a legit cop who gets accurate reports.
You not claiming and dying is literally going to make us lose a legit cop role.

I really don't follow your reasoning here. Could you explain why you do not want to claim?
Thank you Iggish

I'm happy to be blocked tonight if Notty's paranoid I can kill through doctor roles or can roleblock her or something, but if she still refuses then either a) she's not a real cop, b) she's got some plan up her sleeve, c) she's still reluctant to believe I'm not Mafia or something, which I can't do much about

And yes I do want notty to claim her name before the day ends but there's only like 5 votes so I may as well add mine and just retract it if I need to


Resident Roadman
Community Admin
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Also what happened to "almost all serial killers

Ltin = lack of contribution, filler-posts, scum tells that I mentioned earlier that Aqua agreed with (on mobile rn but I can find the quote later if you want)

You: change of behaviour/tone from previous game

Oak: Tried to imply I was lying about names which is just weird, hasn't contributed any. I wasn't really vibing him as scum this game since he's usually extremely shady regardless of allignment

And it's possible jivvi's trying to frame you guys but I personally find it unlikely. As unfair as it may be, we have to choose someone to lynch, and that person will obviously be the person with the most support for them being Mafia, which, unfortunately for you guys, is you right now. People are lynched on much less "evidence" than you guys have against you right now sometimes as well

We should probably kill oak first on that list since even if he's town he's not helping so we won't lose much unless he's a really powerful role in which case he needs to claim it

Nottykitten would you claim your name if rune blocks me (ltin) tonight instead of hk? Are you worried I'm going to kill/block you or something?
Heads up, I'm blocking the name 'Arelic' for tonight; so there's that. Your excuse in having Notty out her name out is just bad especially when I indicated that I'm blocking the name 'Arelic' and there was a discussion on who I should block earlier on the thread which you missed out on the conclusion of.

Anyways, generally speaking, I trust Notty more than Jivvi. The way Jivvi has been acting is overall just scummy and having two people saying you are mafia with viable evidence indicates that you are Mafia. Most of the evidence explains this, Notty's cop report indicates that you are scum and Inf's inn chat pretty much has you confirming it:

jivvi: hi im mafia. dess if you want to win, work with us, we have an anonymous messenger role and we'll inform you of our plans for night kills so you can bet on them, just tell me your role name. inf is being killed tonight so you might want to bet on him, depending on how names work with your role, but just in case dont spend much money on it before we know how it works, but then once we know how it works you can get x2 money per night. if we have time before the deadline it will be good to work out a way to communicate during the day so that you dont do something detrimental to us both.
This is also combined with the fact that I roleblocked Jivvi; which means that Jivvi probably couldn't do anything night action wise. If Jivvi was, for instance, the 'anonymous messenger' then it makes sense that he couldn't make the night chat for it. In this situation, I can see that Inf's night chat DID work out but the way he did it was a bit iffy. Jivvi using reactions as people also pointed out; is dodgy and her excuses are just bad:

tbh i think inf must be some sort of killer cause he's trying to get notty's name out pretty hard; one of the first things he told me and dess was that he could kill someone in his inn so im wondering if thats his actual role and he's trying to get rid of the cop cause then town should be almost a non-issue for him and he can worry about the mafia
He doesn't address the reactions at all and is also trying to bat away attention from himself by moving attention to Inffy.

This is where I think my post gets a bit juicy:

My next biggest read is currently Notme. Just think about this, Notme is one of the most active people on this forum; if he was town he would constantly be trying to help (it's in our AI's nature). This very reasoning means that there is another reason why Notme isn't posting that often:

a) He's mafia and due to him not playing as anti-town often, his probable idea of trying to not look suspicious is to stay quiet so he doesn't leak something suspicious by accident

b) He's genuinely not able to play due to real life problems.

I'm more inclined to believe in Option A because Notme *would* have posted something saying that he's not able to play as frequently. This just means that he has an ulterior motive in not being as active. This also means that I'm less likely to believe in Option B because Notme would try to constantly help and if he was town then he would try to help as much as he can. If he was let's say inactive, the times when he is able to come on the forums and post; I would not be surprised to see large posts on what he thinks. This degree of inactivity displayed by Notme and with my gut feeling, just makes me believe in Option A more.

Moving on to claiming names, I would prefer for mafia to guess my name than to out myself. Mafia could, for instance, see my role as being as a detriment to them and they would love to have me killed. If I outed my name right now, I personally think I have a lower chance of surviving than letting them guess my name. Also, having people out their names isn't going to be useful to town. Mafia knows there's a limited set of names which are being used and having people out their names will narrow down the pool of guessing who is who. Having Notty out her name just increases the chance of other people having there named guess, and having a doc protect her doesn't protect the other town who have their names unknown so have a lower chance of being killed. In addition, I can completely understand her concerns for putting her name out as it puts her at a higher risk of dying even with a doc.

Anyways, I'll wrap this up by voting:

Vote Nottykitten

Also, are people still happy with me blocking the name 'Arelic' for tonight or should I switch to a different person to block?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Nottykitten would you claim your name if rune blocks me (ltin) tonight instead of hk? Are you worried I'm going to kill/block you or something?
Nah blocking you would be kind of useless. But oh right I was waiting to say anything till Jivvi sprouted his defence but that was a giant disappointment. I find this entire situation kind of fishy so I have two working theories at the moment:

  1. You and Jivvi are both Mafia. Mafia has a day+nightchat(which could be evident by One accidentally slipping d0 about daychat and thus also being your Mafia buddy). You're the Mafia innkeeper and can create and inn with 3 people(including yourself), and during day 0 since you can name the inn you had the bright idea to name it the lie detector and add two people so you could seem confirmed to the town. During n1 you continued this plan and once you realised you brought a fellow Mafia into the chat(since name swapping), you told Jivvi all about your plan. The plan changed when Dess suddenly claimed Third Party, and you two thought you could get him on your side by revealing you're Mafia and trying to help him. This worked since you two were useful for him so he went along with it.

    Then day happened and Dess died so he couldn't confirm your inn, nevertheless with your day chat you and Jivvi thought it would be good to go ahead and claim the existance of this inn anyways because you could create another inn just like it the next night. Not sure why you even decided to claim a doctor-esque role instead of only claiming the existance of the Inn, but probably it's because people are reluctant to lynch doctor roles and with your role you could give false security to PR's by claiming you could go through the name-swap mechanic. You also thought Jivvi confirming the existance of the Inn would be

    This plan backfired when people were a bit reluctant to believe you since Jivvi's confirmation was not enough for us and I lead a witchhunt to find this Town Interrogator that you two made up. We would lynch you if this Town Interrogator did not step up and you kept insisting he might just not claim, and surprisingly One(your Mafia buddy) also followed this thought where he profusely kept insisting we shouldn't try to out the Town Interrogator. I should also mention that One was the first one to come up with Mafia being able to target actual people. This is a combined effort of you + Jivvi + One to try and convince the town that the Interrogator isn't going to out and trying to make up all kinds of reasons for that. One being right here:, I mean 'something I just realized *insert new info about why town interrogator shouldn't out*' is kind of fishy. Nevertheless we kept persisting they out so in your Mafia day chat you hatched the plan where one of you two would claim Town Interrogator incase people were going to lynch you.

    Then surprise I claimed cop with a guilty report on flavour Nottykitten(which happened to be Jivvi) and Jivvi had no choice but the be the one to claim Town Interrogator in order to try and save himself. With the most basis of his supposed 'innocence' being that this is a bastard game and we shouldn't believe cops and also he could 'confirm' himself by making another inn tonight(which you would then create). We see both you and One defending Jivvi and overall saying you believe him. This went decent for a while having convinced Oog to relieve his vote. But as more lies/inconsistencies for Jivvi's claim came up and people started taking my side you two were worried since a Jivvi lynch would prove he has no innmaking abilities and cast extreme suspicion on Inf. This would be thursday evening/friday morning, around page 55 where Inf's insistence on me revealing my name became over the top aswell.

    So they planned on bussing Jivvi and and at the same time give some vague directions on who might be his team so that there might be a mislynch tomorrow, I mean they had to how else could they explain Inf heavily defending Jivvi? Inf went back to try and find a few posts where he called people suspicious and Jivvi would rate these disagree so it could support Inf's claim of having 'tricked' Jivvi. I mean are we really supposted to believe Jivvi just fell for some fake Mafia claim and even more that he would give away his Mafia team during the day on posts that are litterally only your suspicions, everyone knows that one post saying someone is suspicious isn't a danger at all to the Mafia. Even 1 vote is nothing so 'barking up the wrong tree' is kind of a super bad excuse to try and explain why Jivvi would even give away his teammates in the first place. I'd also like to point out that because Jivvi has since removed his disagrees, we are unable to say whether or not these disagree ratings(spread around different pages) were given on the same day by Jivvi or not. I'd also like to point out that it's extremely strange that out of the 6 disagree ratings Jivvi has given this game(2 about my name, 3 about these supposed 'Mafia teammates' and 1 towards something I said), 5 of those were given to you and pertain 100% to your agenda of claiming my flavour name and giving away fake Mafia buddies. I just don't see Jivvi giving away his Mafia team like that and him giving all those disagrees to you while not giving disagrees to anyone else is super suspicious.

    With this 'great' plan of Inf supposedly hustling 3 Mafia teammates from Jivvi, Inf went and did a full 180 from defending Jivvi to 'HOLD UP!!'. He tried to create some hype and some stuff about 'I don't want to ruin the game =(((((' in order to seem town-like. Plus he's the actual Mafia innkeeper so claiming town innkeeper could 'prove' him once he made another inn tonight. Then his 'great' claim post came where he gave all 'evidence' and stuff and tried to convince us that we should be lynching Jivvi and probably the other ones tomorrow(thus causing a mislynch). Jivvi then removed his ratings so that we couldn't see they were given at the same time(and to make it seem more suspicious!) and while he was at it gave another disagree to you saying I should claim my name to try and give your points more merit. Also he waited super long with giving this transcript about what happened in the inn because he wanted to go over it with Jivvi carefully in the Mafis daychat to try and make it seem as logical as possible.

    And wow look at that both One and you are now voting for Jivvi, people believe you and think you can prove yourself by making an inn tonight and you're still pressing me for my name. Your entire argument/defence relies on Jivvi giving away his teammates for no reason and I'm not buying that at all.

    I ask everyone to consider this:
    - Why would Jivvi suddenly claim Mafia in this inn instead of just not speaking and killing Inf?
    - Why would Jivvi reveal to dess and Inf that they can kill through the name-swap mechanic?
    - Why when they have a supposed 'communication' role to communicate with dess would Jivvi not just ask for dess's flavour name and communicate with dess outside of the inn to work together THAT NIGHT, but instead claim Mafia for no reason other than to tell Inf he's going to die.

    - Inf claims he can't invite himself to the Inn yet his 'fake claim' towards Jivvi in the inn transcript seems to rely on Inf being able to make another night chat with Jivvi the night after. This doesn't add up.

    It doesn't make any sense for Jivvi to do or say ANY of the things described in this inn transcript it seems like a bunch of nonsense and lies to me.

  2. You're town and Jivvi is Mafia. Jivvi didn't switch his kill at all but was convinced that you(Inf) were going to die tonight so he didn't mind claiming all the nonsense he said in the chat.

    Jivvi is the one that can charge abilities up and he used it on the person that would execute the nightkill. He didn't believe Inf's claim at all (I mean who would) and they were planning on murdering Inf but this failed to work when Rune roleblocked Jivvi's upcharing ability and instead the flavour Inf(Weak) died tonight. Now Jivvi panicked and instead tried to pretend to believe Inf and after getting a accused with a guilty report decided the best thing he could do is trick Inf into believing he got signals by rating stuff.
Honestly I was thinking #2 being pretty likely but honestly when writing out #1 and coming up with the questions I bolded where Jivvi's actions and words make no sense it seems more likely to me that things still aren't what they seem with you Inf.

One thing is for sure though, Jivvi should be lynched today.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Then day happened and Dess died so he couldn't confirm your inn, nevertheless with your day chat you and Jivvi thought it would be good to go ahead and claim the existance of this inn anyways because you could create another inn just like it the next night. Not sure why you even decided to claim a doctor-esque role instead of only claiming the existance of the Inn, but probably it's because people are reluctant to lynch doctor roles and with your role you could give false security to PR's by claiming you could go through the name-swap mechanic. You also thought Jivvi confirming the existance of the Inn would be
*would be enough to make people believe your claim


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
This went decent for a while having convinced Oog to relieve his vote.
Mafia has a day+nightchat
once you realised you brought a fellow Mafia into the chat(since name swapping)
a) i mostly removed since i thought it was susp you were so insistent on you being sane and not even considering anything else but yeah <3

b & c) originally i was gonna say 'but how did inf accidentally invite a mafia if they claimed names in their day chat!' but then i remembered that harmark was jivvi at first and only got replaced begin of n1 iirc, so he wouldn't have known jivvi's role player name before making the inn during d0


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Runemen4 I haven't read your whole post yet since my phone is about to die but can you catch up on the thread before making assumptions about what I'm saying

I never said notty should out so that i could be blocked or whatever, I said she should out so that the doc can protec her

I also didn't miss out on the conclusion about who you're blocking, I'm fully aware you chose to block arelic but I suggested an alternative since notty might have claimed her name if she knew I was blocked since she seems untrusting of me

I'll read the rest of your post and Notty's post later


Resident Roadman
Community Admin
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
May 17, 2014
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Runemen4 I haven't read your whole post yet since my phone is about to die but can you catch up on the thread before making assumptions about what I'm saying

I never said notty should out so that i could be blocked or whatever, I said she should out so that the doc can protec her

I also didn't miss out on the conclusion about who you're blocking, I'm fully aware you chose to block arelic but I suggested an alternative since notty might have claimed her name if she knew I was blocked since she seems untrusting of me

I'll read the rest of your post and Notty's post later
If you read my post correctly, I said that it's a bad 'alternative' of making her out with the disadvantages and also by the very fact that I will not block you tonight (I will however switch if people want me to).

Nottykitten would you claim your name if rune blocks me (ltin) tonight instead of hk? Are you worried I'm going to kill/block you or something?
So saying that I should re-read the thread because you misunderstood makes zero sense. Using me so you can get your way just seems dodgy to me. You also haven't read the conversation like you stated because you said this: tonight instead of hk? If you did understand the conclusion, you would have said: tonight instead of Arelic? So saying you fully understood and yet used this as your alternative shows that you have misread:

I also didn't miss out on the conclusion about who you're blocking, I'm fully aware you chose to block arelic but I suggested an alternative since notty might have claimed her name if she knew I was blocked since she seems untrusting of me
I guess instead of using 'excuse' for the first sentence, it should have been something like 'concession' but even with those words, you haven't read my post fully where I state later on that even having doc protect Notty, you still put other town at a disadvantage.

I never said notty should out so that i could be blocked or whatever, I said she should out so that the doc can protec her
I know you didn't, I didn't state you did but I did say that I think it's a bad excuse to out when you include the disadvantages to others when you have her outing.


May 31, 2014
Reaction score
Heads up, I'm blocking the name 'Arelic' for tonight; so there's that.
Why are you blocking fake Arelic, any reason? Also, if fake Arelic is mafia, now mafia will know not to let fake arelic do the killing. So unless I'm wrong, blocking fake Arelic would only be useful for getting the serial killer and some other possible third partys, otherwise it could prevent town PRs from using their actions.
Is there any particular reason to block fake Arelic or is it just random.
a) He's mafia and due to him not playing as anti-town often, his probable idea of trying to not look suspicious is to stay quiet so he doesn't leak something suspicious by accident

b) He's genuinely not able to play due to real life problems.
Why do you not even consider him just not posting as he doesn't have a lot to say as an option?
Having Notty out her name just increases the chance of other people having there named guess, and having a doc protect her doesn't protect the other town who have their names unknown so have a lower chance of being killed
But surely a cop not dying takes priority over an unknown townie dying. After all, a sane cop is one of the most useful roles in the claim.
In addition, I can completely understand her concerns for putting her name out as it puts her at a higher risk of dying even with a doc.


May 31, 2014
Reaction score
  1. You're town and Jivvi is Mafia. Jivvi didn't switch his kill at all but was convinced that you(Inf) were going to die tonight so he didn't mind claiming all the nonsense he said in the chat.

    Jivvi is the one that can charge abilities up and he used it on the person that would execute the nightkill. He didn't believe Inf's claim at all (I mean who would) and they were planning on murdering Inf but this failed to work when Rune roleblocked Jivvi's upcharing ability and instead the flavour Inf(Weak) died tonight. Now Jivvi panicked and instead tried to pretend to believe Inf and after getting a accused with a guilty report decided the best thing he could do is trick Inf into believing he got signals by rating stuff.
Honestly I was thinking #2 being pretty likely but honestly when writing out #1 and coming up with the questions I bolded where Jivvi's actions and words make no sense it seems more likely to me that things still aren't what they seem with you Inf.

One thing is for sure though, Jivvi should be lynched today.
If you believe the first option, then I can understand why you don't want to claim your name as Inffy could be lying about you being targeted and so there is no point for you to needlessly reveal your name.
However, you said yourself that the second option is more likely and Inffy is town. If he is town then he'd be telling the truth about you being targeted and that without a doc, you'll die tonight so I don't understand why you're not claiming.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Why are you blocking fake Arelic, any reason? Also, if fake Arelic is mafia, now mafia will know not to let fake arelic do the killing. So unless I'm wrong, blocking fake Arelic would only be useful for getting the serial killer and some other possible third partys, otherwise it could prevent town PRs from using their actions.
Is there any particular reason to block fake Arelic or is it just random
I am flavour Arelic (or fake arelic, geez guys use 1 format. We discussed this a while ago (Notty, Rune and I). We agreed it would be a good idea to block me, since my flavour name is known, and that we wont run the risk of blocking the doc.


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I am flavour Arelic (or fake arelic, geez guys use 1 format. We discussed this a while ago (Notty, Rune and I). We agreed it would be a good idea to block me, since my flavour name is known, and that we wont run the risk of blocking the doc.
HKcaper, if someone blocks you, then some guy with HKcaper flavor name will be blocked.
If someone blocks Arelic, then you will get blocked, as you are flavor Arelic.

For example Danni got lynched and flavor Danni (Aqua) got lynched instead.