The Happy Vice Institute - Game Complete!

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Apr 12, 2013
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the harm is outing for vice information, which i have a feeling wont be very good for town
i really dont see how this small bit of information about our vices is going to harm town. if theres VID killer or whatever they still wont know our vice, plus mafia already get extra info if im remembering correctly so i wouldnt be suprised if they know some things about our vices in the first place


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I never said it would give them infinite power, i just said i don't think sharing more information about our vices would be good for town but I'm open to hearing why you think it would be
This is an assumption you're making based on how useful you think it would be to share your vice but you can't reasonably assume that all other people have vices that aren't worth talking about either.

There could be a VID
Those only exist in fairytales


Aug 22, 2019
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Because vices are literally bad behaviour/habits and if Hip has one that's negative it's not unreasonable at all to assume everyones vice impacts them negatively as well
that's a fair point but i could see it being the opposite too, this isn't really enough to rule out anything yet
No one even answered and just called me scum mmmmmm thanks for being so kind, I'll backread tomorrow then
awww come back, i was joking ❤


Aug 22, 2019
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i really dont see how this small bit of information about our vices is going to harm town. if theres VID killer or whatever they still wont know our vice, plus mafia already get extra info if im remembering correctly so i wouldnt be suprised if they know some things about our vices in the first place
I don't see how it would help
This is an assumption you're making based on how useful you think it would be to share your vice but you can't reasonably assume that all other people have vices that aren't worth talking about either.

Those only exist in fairytales
Explain how sharing info about my vice would be beneficial then, since the only thing you've offered is the 'whats the harm' argument over and over.

I'm uneasy about sharing information about my vice or others sharing because I'm unsure of the information mafia could gain from that and the way you guys are asking isn't encouraging me. I wouldn't mind sharing information if i knew it would be beneficial to town but other than that I'm not interested


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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This is retarded, how in the hell did you come to this conclusion??
wow rude

no but seriously though, unless tim is literally doc or something, i don't think any benefits the town might potentially get from keeping his role a secret at this point outweigh the benefit of having clarity over this fairly controversial topic because right now tim's entire claim is a mess, he gives just enough info to intrigue us and then keeps everything deliberately vague so that we can't actually do anything with the info he has given

if he's town, that's a bad move imo, since it
a) gives the maf, who already have an information advantage over the town, possibly enough that they would be able to at least make somewhat accurate guesses as to how his role or vice works, and thus gives them an even further information advantage, or failing that, makes himself at least somewhat of a target
b) keeps precisely enough info from the town to prevent any of what he has already disclosed being actually useful to us

i'm not gonna push for him to claim any more, because he's obviously not gonna do it and i think that discussing it further leads nowhere right now, but i still don't understand why he would even divulge the information he did without being prompted, if he was town

No one even answered and just called me scum mmmmmm thanks for being so kind, I'll backread tomorrow then
nobody should answer those questions for you because if they did, we'd have no info regarding how you feel about the current state of affairs


Aug 22, 2019
Reaction score
wow rude

no but seriously though, unless tim is literally doc or something, i don't think any benefits the town might potentially get from keeping his role a secret at this point outweigh the benefit of having clarity over this fairly controversial topic because right now tim's entire claim is a mess, he gives just enough info to intrigue us and then keeps everything deliberately vague so that we can't actually do anything with the info he has given

if he's town, that's a bad move imo, since it
a) gives the maf, who already have an information advantage over the town, possibly enough that they would be able to at least make somewhat accurate guesses as to how his role or vice works, and thus gives them an even further information advantage, or failing that, makes himself at least somewhat of a target
b) keeps precisely enough info from the town to prevent any of what he has already disclosed being actually useful to us

i'm not gonna push for him to claim any more, because he's obviously not gonna do it and i think that discussing it further leads nowhere right now, but i still don't understand why he would even divulge the information he did without being prompted, if he was town

nobody should answer those questions for you because if they did, we'd have no info regarding how you feel about the current state of affairs
It be like that sometime.

I disagree with this. I don't see how his claiming would give us any actual information other than helping mafia, not to mention that tim's role could be a PR role.

him being vague gives maf less information than him actually claiming
i don't think his claim would give us any information tbh.

i don't think pushing is a good idea anyway so do you boo


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I'm uneasy about sharing information about my vice or others sharing because I'm unsure of the information mafia could gain from that and the way you guys are asking isn't encouraging me. I wouldn't mind sharing information if i knew it would be beneficial to town but other than that I'm not interested
Information is the key to winning Mafia games. You never know what potential benefits it has in a closed setup you need to take a leap of faith. And your reason not to talk about it is mostly being scared that non-town are going to do ???? with that information

What makes you say that?
Have you ever seen one with your own eyes? They're not real


Aug 22, 2019
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and i dont see how it would hinder us. its day 0 and its still technically some more info, as a townie theres no reason why you should be opposed to this and if there is id love to know what it is
I'm not sharing my vice just for the hell of it when i might come back to bite town in the ass later. you've made no argument as to why i actually should, just said 'theres no harm' which i already told you i disagreed with. and now youre throwing shade just because i don't think its a good idea??


Aug 22, 2019
Reaction score
Information is the key to winning Mafia games. You never know what potential benefits it has in a closed setup you need to take a leap of faith. And your reason not to talk about it is mostly being scared that non-town are going to do ???? with that information

I don't see any potential and until i do I'm not sharing.

Have you ever seen one with your own eyes? They're not real


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I'm not sharing my vice just for the hell of it when i might come back to bite town in the ass later. you've made no argument as to why i actually should, just said 'theres no harm' which i already told you i disagreed with. and now youre throwing shade just because i don't think its a good idea??
How could it hurt the town. What exactly are these 'non-town' going to do with it that you're so scared of?


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
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Every role has a vice attached. It could be something benign, or could be something completely wicked. Maybe it doesn’t amount to anything at all, or maybe it defines how you play the game. I don’t really know, since you need to figure that out for yourself, and for your fellow players in the game. How would you know for sure if someone’s vice has a wicked connotation, anyway?
(from the signup thread)

This says that every player has a vice, and it's either bad, good or somewhere in between. I thought about it, and I think a vice-massclaim would be bad, because it would reveal the roles with negative vices (and their vices too specifically). Maybe something in between where those with positive vices would claim but not those with bad ones?
How could it hurt the town. What exactly are these 'non-town' going to do with it that you're so scared of?
i dont want your vice i want to know if it will benefit you positively or negatively
It's hard to know what roles Alisha might've put in the game, anything from a VID-killer to some crazy mafia faction roles. Alisha has a vivid imagination - I think it's a bad idea to be so naive/in denial of there being a role which could deal a great deal of damage knowing our vices.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
It's hard to know what roles Alisha might've put in the game, anything from a VID-killer to some crazy mafia faction roles. Alisha has a vivid imagination - I think it's a bad idea to be so naive/in denial of there being a role which could deal a great deal of damage knowing our vices.
She literally wants you to think this to prevent claiming early, these thoughts purely benefit non-town


Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
It's hard to know what roles Alisha might've put in the game, anything from a VID-killer to some crazy mafia faction roles. Alisha has a vivid imagination - I think it's a bad idea to be so naive/in denial of there being a role which could deal a great deal of damage knowing our vices.
why is everyone thinking i want to know what ur vice is, i just want to know if it benefits you positively or negatively.

This says that every player has a vice, and it's either bad, good or somewhere in between.
im pretty sure it doesnt say that a vice can be good, rather it is either negative or just inconsequential.


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
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She literally wants you to think this to prevent claiming early, these thoughts purely benefit non-town
I know you are always a big advocate for claiming/massclaiming early, but you shouldn't deny that the mafia also gains valuable information about who to target (ie who has what vice, maybe they can counter some of the vices?).
why is everyone thinking i want to know what ur vice is, i just want to know if it benefits you positively or negatively.
fair enough (was mostly a reply towards notty)
im pretty sure it doesnt say that a vice can be good, rather it is either negative or just inconsequential.
Yes, upon re-reading I agree with you.
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