12 Angry Gunners - Signup


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
12 Angry Gunners
Another Mafia-Oh Wait What the Heck is This, by Alisha

I have decided I want the statistic of the person to host the dumbest game ever.

We will have 12 players in the game, with 4 mafia.

The 'Vanilla Townie' role this game is a Gunner, with a one shot kill pistol.

To invoke a pistol shot, you type shoot [name] [host]. Eventually the host will provide the result of the shot, and wipe the votes if someone will no longer be around to entertain the others. (That euphemism vague enough for you???)

Wait, Result? Well, the game wouldn't last long if killing someone with a gun was a sure thing.
[The first gunshot in a day has an 83% chance to kill your target, a 15% chance to miss entirely, and a 2% chance to kill the user.]
[Subsequent shots during a day have modified chances, with the odds of the target getting hit going down by 30%, the chance to miss going up by 20%, and the chance to kill the user going up by 10%]

Please don't take this game seriously, we need a game to kick back and relax with, and for EscapeRestart standards that comes in the form of a violent gunfight.

Game will begin with a timed day 0, where no guns are allowed to fire, any attempts will fail. (The ammunition hasn't been delivered yet!)

Lynch mechanics work as expected.

1. Stranger from Planet 9
2. Mooglie
3. Ltin
4. Nottykitten
5. HKCaper
6. Infected_Alien8_
7. Timdood3
8. Dess
9. Unusual_Dood
10. hipmeow
11. Boooo
12. TheWeakGuy48_

To signup, say the following;
I AM IN, and I will not take this game seriously!
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Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I AM IN, and I will take this game very seriously.

And can someone fill me in on what happened with Aqua?
Because I've heard it mentioned a few times now.
I would but I would just be attempting to make a forced joke about an event I wasn't present at again

Someone needs to give this man a dramatic retelling of the story!


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Someone needs to give this man a dramatic retelling of the story!
i was winning but then inffy decided to meme and *bang* shoot (i believe) moog by typing that in chat and it was believable to an extent and everyone freaked out and honestly i dont know i think there might have been spamming involved and gamethrowing of sorts and then aqua modkilled inffy and paige and the game continued (although some claim the game ended there i guess because it was too damaged by events that took place) but i was alive and i won the game so basically that and it was fun for everyone involved okay maybe only for me cus i was ted cruz the sk and i survived the onslaught although if you ask someone else like moog or notty they will probably give you a similair but quite different take on the events because im biased in different ways


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
i was winning but then inffy decided to meme and *bang* shoot (i believe) moog by typing that in chat and it was believable to an extent and everyone freaked out and honestly i dont know i think there might have been spamming involved and gamethrowing of sorts and then aqua modkilled inffy and paige and the game continued (although some claim the game ended there i guess because it was too damaged by events that took place) but i was alive and i won the game so basically that and it was fun for everyone involved okay maybe only for me cus i was ted cruz the sk and i survived the onslaught although if you ask someone else like moog or notty they will probably give you a similair but quite different take on the events because im biased in different ways
So basically....Aqua decided to modkill someone....For the meme....
Yeah that sounds believable. I'm appalled at the idea, but it's believable.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
i was winning but then inffy decided to meme and *bang* shoot (i believe) moog by typing that in chat and it was believable to an extent and everyone freaked out and honestly i dont know i think there might have been spamming involved and gamethrowing of sorts and then aqua modkilled inffy and paige and the game continued (although some claim the game ended there i guess because it was too damaged by events that took place) but i was alive and i won the game so basically that and it was fun for everyone involved okay maybe only for me cus i was ted cruz the sk and i survived the onslaught although if you ask someone else like moog or notty they will probably give you a similair but quite different take on the events because im biased in different ways
i think it was notty that got shot
but the game was already slightly a mess before that too
inf thought paige (mafia) was claiming his role (cop) intentionally to protect him (i think?) when she wasnt and just thought there wasnt a cop & im pretty sure i had a wacky plan that made sense that involved me claiming mafia (admittedly ive won 50% of the games where ive done this and this doesnt count as a real loss since aqua destroyed the game!!) & there was something to do with vatu i think?
but ya then vote happy ending happened except that wasnt allowed
inf fake shot notty
jivvi (the host) let aqua cohost & then told paige her wincon was to clap 1000 times or something so paige began spamming the thread with CLAP & it basically just devolved into madness and aqua went mad with power and began modkilling people when the game was still salvageable tbh and ya then hk won and it was a scam

i forget how i felt about the whole situation tbh
all i know is that it was a mess!


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
i think it was notty that got shot
but the game was already slightly a mess before that too
inf thought paige (mafia) was claiming his role (cop) intentionally to protect him (i think?) when she wasnt and just thought there wasnt a cop & im pretty sure i had a wacky plan that made sense that involved me claiming mafia (admittedly ive won 50% of the games where ive done this and this doesnt count as a real loss since aqua destroyed the game!!) & there was something to do with vatu i think?
but ya then vote happy ending happened except that wasnt allowed
inf fake shot notty
jivvi (the host) let aqua cohost & then told paige her wincon was to clap 1000 times or something so paige began spamming the thread with CLAP & it basically just devolved into madness and aqua went mad with power and began modkilling people when the game was still salvageable tbh and ya then hk won and it was a scam

i forget how i felt about the whole situation tbh
all i know is that it was a mess!
It was where I was a role that would steal the win from town if town won, and we were doing pretty well as town. However during the game Jivvi randomly doesnt come on the forums for 3 days at a time since great host. During the day Inf claimed he had a gun and threatened to shoot me. I begged him not to but he was so sure it was me he didn't care. We also had confirmed Oog was Maf essentially and then Oog claimed Maf too I think and secretly Paige the claimed cop was Mafia and 'roleswapped' with the real cop Ing who thought Paige claimed cop to protect him so we all thought Paige was inno. Vatu was the town vigilante who also threatened to nightkill me which was quite rude and then BANG Inf shot me and tagged Jivvi. Jivvi ofcourse wasn't there and staying in character pretending to be town I beraded Inf about how he just made town lose and shooting me lost town the game since I was town and he then started to believe me I think. Aqua took over as cohost and I think said the gunshot wasn't real or maybe Inf did it himsel. Dont remenber how but Paige got the win con but she had to clap 100 times I think it had something to do with Enders clap role and so Paige decided to spam the thread counting to 100 and Inf joined her and Aqua the fun ruiner told them to stop but they didn't meanwhile vatu still wanted ti vigilante kill me and I kept pleading him not to and then Paige and Inf got to 100 but I think they didn't stop? And then Aqua modkilled them for 0 reaso nsince bad neither of them was even a lynch target that day so it essentially ruined the game from this point on because I didnt have enough time to convince Vat not to murder me(even though he said he wouldnt of changed his mind but i belive in what could of been) and so I died and later HK won and the entire game was just kind of hibes

Wasnt another game the Happy Ending one?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
heres the TRUE story of what happened because everyone else missed VITAL details

ok so the 'madness' started when

- i was cop but had 0 reports all game, and i was also 100% (well 99%) convinced paige was town (we played epicmafia quite a lot so i felt i had a decent meta read on her), so i came up with a plan to roleswap with paige so that i could have one last night to get a report to help town while mafia killed paige instead of me (i failed to consider the fact that if the plan failed like if paige was scum, and then i died that night after roleswapping with paige, people would think paige was my inno report and that thats why we roleswapped, wasnt my best moment)
- on epicmafia me and paige would use '<o>' to each other which was codeword for 'hey im cop roleswap with me' so i did that to paige and she confirmed she'd understood by doing <o> back and then basically made this claim of 'either im cop or im blocker i wont say which' (i later learnt that doing this codeword thing was against the rules)
- then paige eventually says she's cop
- meanwhile i was super sus of notty being mafia because their reads had been 100% accurate all game, to the point where they said rune was town even tho he'd been imo super super scummy, and where they ignored rune to go after iggish for a reason i didnt think made a lot of sense (something about iggish said he didnt want to lynch x person because if he was wrong about them being scum he'd be lynched next because his role was similar so he wanted to go for a different suspect first, which i thought was fair enough but notty was like 'nope he's scum and rune's town because it feels too easy' or something, and the fact notty was dead right about both those things even though i personally didnt see the logic there about their read on iggish, made me think notty was mafia bussing all their team and thats how their reads were so good
- so i decided to make a play where i pretend to have a gun and shoot notty with it to get reactions from them so i type 'shoot notty' in bold and tag jivvi
- people believe it for a bit and go a bit crazy
- then jivvi comes online shortly after and tells everyone that the gun was fake and tells me off for the gun thing (even tho it wasnt against the rules!!)
- then jivvi tells paige that she has a new win con to clap to 100 or something as a joke so paige goes along with it and does 'clap 1 clap 2' etc over and over and i help her out with like 5 of the claps and so does someone else i think
- jivvi then makes aqua the new host
- then aqua comes on and tells paige to stop spamming and paige is like 'jivvi made it my wincon' and she asked jivvi to clarify whether its her true wincon or not and he says it is (i think this is what happened anyway) so she carries on
- meanwhile aqua tells me to stop doing something or else he'll modkill me (i cant remember what it was specifically but it was something stupid like asking a certain question, something that wasnt against the rules or anything but he just didnt want me to do it) and i did it again since it was a stupid threat that made no sense
- then jivvi said that he was taking back host from aqua so aqua wasnt supposed to be host anymore
- meanwhile paige was still counting claps and aqua told her to stop or he'd modkill her but she carried on saying 'you're not the host jivvi is' but i dont think aqua saw that jivvi had stopped him from being host anymore
- so then aqua modkilled me and paige (cop and hooker), me for asking that question again or whatever stupid reason it was, and paige for spamming, and people were like ??? paige was uncc cop though and then the game carried on and then hk the serial killer won
- i demoted aqua from mafiahost after he modkilled us since it was stupid
- and then a few months later someone else re-promoted him for some reason

also the first happy ending thing came from mars' game dire streets iirc
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