They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I think if not inf TWG, Good Skele and Jenben are scum

This mentality might do, but unfortunately due to previous circumstances in the game we're now at mislynch - lose with there being no evidnece towards any of them being antitown besides vibes. There is good reason to suspect inf of being antitown as well as even stronger vibes.
read through hk's posts and tell me you dont share my opinion on him.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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the same we'd get from anybody sharing their items
which is... what exactly?

I'd also first and foremost like to differentiate between what you started with and what you stole.
i would love to but its pointless and obviously i have a reason for not doing

idk why youre voting me over this, what motive do you possibly think i could have for not revealing my items, that makes me scummy to you?


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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that aside, someone who i find very susp rn is sessy. yesterday their behavior felt scummy to me, but i was convinced unu was scum, and didnt think they could both be. now with unu flipping town, my vibes and reads say sessy is maf. between inf and aqua i doubt they are both scum, but they just be toying around since the thread is so dead.
If I was mafia why would Unu protect me? Not trying to start an argument I just wanna know

@essybessy you said you have an item with a use on day 0. can you claim what that use is, as part of this massclaim?
I have a diary, I can write in it whenever I want (night or day, as I believe) and when I die the person who takes it can read what I’ve put

TheWeakGuy48_ sessybessy Good Skele

can you please give your thoughts on the vote and claim.

Afking is weird.
I’ve been ‘afking’ because I’ve not had time today to sit and read through 6+ pages of essays, I’ve read through most of them and the only post that made sense to me was Timdood3 (thank you for explaining some stuff clearly) I agree with what Timdood said, aggressive play is good but no need to be rude...


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I have a diary, I can write in it whenever I want (night or day, as I believe) and when I die the person who takes it can read what I’ve put
ok thank you

i townread sessy now since i kinda dont imagine them making this up and theres no reason for maf to have this unless maf cant communicate at night and dont know who sessy is or something, which seems unlikely


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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sessybessy are you willing to vote hk with me today?

who do you want to lynch/what are your reads on everyone?
what’s the reason for voting HK?

Aqua’s assumption of roles (in mafia) makes me feel like they know something we don’t. The overly pedantic calculation of the odds in the game also rubs me the wrong way, I don’t really understand the maths behind it (not very good at maths lmao)

I don’t have reads on anyone else, others have been quite quiet this game.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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what’s the reason for voting HK?
ive been sus of him for ages now, he never gives any actual opinions, his reads lack any feelings to guide them, which is really unusual for hk since gut feelings drive him as town usually.

out of everyone left alive, hes the person im most sus of

Aqua’s assumption of roles (in mafia) makes me feel like they know something we don’t.
yeah i can see that as a possibility. i think it could also just be aqua as town not considering things widely though so idk, i dont feel strongly about aqua either way. i have felt pretty strong about hk all game though so thats why id rather get him.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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Aqua’s assumption of roles (in mafia) makes me feel like they know something we don’t. The overly pedantic calculation of the odds in the game also rubs me the wrong way, I don’t really understand the maths behind it (not very good at maths lmao)
Mind clarify this? Nothing I've suggested regarding roles has been based off anything other than what is present in the game.

If inf is innocent, mafia doesn't have a thief as only one person's items have been stolen every night

If inf is telling the truth mafia has a blocker

I have no idea what the other roles could be and the back and forth inf and I have had is purely postulating based on what we know about the currenttown line up and what we know about mafia in general.

We know most if not all of the town PRs and from that I don't believe inf's claim fits in with everyone elses.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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- day thief/swapper who targetted fog/erik then either UNU or mars
- one shot thief who hasnt used ability yet
potential day swapper that actually gave fog better items

absolutely no evidence for a one shot thief and if it were the case why on earth would it be mafia rather than townie?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Whoops my bad. I genuinely missed/forgot about that.

So if you had already clarified why were you refusing to do so again just before?
i refuse to do it with the rest of my items. like i said right at the start. i assumed those were the items you were talking about since id already told you where i got the blueprint from.

potential day swapper that actually gave fog better items
depends what other item he had.

but i am actually starting to think fog's item thing might have just been misreading since i agreed with you earlier itd be strange for maf to start with the cow. thats why i also mentioned the possibility theyre a regular thief who targetted erik (who wasnt alive to say so - possible the thief chose them in case their team didnt want to kill him that night) and then mars (same thing). unlikely but possible.

potential day swapper that actually gave fog better items

absolutely no evidence for a one shot thief
yes, which is why i said they havent used it yet.

if it were the case why on earth would it be mafia rather than townie?
youre talking like its obvious it should be town instead of mafia and i have no clue where youre getting that idea from. maf one-shot thief role, as a bonus to maf's regular kill-steal ability, and then a townsided regular thief is perfectly fine.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
youre talking like its obvious it should be town instead of mafia and i have no clue where youre getting that idea from. maf one-shot thief role, as a bonus to maf's regular kill-steal ability, and then a townsided regular thief is perfectly fine.
You've agreed with me from what we know about town mafia will have to have good power roles.

If there was more evidence for it I'd support a day swapper as that could actually have merit to it and would prevent town from stockpiling items.

having a one shot thief along side that and then possibly a role blocker however, doesn't seem realistic. Although I admit I was a little harsh there. They may have a 1 shot active item ability - which could be a steal.