Solitude V1 - Nuclear Winter


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Day 1, The wake up.

I woke up one day, to see the world being dead. mossy cobblestone everywhere, ice lakes and lava lakes.
It was only then that I realized what global warming could do. I wandered around, No trees, No food.
Crying of every family member I lost. After some time walking, I got starving. After some time starving I died.
I fell on the floor and wait to see my end. But, out of nothing. An magical angel came by. His name was GmK.
In return for his powers, he could bless the earth with radios, trees and much more. But he couldnt stop the radiation. All I remember is white light and a funny GmK face.

Day 2. The real beginning.
After waking up agian I found myself in a plains biome. Grass everywhere, tall grass to. I went to rest to start my new adventure....

Day 3. New discoveries.
After resting I went some walking, And what was that. TREES. I never was so happy before in my life. I runned to the tree and started chopping. In the corner of my eye I saw a dying zombie. After chopping the tree I went to the dead body. No flesh. I went back to the tree to find out something amazing. The trees were blessed with food. Food everywhere. I felt like a king. After that I saw a gigantic tree. Under it was a creeper. I decided to walk away. Walking further I found a frozen lake. While I went to it I started to fell a bit sick. It was the radiation ofcourse. I didnt know what to do! But then I remembered my grandpa saying: Sugar is the awnser to everythiiinggg!
But... Where were all the sugar canes? How could we find sugar canes if it is freezing like this!
While in panic I made some tools, and I found Iron and coal. But how DUMB of me. I FORGOT HOWTO MAKE IRON SWORDS!
How can I defence myself with an stone sword?
The night fell, and I decided to rest agian, In a small hole in the ground.
Day 4. The search.

After the night I started searching for sugar canes agian. I came across some water. and it was not frozen! I started looking for sugar canes immediately. I didnt find any tough.
I also came across some pigs and chickens. I killed them to get food.
The night fell pretty soon, So I made a camp and started resting. Not an interesting day after all....

Day 5. Victory!

I kept on searching for sugar canes. While I did that I came across a skeleton. I killed him with my mighty stone sword. I never felt so strong! I continued to walk, and I came pass a cave! But there were torches in it!It was only To scared to go into the cave I runned away. And there was it! The sugar canes. Right next tot he water! There were 3 of them! I took them into my inv, and kept on running away. Thinking by myself.... Am I the only one with sugar canes?....


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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Day 1.

"I stumble across a giant forest, Aparenently the Chinese haven't nuked us yet. For some reason I don't seem to care that we're all going to die, It's just so peacefull here... Atleast it was until the night fell, There's all sorts of weirdo's out here trying to kill me! Spiders, Zombies, Skeletons, Weird green things; Disgusting! Luckily I am a young boy scout and I know a bit of survival. Gees, This world is getting weirder every second.

I have found myself a place to live, Still establishing but am safe for the nights. I killed a chicken for a quil and I strangle'd spongebobs anoying neighbour to death for some Ink, How I hated his clarinet playing. Anyway, This includes day 1 of my diary, I will try to write one every day if nothing happens to me ofcourse..."

Shinyshark out.



Aug 6, 2011
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day 1
i woke in a forest covered with snow. i cannot remember what had happed, i have been surviving from apples i found from the trees. i have been wandering for a while now and have found a large cave i can sleep in, but as i desended into the cave i heard things of an evil nature. i shall stay at the upper levels of the cave untill i can manage to get rid of them.


Aug 8, 2011
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Day 1:

I have awoken, my head is fuzzy, all I can remember is that room, that damn room. And his voice, that cold peircing voice. It's night, and I am tired and hungry. I appear to be in a forest, no recordable maps on my pipboy database, new land, perhaps...
I have managed to gain some food and tools, nothing big though, just enough, I make potions for christ's sake, how am I going to make armour?

Day 2:

The snow, is endless, blinding. There is life, the nuclear fallout seems to have done little to blight this land. I found a farm, a small one, so there are people, where though?
Animals are very unaware of our existence, easy to kill, easy to tame, so I thought, set upon by a wolf, I put my skills to the test, I have been trained well, the "facility" made sure of that...

Day 3:

I feel ill, they warned me, giving me a message on my pipboy before I was sent in, telling me about this powder... a naturally occuring substance found in reeds. Hard to find, it's been days and not a sign, I have scoured every part of this land, nothing.
I have meat, apples and weapons. I skinned many cows on my journey to here, this valley, I have armour, but it is weak, and not very thermal.
I need to find more people, a smith atleast, I have a plan.

Day 4:

I found a sign, it said, "Watch the skies, we come from the night, there is no escape, You will be next... Marauder." I found it on a cross, or something similar with a red flower underneath, it's not a grave, but a warning, or he is mocking me... this, Marauder.
I have travelled to the ends of the earth, but I have found life, a tree, lit up like, well, a christmas tree, haha, I am so alone....

Day 5:

I have found a camp, Kap, his name, he is probably adventuring, I plan to meet him, and let him know my plans. I found a 2nd sign outside his camp. The marauder, is near, and has been here, looking, searching for fresh meat.
the sign was on a cross, it said, "Death will be swift, Watch the skies, You'll be next... Marauder." or something similar. I plan to set up camp alongside this area, I am growing some crops, I need rad ex or that substance. Find me, oh please god, find me....
He is coming, I have to go, wish me luck...


God of Orcs & Destruction
Oct 30, 2011
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Diary, note 1.

Weird. I feel weird. I woke up in a forest, did I party to hard last night? Is this my hangover? I've no idea. I saw a cute little lake though, walked towards it. Iron! Yes, I mined it, made some tools. A damn skeleton tried to sneak up on me, ha, worst move ever mr. skeleton! I fus roh dah'd him. Poor fellow.


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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Day 2.

"Antenna's aren't working, Must be the radiation. I don't know how long I've been out, my first diary note states that the bomb wasn't dropped yet, is this what they called the 'tranquility lane'? I can't imagine it being this, but the hell inside my head is growing larger and larger with the day. The grass and snow feels so real, I can't be certain if it is real or if it is an illusion; Time will tell."

Day 3.

"I ventured past land, It looks like my home is in-tact for as far as I can call it that. I don't think I want to be alone in this world, I feel as if I am going crazy of lonelyness. The hell in my head is growing larger and the only company I have are the sheep who I kill for their wool; Paintings are nice..."

Day 4.

"The sunlight is still blinding me, The water wasn't frozen for as far as I can remember but then again, That was 200 years ago acording to the earth plates. I'm not finding any fosiles or such, But I am finding coal and this is only created in hundred and hundred of years. I think that bomb helped it a bit, Nothing is here except for nature but who knows how long that stays? Who knows how long humanity will keep this nature alive? I sure know it's not staying for long, As long as I am not alone here nature will burn under the greed of those that seak treasures; Treasures I have."

Day 5.

"It's definite now, I am moving out of my house. I can't stand being alone and if it requires me to find somone else to keep that hell in my head small, Then so be it. I am noting the co-ordinations down again. Paper can be so usefull for the weakend mind. Hope I will find people that live and want to live, and not those that want to kill and die a painfull death..."

@GmK Not sure if I am doing it wrong, But attena's not working for me (Placed redstone first, Block later on)


Aug 8, 2011
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Day 6:

He came, came, from nowhere. He came, and did not cease, he came, he... came...
I am wounded, terribly, I managed to get away, and attack him from above.
I, can't hold the pen straight. I got down from the trees, and rushed to the sfaety of the farm I had built. He sent creepers, one, well, you know the rest. I am dying, I can feel it, eating away at my soul, I flew atleast 30 ft. I crawled from the ground, he glanced, he stared, he smirked, he just walked away. "Easy meat." he whispered. I didn't see his face, only his feet.
I can't describe the terror, I am alive, but not living long, I need help.
The farm of animals I have produced will not last long, everyday I lose one, where are you Kap, your camp is under attack, where are you?
I hear voices, he haunts the land like a curse, is he real, or is he the madness inside my head. The madness "they" put there, those sons of bitches, how dare they...
I need to sleep, nightmares keep me going, keep me fighting, dreams would make me complacent, nightmares, spur me on.
The "facility" could have killed me, but they didn't, they told me to fight, they told me to die. I shall prove them wrong, the cannot control us forever, they are but one small group, we are the majority, we, are the future.


Aug 6, 2011
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Prologue - The Awakening

I woke up in my house, with a serious headache. I was confused. I couldn't remember what I was doing the past few days.

I stood up from my bed, but I felt a burden from a small book that I was carrying. I don't remember this book, but I took a look at it. I was quite surprised what was inside.

The book held multiple days of adventures I don't remember! It was even in my handwriting! I was even more confused than I was before.

But, since you're reading this now, I'm sure you know exactly what I did; I started to write in the journal. I felt like I should, just in case I were to forget anything again.

Day 0 - Before the Beginning

Walking around the World of the Gods, Primordia, I stumbled upon an altar of sorts in the Abyss. Strange, I don't remember that being there. When I looked closer, I saw a portal. Not the kinds that bring you to the depths of the Nether, but a strange portal that will bring you to a new land.

I feel like I'm being pulled toward it, like I know what's on the other side: adventure, friendship, and overall fun.

But I also knew what else lied on the other side: betrayal, distrust, and death.

I still felt the urge to run into the portal. As I walked closer, I felt the same headache I had when I awoke in my house. I stepped back, cautious.

With my journal in hand, I write this message before I attempt to slide through it. I'll be putting this book in my backpack, if anything happens.

Well, nothing left to do now. Wish me luck! ... Journal.


Ain't afraid of no ghost
Aug 6, 2011
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Things went better than last time, at least. =)

Day 1:

Picked myself up from the snow and slowly took in my surroundings. I was lost, alone, but things were looking up; I could make out plenty of trees and a few patches of long grass lay within an arms reach. I collected a few seeds and made some basic tools before stumbling into this cave for the night.

Day 2:

As I write this now, I'm starving. There is no water in this cave, no dirt, my seeds are useless and do nothing for my increasing hunger. I'm trapped, this room may well become my tomb after I briefly met eyes with an enderman, I can't hear it now... and that's what worries me the most.

Day 4:

I write now from the bedrock of whichever land this is. It's warm down here, the chaos in the cave above is nothing but a distant memory, though the sounds still ring in my ears. I have a selection of fine ores, but not the skills to make anything from them, this area seems abundant in sand too. I'm going to make a greenhouse for Barry, a tree I'm nurturing back to health and I'm trying to grow the handful of mushrooms I have left. I haven't seen or heard from the enderman in what seems like ages, did I imag-... Urgh... I don't feel so well... I'll use the last of my wood for some bowls, can't beat some delicious mushroom stew.

Day 6:

I don't understand why I'm not getting better. I'm running out of wood and the bowls are piling up. Barry is safe, but a little cramped in his greenhouse. I should break for the surface now and try and find a cure for whatever this ailment is. This temperature at bedrock would be ideal for growing crops, maybe it could also support livestock, Barry wanted some sheep to keep him company, he told me so.

Day 8:

Dark fiends had somehow gained access into this place while I left for the surface. How did they survive in the light? I was barely able to fend them off in my weakened state, but somehow managed. Thankfully Barry was OK, he didn't say much though. I guess it's a bit scary when a creeper explodes in front of you and you're rooted to the spot. His new animal friends should keep him happy; I got them from the surface and now have a garden of my own.

Day 9:

There are people above, two. I spent the day sneaking about and have found their base. Barry tells me to kill them and take their loot, but I'm in no condition to fight; My stone sword is wearing out and I have no armor. Does Barry want my precious ores for himself? I moved them away from him when he wasn't looking. Whatever my ailment is, it seems to have stabilized, I only hurt some of the time.

Day 12:

Found three new friends while out foraging Duffie, Pyro and Mal. I bought them back to meet Barry... He didn't appreciate the company and just sat silently sulking in the corner. One of my new friends was a doctor and told me that only sugarcane is the answer to my condition, we all seem to be sharing the same symptoms but I'm not sure who will be the first to go. I can't feel if I'm getting worse or not, but when it hurts, it really hurts. My new friends also told tales of some force causing chaos in these forsaken lands. As I tended to the farm I could hear Barry talking to himself. I think he's going crazy.

Day 15:

A large tremor from above took down all the torches in the base. I stumbled around the darkness trying to find a exit... Then came the noises - So many creatures! Arrows were bouncing off my armor as I ran to defend Duffie who was working the forge - She seemed oblivious to the undead army approaching behind her. I tried to take down as many Zombies as I could but their numbers were too great. Looking back to the forge I only could make out yet more Zombies where she once stood, not wanting to meet the same fate, I turned and ran up the stairs. I'd need to regain my strengh before I decide my next move.

Day 16:

We have recovered from the brink of extinction! After eating the last of my bread I ventured back down into the darkness to claim back my home. As I took down the nearby Zombies and re-lit a few torches, I not only saw Mal fighting back the swathes of undead, but Duffie was alive as well! Our farm will need time to re-grow and wood is at an all time low; Barry is looking worried.

Day 20:

I returned today to find the base vacated, even Barry has left me. I'm not sure if people have left of their free will or were killed while out. My only company now is a small herd of cows, half of which have escaped and are now loitering around the caves. I'm going to make a secure building up top which should gain greater attention.
Day 24:

Still no signs of life. I'm getting increasingly careless in my safety, have come close to death many a time exploring the lands trying to find at least someone. All that seems to exist in these lands are half-built structures, all in ruins left from abandoned hopes. Trying to harvest creepers for TNT, while most keep exploding in my face.

Day 26:

Skull Keep, as I have named it, is now complete, standing tall with a radio mast up top. I can't figure how to get the radio working, but it should be secure from any thieves.

Day 28:

I've been out laying a few traps for any unwary explorers, including a few closer to home. Had to patch a few creeper holes in the keep, not sure if there's anyone else at all in this world.
Day 36:

I feel my time in these lands is drawing to a close. I have yet to see anyone in the distances I have travelled. Caves to explore are few and far between; those I did find had barely any riches at all. As I stand from the top of my tower, it is difficult to resist the temptation to jump and end it all.


Aug 8, 2011
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Day 7:

So cold... I feel the darkness coming, I decided to make a home of some sort in a tree, bad decision, a man came, not the marauder, not him, Jolt, his name, I told him what happened and scaled the tree, he knocked me down, thinking I was the marauder, the fool, he will not escape him.
I lay here, dying, or dead, I feel no pain, only the darkness around me, the voices are louder now.
Let him who struck me be struck in the same way, if he stays, he will die, he will coem back, I know it.
The light, the noise, it beckons, freedom, no, just another way of transporting me, I haven't failed, they will take me back to the "facility", I know it.
He lives in fear, of fear itself, he is all knowing, but knows little about us, he keeps himself hidden, but we can see him, he is around us all, but never quite there, it is my time to go, but he will never leave... never.


Aug 6, 2011
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Day 1 - The... Beginning?

Reading through this book that I found I was carrying, all I can say is that I'm experiencing headaches again. Can't remember anything.

I look around to find I'm in a bedrock box with a bunch of signs. It's telling me to do something random to be sent out. Weird.

Well, not much left to do here. Might as well do something random now, so I can explore more of this world!


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Day 5. Victory!

I kept on searching for sugar canes. While I did that I came across a skeleton. I killed him with my mighty stone sword. I never felt so strong! I continued to walk, and I came pass a cave! But there were torches in it!It was only To scared to go into the cave I runned away. And there was it! The sugar canes. Right next tot he water! There were 3 of them! I took them into my inv, and kept on running away. Thinking by myself.... Am I the only one with sugar canes?....


God of Orcs & Destruction
Oct 30, 2011
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Diary, note 2

Day... day... I don't know. Many days passed me. Wondering around in the woods looking for survivors, havent seen any. Strange, it feels like I'm the only one, the legend... While I my thoughts thought of who might be alive I run into a cave, a deep cave. I blinked for a second, iron? Yes, lots of! I carefully descended into the mine, placing torches everywhere to keep the corners lit. Don't want to get jumped by a nasty hairy spider, eh? I mined what I needed and then I found it, redstone and gold. Useful stuff for free, no monsters and dark creatures. I must be in heaven...

While I was mining the treassures I cought a few times. I cleared my mouth from the slime I cought up and looked at it... it's blood, I'm coughing blood... my radiation is probably too high, I need sugercane... and really fast I believe...


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Diary, note 1.

I say, I wonder what I've been doing in this snowy forest. Anyway, I must search for survivors in this snowy, radiated land, if there are any. I've been travelling for ages and found a person named Avalanche2114, we woke up right next to each other! We went on forward and found a "HELP" message carved in some ice. We set off again in directions we do not know and we found a tower. With fright we ran away from it, scared the people inside might kill us. Right now I just must search for sugarcane! I must!


Aug 8, 2011
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Day... 15?

I am so lonely right now, I shouldn't have killed Torty, maybe he wasn't the maruader. I feel bad now but I need to push on. Mine... for you will never know when your end will come.
Haha, you're damn right I'm not the marauder, I just came to see you in the tree, and attempt to trade. :p
Yet the marauder is legit, trust me...