13/03/2015: Meeting Recap
[fieldset=Donations]A big thanks to everyone whose donated sofar - we're closing up on our monthly goal. But with just a week left all donations are appreciated - just a reminder that our community is entirely donation funded and would cease to exist without it. Every little bit helps.[/fieldset]
[fieldset=Create competition]The first Creative Competition has finished - with congratulations to Aperson155 for winning and a big thanks to everyone who submitted entries - it was truly difficult to determine the winner. [/fieldset]
[fieldset=Advertising] We will soon begin the first of many organized advertised pushes - for those of you with a unique talent or an artistic fair, feel free to apply to join the new advertising team! we'd be more than pleased to have you onboard![/fieldset]
- Willchill to hearthstone subforum moderate
- Aika to CSGO subforum moderator
- Sploorky to Global Moderator
Rituals of Fire News
[fieldset=1.8 Bugs - Ongoing Issues]Very good news, we found a fix for inventories, very bad news, it means no more classic gamemode
Create News
[fieldset=Competition time!]The Minecraft Lobby Build competition is well underway, with a MASSIVE list of prizes, you can't afford to miss it! Click here for more information
Kami's Realm News
[fieldset=Nearly there!]Server is released! Everyone join us at lobby.escaperestart.com to play Kamis Realm! [/fieldset]
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