A Confrontation ended. A World in Ruins: The Story of Zeus42000


Jan 19, 2013
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I walk in this world, not remembering a lot. All i remember is, "The Soviet Union has launched a nuclear strike on the United States." I walk through a town, hearing a russian song. I hear it was called "Farewell of Slavianka." Soon, i see someone in the distance.

"Another person?!" I shouted. "Maybe they can help me!"

Soon, i am grabbed by a man i seem to remember.

"Are you crazy?!?!" The man asks me.

"Who are you?" I ask in a scared voice.

"I am Biblius, and i saved your life." said the man

"Saved my life?" I asked confused. "It was just another person.."

"That was Mikey!" said Biblius, "He would kill you on sight!"

"Thanks man!" i say, "Now what? We are here, what do we do?"

"We need to find allies. Jubjubers can help." Biblius said in a voice of confidence.

"Well then, Lets find him!"

(For those who wanna listen to Farewell of Slavianka, here it is.)



Jan 19, 2013
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"Just one problem" Biblius told me. "Jubjubers is in New York.."

"WHAT??" i scream, "Are you insane? We have to trek to france, then sail for who knows how long?!"

"It will be fun, since i managed to get an old T-34 Tank to work," Biblius said with his awesome voice.

So onward we drove, from Moscow, from our homeland. We saw the ruins of Warsaw, Berlin, Frankfurt, and the now thriving city called "Gutenberg." Soon, Paris came into view. We made a boat, and sailed the murky seas.
We arrived in New York to find Jub.

"Hello chaps, where on earth did you come from??" Jub asked.

"Your not as bad as we are told Americans are," Biblius replies.

"Well, we come from the USSR and.." I start to say.

"No, just no." Jub said, "Why do you come here??"

"We need to get people to stop Mikey."

"Ill help, but we need to go Seattle, its intact there!" Jub screamed.

"Lets go!" Biblius and i reply
