A Letter of Love


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
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To my beloved,

Justin, I… I can not believe… I don’t believe you’re gone. Mama’s old tales have to be right... the bright lights in the sky, the sifting grasses, the fall of mist and blazing stars. Oh, how we loved those stories, do you remember? Sitting up late nights and looking up, imagining floating lands and those sifting grasses. You must remember those stories.

Oh, Justin… I just… I miss you so much. You didn’t deserve to die. You shouldn’t have died. It’s unfair. So unfair. That man… Daniel, he deserves your fate. He deserves it. Justin… it’s just so unfair. I can’t believe you’re gone. I...I have to believe Elysium is real.
Just… I will see you again. I have to convince myself that. I am not writing to a ghost, but Justin. I sit up thinking of the skies, and the lights, and the bandit, and you, and the well. It’s all a blur. I’d like to say I immediately believed you were still here, watching from above. I didn’t. I think of those skies, and then think of the well. Remember that too? Playing as children by that well. Tumbling over that hill, the well looking down at us. Where we shared our first kiss. Among those daises. Oh what a day, I fluttered home in a daze afterward. But I remember that well. Sitting atop the hill, forbidding and dark. Staring down upon us, like a dark idol from a time before time. I get scared. How can something so pure, like Elysium, exist when there’s things like the well, and Daniel. How can mama be right? I just have to believe that the evil balances with the good. It’s hard though. It’s hard.

But I’ll try. And I have to hope this letter will reach you. Oh God I hope. It’s hard to believe Justin, try to forgive me. There’s been so much darkness in my life, but also the light. The light is you. I love you Justin. I love you.



A username.
Dec 17, 2012
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What things? look in the original post.... THIS ENDS IT!
Well if you did the quests I don't think Justin ever made it to Elysium (the system broke before I finished that one so I'm unsure) also the server is called "journey to Elysium" and I don't think any of us made it to Elysium yet so it seems none of us made the journey. Therefore the server cannot end.


Jun 2, 2013
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Justin is a HUGE part of the storyline, as well as the evil bandit Daniel.
Dear Casandra,

If you ever read this, you must know that I will never able to return to our home in Carthage. I have died on my way home when I was buying a couple of flowers for you in Roxbourg. A cruel bandit named Daniel stabbed me in a narrow alley, which caused my death.

Sadly I have not made it to Elysium, and am stuck in the inbetween. Never have I had the chance to show all my love for you, but I hope I will get the chance to.

I wish I was not away from home so much lately. As you know, I have been helping Raul with his farm, and Palmyra has started to to take a major part in the economy of our world.

I hope that before I leave this world for Elysium, and this letter is delivered to you, I will see you one more time.

With love,

From Blocktopedia


Jan 20, 2012
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