A New Horizon - The Legend of Whisper


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
I am here to announce that despite my efforts to turn Whisper into a lovely city, I have failed. I have become fascinated in other Blocktopia servers, as well as my schedule been increasing by the month. My one wish for Whisper is that it will be a great city, no matter what.

I am selling Whisper. However, I am only selling it to great cities who promise to make Whisper reach it's full potential. I want Whisper to be one of the best colonies of JtE.

A few things about Whisper is that it is a very medieval-themed place, although it was not worked on in that department. There is supposed to be something significant about it's location and places inside of it. This might get you thinking.

I will most likely be joining the city who adopts Whisper, to oversee the building0/make sure it reaches it's full potential. Also, I will share with this city the story that only I know of: the Ulnorian Civilization.

Here is the form I recommend you to write:

How much will you pay for Whisper?
Why do you want Whisper?
What are your architectural plans for Whisper?

Thank you for reading this. Let the "bidding" begin!


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
How much will you pay for Whisper? 10 emerald blocks
Why do you want Whisper? Its a nice start to a functioning land, and I believe Esper could greatly benefit the community and itself with running it.
What are your architectural plans for Whisper? After looking about Whisper, I believe it could be a good area for a trading post, or a public farm for those that travel far overland, as well the portal for Whisper on the NN is near such places as the Ignis portal, so the market could benefit people ready for adventurous times in the PvP zone. I plan to create a small, quaint little area, and I'd love to possibly make a railway of some sort, for the walkway under ground gives off the subway station feel.

-JohnOgozalek; representing Esper.


Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
Ok few things:

It's been a bit slow but I think we're making progress I've started to develop a building theme which is still in the makings though I should have a house for S_swimmer soon. On another note we need members to keep this town alive if you join you'll receive a house, and some complimentary Iron, emeralds, and other resources to help you get started! Also we need council members to help make decisions within Whisper pm me if you are interested, currently S_swimmer is the only one.

S_swimmer if you want to help out with building or anything pm me for something to do