A&T application


Mar 23, 2012
Reaction score
In-Game Name:Cryptomice

Previous Staff Experience (If any): I've had some on a classic server and premium.

Previous Tournament or Event Experience (If any):hunger games and I've been hosting on other servers too.

What do you believe the role entails?well since i know what you require to be a staff then i think i know whats coming because i have experience it.

Why do you think you would make a good staff-member here? i think i will make a great staff member here because im use to everyone and the community and i think i will get along with everyone.

Have any staff members referenced you? (List them)i don't think i have been referenced me to be a staff but if so, i didn't remember there names.

Any other information that will help with your application: I know most of you guys on the server so i think it will be cool to hang out with them more as a staff.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Edited it so you can tell the questions apart.

I was planning on giving you a 0, but after you asked me 7 times in 10 minutes to check out your application, and after Shiny told me about your griefing, I'm going to have to -1 this. These two things show real immaturity, show that you don't understand rules, and that you are impatient. When we look for staff, we look for the opposite of this. We want you to fully understand and follow our rules, and our staff members have to be mature because they are representing Blocktopia.

You are fairly active on the server, but while you are on I never see you helping anyone. You could also improve on your spelling, ex. using capitals, and typing out the full word instead of saying "u". I hope you take some of my suggestions into consideration, because if you don't I'm afraid you have no chance of becoming staff.


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks it is okay to grief a server then think they can come and apply for staff in the same community is idiotic.

I don't know what was running through your mind at the time, but griefing is a plain douche move and is a big no-no in this community. -1


The Lucario
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
And I'm going to end this with a -1.
You need staff references to make an application bud, plus after seeing this, I don't know what to say.
I don't see you help in the server very often, and if you really wanted this rank, you wouldn't of blew it on the SMP server, and made such a weak application. Sorry.