About New [and Old] Players


Pure Pro
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
This idea has recently come to mind.

Suggestion 1:
Since staff already get an "alert" when a player with a warn of 8 or higher logs on, I was wondering if there could be an "alert" given to staff when a new player logs on, so that the staff don't have to /who [name] to see if they knows how to play or has ever log on before. So, that staff knows to ask and direct them to the tutorial, rather than the new player not knowing what to do, and eventually logging off.

Suggestion 2:
When you log into the server, you spawn looking at the "RANDOM" portal. I was thinking that maybe you should spawn looking at the "TUTORIAL" portal instead, so that it is more imminent to new players, who don't know the layout of the main.
Example: When my sister first logged on, she automatically went to the random portal, thinking that was where she was suppose to go (despite the giant green blocks reading "TUTORIAL" behind her).
Also, so when new players log on, they would be less likely to ask "How to play" (even though it isn't much of a pain to send them to the tutorial), and would just read the sign, and enter the portal, hopefully, learning how to enjoy the server knowing most of the commands and weapons.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm not so sure about the first idea, since the staff could be spammed with alerts if a lot of new players join, plus all the new player has to do is just ask how to play, the staff are there to help out players that need it. I do however like the idea of facing the tutorial when you log in. It would clearer to see where to go if you were a new player that had just joined the server.


The Friendly DoD VetOp
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
As I said in-game, I like to face tutorial.
But I would prefer if destroyerx1 could make a $first for when they first joined, and that they only then face the tutorial.
I have already seen the tutorial a billion times, no need for majority of the playerbase to face the tutorial.
I agree with this. For now, I think it's fine to have it facing the tutorial as it has just been made to do, but, I think we should ask Dest to do as Marn said.