Academic Tutoring


Aug 6, 2011
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I kind of just thought of this idea and figured it could help out quite a few people in our community. I'm being entirely serious about this, if you need academic tutoring for something you don't understand in school, what better way to understand than having a community of awesome people explain it to you? Doesn't matter if you're in middle/high/college.

If you want to be a tutor just list off what you can help people in.

If you need tutoring just ask a question, or just ask to explain a topic in a course you are struggling in.

(Note: If you are able to help with an abundance of courses, i'll put yours in spoilers so people can easily notice other tutors on the list)

Blocktopia's Tutors

Spanish I, II
Music Theory I
General Physics (algebra based physics)
University Physics I (calculus based physics)
Intro to Chemistry
Algebra I, II
Calculus I, II, III
Differential Equations
CompTIASec+ (Computer networking and security)
Beginners in C++ programming
Beginners in Java Programming I, II
Beginners in Web Design I, II
Beginners in Android Programming

Japanese I

Music Production

Physical Science

American History

Advanced English II/III

Map Making 101
Fun with Configuration Files
How I Set Up Server? (for nubs)
Basic engineering advice for any aspiring students.


Mandarin 1-3
English Literature
Chinese Literature
European History
Asian History
Operatic Voice/Choir


dam u str8 babygurl
Aug 20, 2011
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I can teach people how to produce music.

If this is by electronic means and does not necessarily focus on only on dance/techno music. Basically what I'm asking for is if you know programs that can also work in instruments you would normally hear in an Orchestra.
CompNetSec+ (Computer networking and security)
And I would like to know a little more about the security side on my own computer here. Just basics as in; I'm looking for more ways to make my computer more secure. o. o


Mafia Host
Dec 17, 2011
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If this is by electronic means and does not necessarily focus on only on dance/techno music. Basically what I'm asking for is if you know programs that can also work in instruments you would normally hear in an Orchestra.
Yep, Logic Pro has an entire pack dedicated to orchestral instruments. You can also try EastWest/Quantum Leap's Symphonic Orchestra (costs money) if you want to go even further with it.

About the tutoring, contact me via PM for details and stuff.


Aug 6, 2011
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And I would like to know a little more about the security side on my own computer here. Just basics as in; I'm looking for more ways to make my computer more secure. o. o
No problem, one way you can better secure your computer and network is through subnetting. Here's how things work. Protocol's find a network through their IP address, the unique host IP address is quite common by being a 32-bit address. All IP addresses are split into classes (from class A to class E) and for basic security the IP address is actually split into 2 forms. Host and network. To build a better security, split the addresses up further. This splitting up of IP address to build up security is called subnetting.

In simple terms, you are adding more addresses to basically HIDE your true address and confuse hackers.

Now, how to subnet? There are many different way's to subnet, you can do this through ethernet cables, FDDI. But the easiest and most common way is to control network traffic. You know the host IP address is a 32 bit address correct? Just take some of those bits "borrow" them and use them as network bits. This creates an extra small layer of security, splits up the IP's and there you have it.... subnetting!


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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I wonder if we can get an admin to sticky this or make a section just for this tutoring. This should really be able to out members of our community! Malcovent Deadl0ck Just wondering if this is at all possible!
I think it deserves a... forum, just like Creative subforum on offtopic.

It could be Education Corner, and its description would be: For all your education needs.
(Yes I rip-off'd this from Creative Corner XD)
Because there can be more people like you.

Academic Tutoring is one of such threads, just like Photography Thread by GmK in Creative Corner.


Lord of the Rage
Aug 2, 2011
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Uh, I dunno what Malcovent thinks about this, but my first impression is:

This is a horrible idea, because you're getting your education from a non verified, singular source. Teachers teach because they know wtf they're doing, Tutors Tutor because they tend to know what they're doing.

Am I willing to accept the advice of someone from the internet that might just tell me "It's ok, just put that metal rod in the little plastic hole in the wall, it'll be fine!"? Fuck no.

If you need to know about something, there's google. Find multiple sources, read the material, then make your own conclusions.

but that's just my 2 cents.


Aug 6, 2011
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I can see your point, for some random person to teach you the material over the internet may seem pretty far fetched because there's a good chance that person has no idea what the hell they are talking about.

But here's just why i think it can be helpful. Google has its limitations as with the videos provided by YouTube. Reading the information provided by multiple online sources can lead to questions that usually go unanswered. I also know that it can be difficult to sum up your own conclusions without at least a push in the right direction.

I know students tend to..... not ask questions in class to the teacher, because said teacher may have problems getting their point across or maybe the student just doesn't feel comfortable asking the teacher. Which is why i feel those questions could get asked here, and of course i don't expect people to brilliantly explain the information as if they were a professional educator, but that push in the right direction is usually what gets understood, and from there the student tends to put 2 and 2 together.

That's just how i see this.


Aug 5, 2011
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I think, as it is, it's rather early to start calling for a stickied thread or the creation of new sub forums - if the post blossoms and proves its use then by all means it will potentially be sticky'd or more. But as it is that's a rather premature call.

On top of this - and this is rather a forewarning rather than any comment on any existing content/post - I do not want this to become an egostroke thread/pathetic parade of intelligence, there is little achievement to be gained by flaunting your intelligence in an online community where most users fall within the age range of 15-16.

So we'll see where this thread heads first and how it's used, i think.

edit - to briefly clarify, can you imagine if your respective teachers/professors decided that rather than being relatively quiet about their knowledge and only teaching you when necessary, they decided to just gloat about how much they knew? useless.


Lord of the Rage
Aug 2, 2011
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I'll explain my point in this (and priz, no disrespect intended, you're just the perfect example in this):

I can teach people how to produce music.
Now, I've worked on a freelance base for a local band practice / music / recording studio. I've also helped out with countless of live preformances, and several music festivals. I've helped balanced sound levels for all the different mic's during live preformances, I've helped mix and produce several albums for local bands, I've helped with lyrics, done roadie work, I've hung out with musicians for most of my life, and still get my input asked on new tracks and rough mixes by people even though I left that place several years ago.

I've done live mixes with tables about half this size:

I've also done studio mixing for recording sessions with a table three times this.

Do I even have the faintest illusion I could teach anyone how to do it? No.

Yet here is Priz, who can teach people how to produce music.

At which point I just roll my eyes. Because dragging (assumed: pre-recorded loops of) music around on a time line, and possibly even adjust sound levels and adding some effects, is not producing music. It's merely sequencing in a sequencer, which is only a small part. It skips over the actual producing stage, which basically is: let's make something from nothing.

Mind you, that in itself takes some skill in using the software, so in that respect, sure, he'll probably be able to teach you things. But producing music, I strongly doubt that.

In short: That's why I'm skeptical.


Aug 6, 2011
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Oh yes, i've seen those machines countless amount of times from a couple of my friends who major in music industry and music production. Could I even come close to teaching that? Nope. (could i even tell you what the name of that machine is? nope lol) Won't even try. Offering to teach others to know the exact work needed, skills, dedication, and mindset for different full time jobs, such as that, is something I'm not exactly trying to promote in this tutoring, if you think you can teach it, go for it, more power to ya.

Which is also why i based everything i listed off to provide tutoring in is more of the theoretic courses, or just the starting steps in full time jobs. Each of which is from the courses I myself were taught in, and have taught plenty of others who needed help. (The programming and such, there is a reason why i put BEGINNERS in front of each)

I'm just offering help where help is wanted, because yes the internet is great and all that and full of sources to learn from. But there are times they contradict each other, and people will most likely raise questions upon seeing that information. Those questions can be presented here, it offers extra knowledge to the person asking questions and it even offers chances for the tutor to really get more into what they are teaching.

Most people are what? Going by what Mal gave off, between 15-16? This can really give them a chance for future opportunities to help others later on, they can get experience here. Or just gain some help with their RL school work. This is what I am trying to promote.