[Accepted] Da_Jinks application for a Op trial V2.0

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Da Jinks

Political Nerd
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
Ingame username: Da_Jinks.
Rank requested?: I am requesting a Operator trial.
Age: 14.
How much /ontime do you have?: 3 days, 4 hours and 48 minutes.
Would anyone be willing to reference You?: rosekill, @Riketr and NogTrog.
Tell us, in less then 140 words, about yourself: I'm mature, active and helpful, as well as fun to be around.
What achievments are you most proud of?: [Minecraft] Becoming a Trusted on the [Blocktopia] Zombie Survival server.
What do you think your position entails?: Being active on the server(s) and forums is a important thing. It also requires helping people understand the rules and helping deal with rule breakers. It involves being a good role model by being mature while playing and following the rules myself.
Given the likelihood there are "other" candidates, what seperates you?: I'm extremely active on the server (since my last application 3 weeks ago, I went from 16 hours on the server to almost 75 hours as I type.) I'm also willing to help explain rules to players, as well as help others report problems within the server. I also feel I have a very good understanding on what the operator position entails, and have a history on the Zombie server as being a responsible, helpful staff member.
You'r given 6 months to live - what do you do?: 1-Spend time with family. 2-Play some games. 3-Set up a few ideas I have.
How much time did you spend on this application? Do you think its appropriate?: I spent around 45 minutes on this application. I feel that was enough.

Thanks for reading this everybody :)
Signed: Da_Jinks.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Please don't post on staff applications.
Fun thing, Rosekill seems to be one of Da_Jinks' references, so he had all right to post here and do a good word for Da_Jinks telling us why we should pick him.
If a player references and is not allowed to post on the application where they are directly involved, why the hell do we allow players to reference then?
That we share a lot of premium server sections does not mean that gives you automaticly the right to keep posting on items for SMP.
If necessary just use that report button, else think twice before posting.

To Da_Jinks, I have seen minor changes of you, but not that much as I like to.
But maybe I am wrong, to say at least, I will keep an better eye on you / check the logs of you on the server, to come to a better opinion about you.


Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
I personally do not see you on the server, but that's probably because we play on different times. But I will keep a look out on your behavior and playing. As of now I have no vote either way.


Das CheesePuff
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I have heard about you from other players and your play time is impressive. Still, I have not seen you in game, I will try to get on during different hours of the day so I can maybe get to know you a bit better. Right now for me though I have no vote.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Da_jinks is that type of player that stick out from the crowd in a good way, cinda like baker before he became staff on AoD. I do for some reason don't see U that much when I'm on, but enough that I think that it's enough to become a staff member. Hope U get a trial:)
I cannot find you back in the references, have you been added somewhere on the background, but not in the actual thread?
If not, please only reply to staff applications when you are one of the applicants references.
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