Suggestion [Added] ttt_westwood

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¡Juego de las Pulgas!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Name of map: ttt_westwood

Link to the map:

Brief description: Based on Counter Strike Source's de_westwood, it's an altered map set at night. It's main attractions include the various above ground buildings, like the saloon or barn. Underground, caves have been added to explore, along with other secret passages to make mobility interesting throughout the whole map. I can't remember if this or isn't the map where the noose kills you if you touch it.

How will this map add enjoyment to the server?: It's setting will encourage exploration among players, causing a spreading out of innocents and traitors. If a traitor does get called out in the mist, it's a freaky experience trying to find out where he is, as there is a bit of depth to where he can hide and get away to on this map. There is a traitor trap in the barn, which costs a credit and sets it on fire, probably roasting alive any innocent inside. It's generally an interesting map.
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