Declined [Adv App] Naxane; Re-application

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7824
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Deleted member 7824

Account Name: Naxane

References (Adv+): [BCOLOR=#ff00ff]Mulbery[/BCOLOR], [BCOLOR=#ffcc00]Bhyldir[/BCOLOR], [BCOLOR=#ff00ff]Plive[/BCOLOR](Olive?, Plivre? o3o), [BCOLOR=#ff00ff]Miyaks[/BCOLOR]

Screenshots of builds (minimum of three projects(One has to take up most of a Builder Plot))
these are the same as last time

Additional/final notes:
as i was denied for my maturity last time ive tried to act more mature and be more considerate about what i do and say and so i hope this betters the community by have a more mature player as apposed to what i was, i hope that you take consideration to my actions and maturity and as to how they have improved since my last app


Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Although I can see clearly an ability to detail and build, I am still not fully convinced that you should have the Advanced Builder rank, despite those references.

From your builds, I can see that you are great at creating Terrain for your structures and are good at detailing it. However, I still feel as if there is a need for you to prove that you are able to create Structure on a larger scale, as your plots generally only consist of 6 or so houses , whereas other applicants have made many more or even larger structures, with less terrain. In addition, your plots do not appear to be fully finished and the application rushed; you had stated that you had not finished parts of Avia. We also would expect for the Interiors of buildings to be completed, even if it's relatively simple detail.

From your maturity; especially today, I do not feel as if you have improved from what I have heard, although I had not witnessed the initial arguments which resulted in your declination during the last application. From today, your attitude and politeness to other players has been seen in a negative light. I feel as if you do need to learn that you shouldn't be calling the work of others "painful" to look at, as this may cause upset or anger for them, as they have been trying. In addition, I feel as if you should respect the decisions of other people, instead of saying "I'm better at Redstone,"or complaining about how something is done: "There's a reason you buy a smaller computer..."

Ultimately, I feel as if you need to reflect and take some more time to change, based on how you interact with other members of the server. I'm going to go with a -1; 0 being for the building (small changes), -1 being for the attitude mentioned.

{3 weeks is over} Olive44 Maethia Mulbery SirComputer

Deleted member 7824

Although I can see clearly an ability to detail and build, I am still not fully convinced that you should have the Advanced Builder rank, despite those references.

From your builds, I can see that you are great at creating Terrain for your structures and are good at detailing it. However, I still feel as if there is a need for you to prove that you are able to create Structure on a larger scale, as your plots generally only consist of 6 or so houses , whereas other applicants have made many more or even larger structures, with less terrain. In addition, your plots do not appear to be fully finished and the application rushed; you had stated that you had not finished parts of Avia. We also would expect for the Interiors of buildings to be completed, even if it's relatively simple detail.

From your maturity; especially today, I do not feel as if you have improved from what I have heard, although I had not witnessed the initial arguments which resulted in your declination during the last application. From today, your attitude and politeness to other players has been seen in a negative light. I feel as if you do need to learn that you shouldn't be calling the work of others "painful" to look at, as this may cause upset or anger for them, as they have been trying. In addition, I feel as if you should respect the decisions of other people, instead of saying "I'm better at Redstone,"or complaining about how something is done: "There's a reason you buy a smaller computer..."

Ultimately, I feel as if you need to reflect and take some more time to change, based on how you interact with other members of the server. I'm going to go with a -1; 0 being for the building (small changes), -1 being for the attitude mentioned.

{3 weeks is over} Olive44 Maethia Mulbery SirComputer
Don't compare peoples builds, its basically saying: "his builds are better so he got adv and you didn't", that is one of the rudest thing to say to someone, i shouldn't be judged on comparison to someone else, i should be judged in comparison to the build criteria.
Don't just assume i'm being to rude to someone sarcasm doesn't carry well across text where there is no tone of voice, the circumstance was that Choco was making a red stone system which i had a more compact version off which was more reliable, you took it to assume that when i said it was painful that it was shit, it wasn't shit it was a good system which i could have improved, and yes it was his plot but i volunteered to do it, i was meant to be sleeping but Choco woke me up to make something and then half way through he stopped me to make a system that was not the best it could have been.
when i said "I'm better at red stone", CHOCO EVEN AGREED, you cant say that i was being rude to them if they agreed, it kind of makes your point null and void, i do respect other peoples decisions; if they are good ones, i'm not going to just stand here and let someone murder someone else at their decision i'm going to try and stop it!, its only natural.
"whereas other applicants have made many more or even larger structures, with less terrain.", yes and mine has more terrain with less structure, its kind of a scale really :I, i do try to put structures into my builds but i'm not the best at wide spread structures, i add terrain features to give my builds more emphasis and allow a better sense of exploration.
"From your maturity; especially today", especially today, where i have been especially irritated due to the actions of others, if people are going to irritate me i'm going to get irritated, it may seem petty and immature,
"From today, your attitude and politeness to other players has been seen in a negative light", that's because you are looking at it in a negative light, i say stuff like, "this red stone is bad", i'm not saying it because i hate the person who made it or that i'm in a bad mood, i'm saying it because it is actually bad redstoning.

i will look over my builds and see what needs improving,
i'll make sure to tell people that what i am saying is actually what i'm saying or not just so i don't piss people off due to their misunderstanding...
i'll take into account how the staff cant tell sarcasm from actual talk...


Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
First off, I can't dodge around saying this - learn some manners. Your attitude is not good at the moment, from your argument with Choco to the way you worded that response just then. If you can't interact with people nicely, I don't know what could happen when we give you VoxelSniper...

Secondly, your builds just don't seem finished. These are supposed to be full builds, but they're just terrain with some houses, and perhaps the occasional crop field bit. They've got the skill, but no variety or imagination. You can build, we can see that, The requirement is a 3 almost full builder plot sized builds, because with Adv we want to see not just detail, but imagination, how you lay out your builds to make them interesting - leaving out big bits of terrain with nothing isn't interesting. The detail you put in though is good, so you're there with that.

For those reasons then, I don't want to give you a full -1, but it's less than a 0, so I'm going to say -0.5.


Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
It is clear that it wasn't only the Sarcastic responses that appeared rude; this response is as well. Perhaps if you had spent more time to word the response, we wouldn't be here discussing rudeness and immaturity. For a start, this is not favouritism. We were forced to decline applications before - such as Bhyldir's, multiple times (5) due to immaturity and attitude. In addition, it is your responsibility to not get angered or irritated by other people; you can simply ignore or report it to a member of staff, neither of which you did. Furthermore, you could have chosen to word your responses about Choco in a completely different way, especially when he was clearly annoyed; since repeating the word "painful" and ignoring my warning weren't mature decisions. Instead, you chose to continue which caused Choco to appease you, instead of getting you into further trouble.

I was following the Building Criteria for Advanced; a Minimum of 3 builds that are the Size of a Builder Plot - showing a range of Depth, Detail, Terrain, Structure and Organics. I had also checked each of your plots multiple times to ensure that I could award you with the rank.

Deleted member 4601

Hey Nax,

I think we've established the fact that you are a great builder, and I'd definitely like to see what you can make with voxelsniper on Create.

It really boils down to your maturity, and from what I see - you are, for the most part, nice and not too offensive to people besides the occasional joke, which everyone does. You can be provoked, however, but I do think that your attitude is sufficient to handle the permissions of Advbuilder. I think that you understand the points raised by the other staff, and in general I don't think bad about you - sometimes things happen and even though you may seem like you're offending others, you have no intention to cause harm.

(I would talk about how society doesn't care about your intentions but rather how everything looks like from the outside, but meh. Sometimes when you know you're right and people think you're wrong, desperately justifying yourself when the problem is trivial will cause more trouble than you started with, like with choco's case. You need to learn how to apologize for small mistakes when you're innocent but why am I even talking about life lessons and stuff >_> )

It's a +1 from me again =)
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Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hey Nax! Sorry for the late response, its been a stressful week.

In my opinion, I think you should have a chance at being Adv. Like I said in your previous app, I believe you do have the skills to be an an Adv Builder. As for your maturity, when i've seen you online, it has for the most part been fine. I must agree though that you need to try to say your opinions in a more polite and friendly way, and try not to let frustration get to you when others think that you're wrong.

I'll go for my original answer, as I think you should get a chance, but I will be keeping an eye on you. +1

Sorry Nax, after taking another look at your builds i've decided to change my answer. I don't think you're quite up to Adv Builder standard, but with some work and determination, you're on the right track. As for your maturity, its getting better, so keep that up! 0
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Jan 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hello nax,
I'm really sorry for this late response too,
I think you deserve adv in building skills. I didnt had any problems with you (I didnt noticed any while i was online)
Annnd thats pretty much all i can say
so yeah, +1 in fancy green
again sorry for this short response after such a delay, i was a bit busy and i had to make myself a opinion.

Deleted member 4601

The problem with effort was raised recently among the Create Staff, and generally there was an agreement that you have not put in enough effort. Skill? Yes. But the builds that you built, though of Adv Builder quality, do seem pretty rushed and most of your builds comprise of mostly terrain and little structure. Do take note that Advplots are pretty big - they have 4 times the area of a bplot, so there's plenty of room for stuff other than terrain. There's nothin' wrong with your maturity for the most part now, just the builds. Either way, I'd say that you'd definitely need to add a few things to your plots.

I'm staying with the +1, but just a reminder that you gotta put more effort into your builds since covering most of the bplot with terrain isn't gonna work out very well. Ultimately, whether you get accepted or not is up to the higher-ups.


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Nax, sorry for the late reply. I was reviewing your builds earlier with Plive and a few things came to mind:

Your build style and themes on your plots are great.
Your terrain work is stellar - the hand-placed details for certain areas really add depth to them.
Drawback from the builds that we reviewed was that they were considerably smaller compared to some previous AdvBuilder applicants.
You interior work was lacking in the majority of your builds.
We looked at the build to terrain ratio on two of your plots - from the top you can see that your builds take up roughly 25% of a Builder plot.

So, after those five points and talking it over with a couple staff, we would like to request that you make a much larger style build or a group of large buildings that take up roughly 75% of a Builder plot with 25% of Terrain work on it. Please take theme into consideration if you plan to make a group of larger builds. If you're successful in doing this (along with minimal issues regarding your behaviour) then you will most likely be given the AdvBuilder rank.
