Allow adv builders and/or architects to promote players.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Suggestion: Give perms to adv/architects to promote players to builders
Would it be hard to implement?: not at all
How would it benefit BuildBox?: More people would be able to be promoted quicker, which would (hopefully) turn players into regulars. Plus there is a greater chance of finding at least one adv builder,architect, or staff member online vs just staff.

in my opinion, since there is an application process for both adv builder and architect we wouldn't have to worry about people abusing their promotion powers. And seeing as both ranks are build quality driven they would have the correct knowledge on who to promote and what for.


Op Purple :D
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
I'm not too keen on it. I think architects maybe, but I think it could create issues of people being wrongly promoted. Which we suffer now with the occasional staff error. I also feel that, its major part of a staffing role to monitor and do the promoting. (We do check the build reviews daily). I wouldn't want friends of players to be getting lenient promotions. We wouldn't want to have to demote players, cuz its not pleasant.

Some Advbuilders simply just want to build, and don't want to be staff/get pestered. If they did, they'd probs have applied for staff ranks. Architects on the other hand, have often been staff in some form.


Jul 14, 2016
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I mostly agree with jacka.

I've always been an advocate that Architect rank should be more staff-leaning than it is now, and I support this promotion authority idea for Architect rank. However, I am not keen on giving promotion power to AdvBuilders. Out of all the AdvBuilders I know, the vast majority of them would either not use this feature whatsoever or might even abuse it. It would do worlds more harm than good.

I must also raise the question of build standard comprehension in Architects. It is one thing to know how to build your way to the top, but it takes a somewhat different type of skill to fairly judge someone else's work. If we wanted to do this, we would have to provide some sort of resource for Architects to become acquainted with our methods of judgement. It might be nice to have a clear-cut guide set out somewhere anyways, even for staff. The current building guide is insufficient for this task, because it only describes the user side of things, i.e. how to build the builds. It does not describe how to assess and judge such builds.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Okay, some good points from the both of you;

Personally as an adv builder, you're right i really don't want to be pestered to go judge builds. (Ironic that I made this suggestion, i know.) My thinking was that, adv_builders and even more so Architects would actually be a more harsh judge & they would also be able to offer better advice to players in need. Most kids are very impatient (and i believe still make up the majority of new users), and really don't want to wait long for their builds to be reviewed. I think the chances of a player staying long term is lower than if they are promoted to a builder. So allowing either Adv/Architects to promote them could help speed things up. Given that neither ranks are staff, it would technically be an optional thing which may lead to arguments later.

I don't know about things nowadays but back when i frequented the build servers. Maturity was a factor in applying for adv_builder. I've seen plenty of people be denied because they may make questionable use of the new commands. Personally i'd trust all the adv_builders i know to fairly rate & critique builds.

Honestly ive seen build staff on quite a lot so i'm not sure there's much need for this but. Just adding some seasoning to the pot, maybe it'll spark an idea for someone else.