[Approved] Ronaldo's Operator Application.

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Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
IGN: RonaldoSkillz.

Time-zone: US Mountain Standard Time (GMT -7).

How much time will you be able to spend staffing the server each day?

-With the time that I currently have, I’m expected to spend at the very least three to four hours a week to staff the server. As the time goes on, which will more likely be around when my soccer season comes to an end (within the 2nd-3rd week of November), my activity of how much time I will spend a week will be increasing.

What do you think the responsibilities of an operator are on this server?

-An operator holds a variety of responsibilities on the server. They would need to make sure that every player that is in game are satisfied with their game play, meaning that they have no trouble with any rule breakers around their environment whatsoever. They would help guide the new players through the objectives and concepts of the game. Operators are also responsible for their own behavior towards the other players, such as showing kindness and maturity, and to exert the rules to any player that aren’t familiar with them. Whenever needed, they would make sure that floods, accidental or purposely, are taken care of, support any other staff member's effort that are devoting their time to unflood other areas, and/or assisting them in any other problem that they carry.

What sets you apart from other applicants?

-What sets myself apart from the other applicants is the staff experiences that I’ve gained throughout the past 8-9 months of being a staff member on classic lava survival, with the addition of gaining some knowledge of staffing premium servers with the 2-3 months that I have spent on A&T. Through this experience I’ve gained, I have an understanding of the ins and outs of how the server is treated in game play, and how a staff member is supposed to handle staffing on specific servers. I’ve also gained a skill of knowing how to handle some sorts of difficult problems, holding my temper, and being extremely patient and mature with players if they are in need in assistance or are being questioned, showing respect no matter how difficult they get with any situation. Other than that, I try to give every bit of effort that I can contribute on this server when I am on. I tend to help players in constructing their area, supply them with almost any particular item that they require, and try the best way to assist them in any specific needs. I'm a creative and analytical thinker, am able to organize efficiently, have strong self-esteem, have decent self-knowledge, and I also have plenty of options to communicate (Such as IRC, TeamSpeak, etc.) whenever I am needed.

What do you believe your greatest weaknesses are as a player and/or staff member?

-One thing that I’ve really noticed as a staff member, which usually applies to the behavior of other staff members, is how I tend to continuously argue with a player. At times, I may not know when it’s a good time to stop an argument that a player tries to keep alive. This is one specific topic that I wish to improve on as a whole, and I will make sure that my choices between continuing to argue about something with a player, or to drop the argument as a whole are improving as I gain more experience within this specific topic. One other mentionable weakness is how I handle my activity. This is one thing I’ll be surely to pick up upon as time goes on, as I said.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?

-When approaching a problem that I’m unfamiliar with, I would ask assistance from the other staff members, specifically the Controller+, and see if they are able to help me solve the problem. If that option isn’t available, (which only shouldn’t be a very rare occasions), then I will attempt to brainstorm different sorts of ways that will help me find the best way to treat the problem.

And for a side note: I might’ve made some simple mistakes in the past, and at times wasn’t as focused to my responsibilities as I should’ve been, but I learn from all my errors as time goes on in which I make adjustments that helps myself fix these errors, and to prevent that they won’t happen anytime soon.

So, after taking time to talk it over with others about submitting this and constructing it, the deed has been done. Hope you guys are able to consider.


The Presiding One
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Well, these days, I'm not well-acquainted with the "lava people," but soon after I first talked to you I could tell you've got that special something that guarantees a great staff member. It's a pleasure to know you, and it'd be a pleasure to staff along with you; I, personally, cannot think of anything negative to put in about you. I like how you try to improve upon yourself, though, so I'll read over this application more carefully and think a bit more to see if I have anything to tell you.


The Real Slim Shande
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Why would I not say yes? You've been an Operator on classic for a long time and I know you fairly well. Like, even right now as a player on this server you have been trying to help out and even get to know everyone. You have become very mature and I like the way you have done things recently. You've also spent a fair amount of time on the server so you should be able to know how things work.


(I hate you for making me read a lot)
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