Araidian's Trusted Application

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The Lucario
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

Yo crazy-ass IGN:

Yo crazy-ass time-zone (GMT+/-):
It be GMT -5

How tha fuck long do you probably spend on tha server each week?
Until recently, none playa!

Do you currently hold a staff posizzle on any of tha BT servers (Trusted+)?
No I do not all up in tha moment.

Why do you wanna become a trusted playa?
I feel dat it would be phat ta cherish tha few moments our crazy asses have n' aint a thugged-out damn thang dat yo' ass can do. I aint talkin' bout no chicken n' gravy dude, I be fo' reals.
What do you be thinkin tha responsibilitizzlez of a trusted playa are?
I be thinkin tha responsibilitizzles consist of nuff thangs yo. Helpin playas, becomin a positizzle influence ta dem round you, or just bein straight up thug n' shit. Trusted playas should gotz a leveled head n' still obtain a sense of humor dat mah playas can come ta love. They should also report suspicious behavior ta they superiors. They should do what tha fuck they mommas holla'd at dem n' be chill bros n' bras.

Why should we accept YOU, biatch? What sets you apart from other applicants?
I don't wanna bragizzle yo, but I be thinkin I be a pimped out playa ta be around. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! My fuckin swagger keeps all tha playas comin' back ta tha server like a funky-ass bangin' steamin plate of mashed potatoes man! Those bland appplications before me didn't have any style, any pizzyzz. Me, I just wanna represent Lava Survival ta tha fullest. My grandmotha also makes some pretty damn good hard candies.

List what tha fuck you believe yo' top billin weaknesses are:
I feel dat mah weaknizz would be mah addiction ta League of Legends. I knew I couldn't hide it fo' long yo, but I gotta come clean. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I be playin' dat game every last muthafuckin single dizzle like Shande plays Team Fortress 2 dawg.

Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck referenced yo' punked-out ass?
IamGreg07 be a strappin lil' pig.
EDIT: HarmakPaul and GoldenValley are great sports and awesome beer pong players

What steps would you take ta report a staff member dat be abusin his/her power?
I would go on CrewSpeak n' diss ta Sploorky or Brickwolf until they decizzle ta end mah life!

Finally, up in less than 50 lyrics, tell our asses bout yo ass:
I be a independent Lucario whoz ass don't need no man. I be smart, intelligent, cool, n' I have tha street smarts ta hit dis server like a funky-ass brick ta a funky-ass baby.
Thanks for your time!
I also made this before Sploorky locked applications. I love you all and this is kinda a joke and a desperate attempt to get trusted.

Your IGN:
Your time-zone (GMT+/-):
It is GMT -5
How long do you usually spend on the server each week?
Until recently, none friend!
Do you currently hold a staff position on any of the BT servers (Trusted+)?
No I do not at the moment.
Why do you want to become a trusted player?
I feel that it would be good to cherish the few moments we have right now. This would be a great oppetunity to have a bit of fun and get some times in before the server goes down
What do you think the responsibilities of a trusted player are?
I think the responsibilities consist of many things. Helping players, becoming a positive influence to those around you, or just being straight out gangster. Trusted players should have a leveled head and still obtain a sense of humor that everyone can come to love. They should also report suspicious behavior to their superiors. They should do what their mommas told them and be chill bros and bras.
Why should we accept YOU? What sets you apart from other applicants?
I don't want to brag , but I think I'm a great guy to be around. My friendly additude keeps all the players coming back to the server! Those bland appplications before me didn't have any style. Me, I just want to represent Lava Survival to the fullest.
List what you believe your greatest weaknesses are:
I feel that my weakness would be my addiction to League of Legends. I knew I couldn't hide it for long, but I have to come clean. I be playing that game every single day like Shande plays Team Fortress 2 dawg.
Who referenced you?
IamGreg07 is a strapping young pig.
What steps would you take to report a staff member that is abusing his/her power?
I would go on TeamSpeak and complain to Sploorky or Brickwolf until they decide to end my life!
Finally, in less than 50 words, tell us about yourself:
I'm a Lucario whos smart, intelligent, cool, and I have the knowledge from past oping experiences to make this the greatest few days ever. For real.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thank you for applying, and good luck in your application! Let's get started.

An avid and enthusiastic member of this server, it is but a pleasure, nay, a priviledge to have you here. If I were asked to describe what I see in a potential trusted player, you would more than meet the full description. That go-getting attitude and willingness to help a player in need at all times does not go unnoticed and has been ever present in the 38 minutes you were on this server this year.

Helpin playas, becomin a positizzle influence ta dem round you, or just bein straight up thug n' shit.
Wholeheartedly agree. You are an incredibly positizzle influence that many a brotha can admire, with your [elegant] ability to maintain control over your peers and see to it that order is restored, should an acute compilation arise, taking appropriate action to do so, and as we say here at Blocktopia, being straight up thug is one of the key elements to an effective staff member.

Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka!
I do, In fact, know that shit.

Overall, I think it would be a dire mistake to not grant you position of Trusted. I would even go so far as to say that you deserve the operator rank, but I shall refrain from flattering you too much.

tl; dr: It's a no from me. Noob. -1

EDIT: Thanks to whoever gave me Reddit Gold!
EDIT 2: It's a yes from me. MLG PRO. +1


The Lucario
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka!
I do, In fact, know that shit.

Overall, I think it would be a dire mistake to not grant you position of Trusted. I would even go so far as to say that you deserve the operator rank, but I shall refrain from flattering you too much.

tl; dr: It's a yes from me. MLG PRO. +1
Thanks man. I'd like to thank the academy, My grandmother, and you Greg, for being so inspirational.
Only the best can truly know, "that" shit.
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