Armoury "Need armour, we got ya covered"


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone! I am your friendly​
neighbourhood Cow-Smith.​

As you guys most likely know, I own the armoury in SkyLand City! But to my surprise no one has been going there. :[? But then I realised that it is due to my time diference and I only see most of you in the mornings. So here is the form and price list that you can order from! Just write in this form and post it as a comment here.​

Armoury Items/Price list!​

Wood Sword: 2 shillings Wood Pickaxe: 2 shillings Wood Axe: 2 shillings​
Wood Spade: 2 shillings Wood Hoe: 2 shillings​

Stone Sword: 10 shillings Stone Pickaxe: 10 shillings Stone Axe: 10 shillings​
Stone Spade: 10 shillings Stone Hoe: 10 shillings​

Iron Sword: 25 shillings Iron Pickaxe: 25 shillings Iron axe: 25 shillings​
Iron Spade: 25 shillings Iron Hoe: 25 shillings​

Gold Sword: 35 shillings Gold Pickaxe: 35 shillings Gold Axe: 35 shillings​
Gold Spade: 35 shillings Gold Hoe: 35 shillings​

Diamond Sword: 55 shillings Diamond Pickaxe: 55 shillings Diamond Axe: 55 shillings​
Diamond Spade: 55 shillings Diamond Hoe: 55 shillings​


Helmet: Leather: 10 shillings Iron: 20 shillings Gold: 25 shillings Diamond: 45 shillings​
Chest Plate: Leather: 15 shillings Iron: 25 shillings Gold: 35 shillings Diamond: 60 shillings​
Leggings: Leather: 12 shillings Iron: 22 shillings Gold: 27 shillings Diamond: 50 shillings​
Shoes: Leather: 5 shillings Iron: 15 shillings Gold: 20 shillings Diamond: 40 shillings​


Empty: 20 shillings Lava: 30 shillings Water: 25 shillings​

And now, for the format!​

In-Game Name:
Total Cost: -lie and we will not serve unless it was an obvious mistake-​
Time to meet in-game: -from the time you posted do when you are usually on if it was noon when I post it for me and I said -2 hours I know it would be 10 am my time-​

Note: We also serve things like cobble stone, mossy cobble stone and raw ores talk to CaramelCow in-game for details.​


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
In-Game Name: nazza1​
Order: Nine stacks of glass.​
Total Cost: At 0.5 per glass 288 Shillings/​
Time to meet in-game: I can meet you around this time whenever you have the glass.​


God of Orcs & Destruction
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
Malacath, if you consider the fact that I could literally make 1000s of em then you would understand. Anyway, I guess you do not want it cheap? I can make it 700 if you want.
It's not about me. It's about you. It's your profit, not mine. I don't need diamonds anyways. I was just wondering why you're selling them for so cheap. That's all.