At the end of the world


Aug 6, 2011
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Interesting story about my times on Solitude, will obviously be updated as i continue. As for some added fun, i gave my "character" a little backstory. SOME of the backstory is actually based on MY REAL LIFE! So.... yeah! haha enjoy.

Ch 1
Chapter 1: Alone

I awake to find myself stranded on a wasteland, sun blaring down on me, nothing insight for what seems to be miles. I run, panicking, hoping to find something, or someone to explain what's happening, but nothing. It was then where I reached an area and heard a voice; "The winds are too strong in this direction to continue." It sounded.... like it came from inside my head? Night is approaching, i see the logs of dying trees surrounding the land, can i possibly take shelter with them?

I create myself a small 'hut' if you will, nothing much, but enough for where i can take shelter from the creatures that are lurking in the darkness. Suddenly, my clothing and skin feels like its on fire, i look up to see rain, but this water...... felt more like acid than actual water. I dig, and dig, and dig further down to hide myself from everything on the surface; creatures, darkness, acid rain, and whatever else is up there. I dig for hours, and that's where i saw it..... hope.

Ch 2
Chapter 2: Bats

There i gazed upon the giant cavern i had uncovered, it was unlike anything i had ever seen before, this place, may just have given myself some hope. Sounds of running water, crackling of the rocks and gravel, echos of the bats were the only things i could hear, and it all sounded, so peaceful. Before i came to this wasteland, i was an engineer living in a small rural area, I may not have been the best in the world, but everyone in town knew me, whether it be from my achievements, or from my own personal darkness.

This cavern was a playground for me, i mined coal, iron, gold, even made myself some shiny new clothing. Just when i thought i had emptied the cavern i hear something within the cave, not the echos of the bats, or the running water, or the rocks and gravel, what was this sound..... bones? Upon further investigating i found an extension to the cavern, a large one at that, where a moving skeleton with a bow began to attack me, he was no match for my sword, yet its arrows had pierced the friendly bats, the cries of their deaths is something i will never forget.

This place is immense, but not without danger, I am also low on food supplies, i need to resurface soon and hopefully find some food.

Ch 3
Chapter 3: Snow Mountain

I climb my stairs all the way back to the surface, day has shown its face once again. Begin to head in a random direction, making a mental note of where my base is. After walking for what feels like a thousand blocks, - but was only about 300 - i see some ruins. Vehicles in the middle of no where, what is this madness? I spy some chests within the vehicles, yet they are all empty.... were they like that the entire time, or had someone else emptied them? More questions begin to enter my mind, yet i couldn't leave myself alone with my thoughts, because the darkness was approaching and fast. Zombies, the land is now filled with zombies, i fight my way through one after another and realize all my food sources are gone, my only choice was to feast upon their rotten meat, distastefully.

I continue walking for this time, literally a thousand blocks and spy some hills, which soon turned into a large mountain. I climbed to the top and finally, daybreak! ..... and that's where i saw it, the mountain i climbed was nothing more than a child, i look directly upward to see Mt Everest? Impossible, therefore, i shall call this "Snow Mountain." I climbed snow mountain all the way to its peak, as with its name, it is freezing cold at this altitude, yet so beautiful. I make my way to the edge, and see where it descends, time to go back down i suppose. I miss a step, and lose all my precious food, - though it was only rotten meat - i am now without food and starving. How long will i be able to make this journey for food, my hypothesis..... not long.

Ch 4
Chapter 4: Survivors

Finally, after a full day, i managed to climb down to the otherside of snow mountain, again, nothing but a wasteland in front of me. No food, my swords have reached their limits as well, i am now powerless. I traveled 2000 blocks, literally, and ended up within the ruins of an unknown city; "Gravdale" ...... 'dumb name,' i thought to myself. I must have not been paying much attention, because before i realized, it was night, and i was once again attacked by zombies, will i die here? Never again to see the girl of my dreams back home, my friends, or even the family i hated so much, that i ran away from..... this is the end.

The zombies, have surrounded me, no weapons, no food, nothing. "Halt." I hear from a fairly close distance, i look up and check my surroundings.... nothing? Who said that, and why halt? Can they not obviously see i am being attacked by zombies? "Help me." I shouted, "Over here." I see a man, in shiny golden/iron clothing popping out of the ground, i walk over to him seeing as i have no energy left to run. I am safe, he invited me into his home, - for the purpose of secrecy this man shall be dubbed as "x" - X gave me some of his food, and told me i could wait here to recover my energy. That's when i noticed another person walking around, "y" it seemed like Y was heading deeper underground of the base, maybe a mine? X provided me resources, and sheltered me till daybreak, i informed him of my base past the snow mountain, the least i could do was let him know where im stationed, in case he ever needs help.

I left X and Y's base with some food, and with the ability to farm my own food now. I should probably make a mental note of this city, for if i should ever return here again for supplies. I make my way back to my base, it's going to be a long 3000 blocks.

Ch 5
Chapter 5: Death

I scavenge for the little resources i could around the city before making my journey back home, I thought perhaps i saw a person halfway up a building, i set off to see if i can meet this said person. I managed to make it up only 3 floors, before i lose my footing and fall straight down to my "death."

It's dark here, I'm alone in my mind trying to gather my thoughts for the next 2 hours of my unconsciousness. How did i even end up in this wasteland in the first place, the last thing i remember was falling asleep in my bed at home..... and then waking up in this hell. I wonder if its possible to go back home, I wonder if she will ever reciprocate the same feelings for me, as i do for her. I must make it back, to her.

Ch 6

Chapter 6: Rebirth

It's been 2 hours since i was first knocked out.... but I'm not in the same area? This land must hold some secret dark magic. I'm once again lost, unaware of anything. Luckily, i made the mental notes of directions of Gravdale, Snow Mountain and My Base. If i keep heading in [......] direction It'll lead to Gravdale, or, so i thought. Have i been transported onto a new island all together? Maple Hollow, it looks so similar to Gravdale, i do not know where i could possibly be. I see signs all over the place, of survivors, their names, and how they were previously here.

"Screw it" I said, as i ran in the [......] direction, i knew where that voice was, telling me about the winds, I have a hypothesis, this wasteland has a 4-corner boundary! I have already found and made a note of 2 of the boundaries, the [.....] and [.....] boundaries i have already found and recorded. Using this information i can, and will find my way back home!

Upon my journey home, i have found a canyon, that looks similar to snow mountain, again freezing cold at its peak with snow. I shall name this canyon; "Freeze Canyon." If now i could only find my base, i could make a map of my journeys thus far. Hours, and hours go by and i end up at a familiar river, i remember this. Its where i first woke up, the water in this river is similar to rain.... acid. Not only that, there a boats, empty boats all about this river, quite terrifying if i do say so myself.

After crossing the acid river, i am finally in familiar territory, I travel a good while distance, down to my last bread..... but i have found it. My base. I can now make a map, of my journey, i shall update it as i continue on. be continued!