


What’s New Avallia?
New Avallia is a settlement which was originally founded by Ogarci on the very first day of the server. As you might have guessed from the name it’s RoF-themed (as Avallis is the Lava God) and the buildings will be built in a similar fashion to that of RoF's lobby. We’re mostly peaceful towards other players: You don’t attack us, and we won’t attack you! But keep in mind, if someone of our settlement attacks you, that doesn't mean we’re against you or your village! We are not responsible for the actions of one member.

Who’s a part of New Avallia?
We currently have twelve members. Most of us are RoF or old Lava players, although that’s definitely not a requirement. There’s no real “authority”, we mostly just try to have fun! Here’s a list of members, and their “ranks”:

Leaders: Ogarci & bram13
Builders: Butamou
Members: Kevin_28, jennifahkiller, Dessern5, DarkHender, 63LittlePiggy63, Haysager, dirtcake, LagWarrior and Bea.

Does New Avallia have any allies or enemies?
Avallia has no enemies at the moment. We are allied with anyone that asks.



Can I be a member of Avallia?
Sure! Just fill in this application, post it in this thread, and we’ll see if you can join! Or ask a member on the server.

What is your in-game name?:
What is your playtime? (use /ontime to check):
Why do you want to join New Avallia?:
How active are you going to be?:

Don't expect to immediately get added though! The settlement already has quite a few members, and we don't want too many.


Your Local Time Traveler
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
What is your in-game name?: Major_Bryan
What is your playtime? (use /ontime to check): 2 Hr 21 Min
Why do you want to join New Avallia?: I have actually been waiting/hoping (mostly hoping) for a clan where I would know most of the members, and New Avallia is just that. It is also an added bonus to me that it is based off RoF, the server which I spend most of my time on and enjoy so much.
For me, the main reason why I play SMP is, to be with friends and people who I really know and to have a good time with them. Right now not being in a clan, I am not able to connect with them in game fully. (That is the main and only reason why my /ontime is so low.) The low /ontime will change because, I know that I am apart of a group of friends who will be on (yes, at different times). But I won't have the feeling of being separated by the barrier of being in a different clan or not being in a clan at all. Because of this, I would be willing to put in time improving the clan, even if no one else is on at the time.
What can I offer New Avallia?: I am able to offer my building skills (I was accepted as a builder for solitude), my loyalty, and my time to improve/help out the clan in which way you see best.
How active are you going to be?: I should be able to put in 4 Hr a week if not more. (I am being conservative on my time estimates, just to let you know.)


[06:59] <Blocktopian-2589> hi
[06:59] <Blocktopian-2589> (bram here)
[06:59] <Blocktopian-2589> im probably going to leave avallia
[06:59] <Blocktopian-2589> or be forced to, rather
[07:00] <Blocktopian-2589> internet isn't working anymore, and i'm only able to access the internet through mobile internet or when i'm at a friends home
[07:01] <Blocktopian-2589> ...and it might take a long time before my internet is repaired
[07:01] <Blocktopian-2589> so yeah
[07:03] <Blocktopian-2589> currently at someone else's place (dads drinking buddy's birthday party yay) so have internet here
[07:03] <Blocktopian-2589> after that you prolly won't be seeing me for a long time