Declined Bhyldir's Moderator Application


Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
Account Name (including alternate accounts): Bhyldir


Timezone: UTC+03:00

Staff References: Plive,Friendy

Previous staff experience: I have been admin and mod on a couple of smaller

What do you think the role entails? I think that one of the most important roles that the Moderator role entails is to keep a friendly atmosphere and to stop people from annoying other players. One major thing I think that the moderator role is responsible of even though the Moderator rank is a staff rank I think they should be able to give suggestions and criticize their builds and maybe even teach a few tips and tricks along the way this could be telling someone to add depth or more detail, less detail etc...

What sets you apart from other applicants?? I think that since I've been
building for a very long time if people need help regarding building I could easily
help them. Since I don't have much staffing experience I will always try to improve
myself regarding moderation and take suggestions on what I should improve.

Additional/final notes: Thank you for reffing me Friendy and Plive!

Deleted member 4601

Everyone has their firsts! I see you help out quite a bit, and you're constantly improving your attitude and maturity. It definitely helps that you're architect, and I know that you're genuinely interested in helping, so here's a +1, recommending trial. All the best! ;D


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
As Mulbery said, you're improving on your attitude and maturity which I like. I appreciated you coming to me and asking what you need to improve on as it shows that you want to better yourself, and that's a characteristic I like. Not only that but I have seen a considerable improvement on your anger which is very good!

I would like to see you help around a bit more and be more welcoming of new players, however I feel that is something you can learn while on trial!

+1 for trial, good luck!