Blade & Soul Discussion Thread


Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score

Blade and Soul is a game with quests, pvp and high quality cutscenes.
Go here to learn more about it:

Anyway for those who play, currently finished up until the 4th act really enjoy the storyline so far. I'm lvl 45
blade dancer on the taywong server. (If you hit 45 curious what your first run through blackram supply
chain was like.)
Discuss below!​


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Anyway for those who play, currently finished up until the 4th act really enjoy the storyline so far.​
Wait the 4th act has been released? :eek:
...Or is that just Mushin's Tower? I still haven't really tried my hand at that place past the Silver Deva.
Ended up getting wrecked by that guy, but then again, I was using a weapon I hadn't upgraded since Tomun Range back in the Cinderlands. x)

I haven't played in a few weeks, but me and Duffie set ourselves up on the Soha server around the start of the game's release.
I started off as a Lyn Force Master; for a long time, especially in Viridian, FM ended up feeling really boring to play, especially since, at least compared to some of the other classes, you don't get a lot of skills to play with as you level, and most of your changes in skills is locked behind the talent system.
Because of that I ended up switching over to Assassin for a little while, and though I felt a bit out of place in dungeons, the class felt AMAZING in PvP, especially in the Scorching Sands. My force master couldn't even compete with it, but then again, FM's are all about freeze-locking enemies in PvP, so I guess that isn't a bit surprise.

Currently have a lvl 45 Force Master(felt better once you got more skills so I stuck with it), and a lvl 30 Assassin.
I'm looking forward to trying out that Warlock class that should be down the line in future updates once the Frostback Mtns. continent comes out. (although why they have Warlock weapons already accessible and thus increasing the chances to get weapon upgrades in certain dungeons because of that is just infuriating. It's not even a class we can play on NA servers, so why give us stuff for it already!?)
The game itself is pretty fun; though I mostly stick around for the story (pretty cheesy but still good), the combat feels like the main focus and it feels nice and fluid and works well with the game mechanics. It's definitely one of the better action-oriented MMO's I feel are out right now in terms of the combat itself.
...But I feel like, once you get through with the main story, and if you aren't the most interested in PvP (even though BnS does a really good job at making sudden PvP really fun with how swapping out costumes work), I feel like there isn't that much to really do once you reach end-game, but that may just be because I'm only recently lvl 45 and still trying to figure out stuff to do+level up my items.

Speaking of leveling up my items... oh my god once you get to Moonwater it get's so expensive, especially for getting transformation stones from the auction house. Luckily, compared to Viridian and Cinderlands, dailies and quests do give out tons of silver for the first time which is nice...
But seriously, I'm sort of glad I went through all of Moonwater without even having the Infernal weapons, because although the costs of it was using almost all of my dumplings and potions, at least that wasn't as expensive as upgrading. (sheesh).
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Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
I agree the storyline is definitely one of the reason I played the game nonstop. The cutscenes were really well put together and I was surprised to learn there is more storyline to be released. PvP is pretty fun I agree, the dailies at 45 start to get annoying and feel like grinding the same 4-6 dungeons over and over again. Other than that im hoping the release more of the storyline in na soon. I wish you good luck on getting your profane weapon from that one wheel. (Took me 50 keys and roughly 100 spins to get my lynblade.)


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
I agree the storyline is definitely one of the reason I played the game nonstop. The cutscenes were really well put together and I was surprised to learn there is more storyline to be released. PvP is pretty fun I agree, the dailies at 45 start to get annoying and feel like grinding the same 4-6 dungeons over and over again. Other than that im hoping the release more of the storyline in na soon. I wish you good luck on getting your profane weapon from that one wheel. (Took me 50 keys and roughly 100 spins to get my lynblade.)
Yeah, a lot of the dailies ended up feeling really grindy once you get to some of the end-zones in Moonwater. At least they give a lot of silver and for some of the dungeon's there's a chance at dropping some of the outfits (if you don't get outbid...)
And oh jeeze... I forgot about the horrors of the Profane Jiangshi Wheel of Fate I've read about on different forums. I think I wouldn't be as worried if I still had my special Moonwater key, but I think I used that up already...

...Hmm. Is there a necessary upgrade from King Karri back in the Sapphire Basin? If so, I'm more worried about that than the profane one, since it feels like nobody is ever there and it takes so long to spawn him. x)

And I hope the next continent and story arch is released soon as well, but I don't know how long we'll have to wait for that (it's only been about a month or 2 since it released anyways, right?). I think there's 1 more update featuring some more of the end-game dungeons around the Blackram Supply Chain, one of them is the Naryu Labyrinth I believe, and after that the Warlock class+Act 4+level 50 update should be coming out...
...At least, from what I've read, this should be what the "expected" release of content should look like, since Naryu Labyrinth comes right after Mushins tower, which we got a few weeks ago. So hopefully... more story should be released soon!