[Bug/Suggestion] Mob arena mode can run indifinitely at certian conditions.


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
When I joined server there was 60th round or so, now its closing to 80th wave. It lasts for one or 2 hours since it started.
There are 4 too pro players to die reviving each other, and multiple spectators here.

I have several suggestions how to shorten it:

1) Remove any save hiding spot.

2) Hard cap it at 30 minutes passed when there is more than one person online.

3) make vote appear every 5th wave to end mob arena. Make mod difficulty/revival price go much steeper, as waves are fired.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Put some type of threshold where if there's a certain amount of active "Alive" Mobs then the round ends as the players failed to kill them.
This amount could be different depending on the map or it could just be the same amount just to avoid confusion.
So, if a Mob map reaches 250 Active Mobs, then the round ends.
250 is so little though, and impossible to keep below that even with 6 players. I'd say make it 900 atleast. And also higher waves spawn like 400 mobs.


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Have some suggestions too that I am adding to this thread.


First thing thats really annoying is that if you die very soon, you might not get revived at all the entire round. It means you might wait from 10-30 minutes people fighting waves after wave. Well, why would they revive you. You died first, maybe is the worst mobfighter, have worst armour and stuff, while the rest cant afford the netherstar. If you actially get revived it is a pain in the ass because you might die, or cant get to the shops buying stuff to keep up with the mobs.

I dont think it will be a good idea to lower the price of netherstar, but I think it would be cool if you revived, everyone got revived, and not just one. This way everyone can get fun of the reviving. It may also be easier for the people who hasnt much gear to survive when they spawn together.


Another thing which is really annoying is that if you die there is absolutley nothing to do but to watch people fight mobs. Maybe you could be a mob fighting against the survivors, or be a mob (like forexample dog) helping the survivors, it would be much more fun. If none of these options are possible I would recommend that we atleast could have the possibility to get back to lobby.


Even thought Mob is meant to kill time(if people are alone) it shouldnt take too much longer than regular rounds. Currently there is like 90 seconds or something between each wave and many mobs are spawning. I think it would be better if it was shorter between the waves but that less mobs are spawning.
Put some type of threshold where if there's a certain amount of active "Alive" Mobs then the round ends as the players failed to kill them.
This amount could be different depending on the map or it could just be the same amount just to avoid confusion.
So, if a Mob map reaches 250 Active Mobs, then the round ends.
I like the idea, but after a point in the game, the ammount of mobs that spawn are so much higher than what you can kill. So it should probably be like 750 - 1000.

There should also be a limit on how many rounds you can take, because waiting an hour on a mob round is not fun.


There should also be added more items to buy after you reach full diamond gear and bow.

Have some ideas here.

- Shield - 10 gold | For blocking out deadly attacks from enemies!
- Golden apple - 5 gold | Good for quick regenerating + healing
- Milk bucket - 3 gold | For getting rid of poison and withering
- Bottle - 4 gold | Used For getting rid of flames. You have to fill and refill it to use it, and every mob map must the have water somewhere.
- Enderpearl - 3 gold | To quick get out of dificult situations.
- 16 snowballs - 1 gold | Used for knocking out enemies that are near you. Good against near witches and cave spiders.
- Spawn wolf egg - 3 gold| To get a heling hand in situations. Have to buy bones too to tame them.
- 8 bones - 2 gold | For taming the wolves.
- 4 Fireworks(coloured red like flares) - 1 gold | If you are in danger, show your teammates!


In Omnia Paratus
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Basically the mob arena cant run indifinitely unless cheated or stacked up on a chokepoint so before changing the whole gamemode the staff will look at the chokepoints and bugged areas. If there are still possibilities to reach insane high rounds, then the staff will look at changing

Further, the amount of mobs are put together on both player amount and wave number, it's hard to just change the it per round cause every round will have less or more players involved EG: wave 20 there are 9 players alive so 300 mobs spawn. Then wave 30, 5 players are alive 350 mobs spawn.

If the you want more mobs the whole gamemode got to be changed OR the first rounds will be terror cause more people will die due to the increased amount of mobs.

As last my personal opinion on people being Spectator for too long, let them have the posibility to teleport to the lobby or something else instead.