Changes That Would Help Kotl


Sep 18, 2016
Reaction score
A long time ago in Kotl you used to bring your gear with u when you played. This caused some balanced issues, hence removing it and making it all fists. I Feel like this is a good change, but on some maps there are places where it's just mindlessly fisting and never knocking anyone off, and because of the healing we get constantly they also can't die. I have a few ideas that i would like to mention, but I'm sure many of them are impossible or just much more work than they are worth.

The idea is to make the game feel less like mindlessly hitting each other over and over and never hitting anyone off or killing anyone because of the OP healing. These ideas i'm going to say are to make it feel more like trying to skillfully knock people off while staying on the top, killing people with swords and bows, while blocking arrows with your shields. Or knocking people off with knock-back sticks while dodging their attacks by quickly moving around them.

Before I start listing them I'm going to start off on the maps I think need to be edited due to their unfair advantages or things that take the fun away from them.

1.) Jungle Beach: I love the map but the problem is once you get to the top it is just mindless fisting, you can't kill anyone due to the constant healing, you can't knock anyone off because it doesn't have enough holes. The solution i would advise is making the top platform a 2 x 2 to fit the top of a jungle tree, and the rest is empty so its easier to knock people off.

2.) roundhouse brawl: This map is also good, and i like how there is 4 ways to get to the top. The problem in this map is that it is possible to knock off people coming up the ladders to the top, while getting points, and the attackers can't hit them back due to the defender's higher position. The only way for someone to get the defender is to have 2 people climbing up opposite ladders. To fix this problem i would advise adding a ladder to the back of each of the ways up.

Important Rule: All the ideas I'm discussing depend on one main point: After every kotl game your kotl inventory gets cleared. The problem about this is that in the Death Run game people have collected discs and use them as trophies. The good part is that since Death run and kotl share the same inventory this would allow death run games to have elytras in them. I have a few ideas on what to do with discs.
1. Sell them for cookies
2. If you go with the kb idea I have listed below put kb on the discs aswell
3. Have them as the only thing you don't clear

Best Idea: "Creator Chooses" Let the map creator decide what items they want the players to have. This could work with all the ideas I'm listing below. Maybe the creator will want them to have nothing but their fists. This idea could fit with every idea i'm going to list, which is why I think it is the best idea.

Idea One: "Defender and Attackers" Give Players bows and arrows (2-5 arrows), and a stone sword and define them as "attackers" while they are trying to reach the top. The person who gets to the top gets a shield (You can change their gear to maybe weaker weapons if needed) so that arrows wont knock them off if they're skilled enough to deflect them with their shield. The problem with this idea is that on some maps (Ex: Jungle Beach) the "defender" wouldn't be able to fight back very well because of the fact that you can't knock anyone off. I personally think that that map should be edited to make it easier to knock people off.

Sub Idea to this: have everyone have shields, bows, and swords. Make the bows do no damage (If possible) so they only knockback. If you're skilled enough you will be able to block the arrows with your shield, taking no knockback. If someone melees you while blocking you still take knockback. The goal to this is to make it feel like there is more skill involved in reaching the top and defending it.

Idea Two: "Death is Easier" Make the healing less, if not none at all. I find that the healing sometimes makes it more fun, because you die a lot less and it makes it less repetitive. But i also find it annoying as the defender when you knock people off and they just keep coming back up like nothing happened on some maps like House of Fire, or in cases when both players are equally good and you can't knock each other off, and also neither one of you can kill each other because the healing is so OP, and it gets boring after a while of this. The change i would recommend is either make it normal regeneration or add regeneration I or II.

Idea Three: "Knock back Fun" Give players knock back 1 or 2 sticks so on maps where it isn't a 1 by 1 block for the defenders it is easier to knock other players off. for example, in City of Fire it is very hard to knock someone off unless you get a huge combo on them. I consider Kotl a game where you knock the other person off and they have to climb all the way back up unless they manage to skillfully catch the ladder on their way down. With the KB sticks it would help in scenarios like this one, where it would feel less like trying to hit someone away from the King spot over and over again, and more like trying to hit them off.
The Knock Back Sticks would substitute for some of the map's large king platform where it is very hard to knock other people off.

Idea Four: "Rotating Gamemodes" This is most likely much more work than it is worth. After every rof game we switch between 3 gamemodes, Kotl, Parkour, and Pvp. The prizes would all be the same thing. The main problem about this is that a lot of people wouldn't want to have any other gamemode besides kotl. Another one is that you would need way more maps for each of these new gamemodes.

Rewards: Rewards can be a very good motive for wanting to play kotl. If you want to make kotl more popular I would recommend balancing the rewards, and overall make them better. I'm not saying giving players diamond gear for winning, but make the rewards more useful. Heres a list of things i think you should add,remove, and buff.
1. Add Soulsand 16,32,64
2. Add netherwart 5,10,20
3. Remove Diamond Pickaxe (I got this as a prize and I think this is way too op, even if it's a low chance)
4. With the new potion shop maybe add some of those potions as prizes
5. Remove rotten flesh (To balance the diamond pickaxe being removed, and also if people know they have a chance of getting this it might discourage them from playing)
6. Make Enderchests higher chance but in lower quantities
7. Nerf the amount of iron you can get from winning, I find it takes away the fun of mining for it
8. As fishing has become more popular in rof, adding enchanted fishing rods as rewards might encourage fishers to play kotl more.
9. Add a low chance of getting enchanting bottles of XP. (Right now xp is in high demand and people might be more willing to play kotl if they know that they can get levels off it when they win)
10. Add the chance of getting bucket(s) (to make up for the loss of iron)
11. Add animal spawn eggs. I find that whenever mods are in a house with lots of players sometimes they spawn in animals for fun, and give them funny names. I think this would help the community as you can also name eggs in anvils
12. Make reward stonebrick and stone able to stack with normal stonebrick and stone by taking away the Kotl Tag. I find it annoying that i have to either place and break it to get rid of the tag or keep a extra slot open for it
13. Add Enderpearls
14. Add saddles so people can ride horses for fun without having to fish for them
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The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score

So lets just break this down bit by bit.

A long time ago in Kotl you used to bring your gear with u when you played. This caused some balanced issues, hence removing it and making it all fists. I Feel like this is a good change, but on some maps there are places where it's just mindlessly fisting and never knocking anyone off, and because of the healing we get constantly they also can't die. I have a few ideas that i would like to mention, but I'm sure many of them are impossible or just much more work than they are worth.

The idea is to make the game feel less like mindlessly hitting each other over and over and never hitting anyone off or killing anyone because of the OP healing. These ideas i'm going to say are to make it feel more like trying to skillfully knock people off while staying on the top, killing people with swords and bows, while blocking arrows with your shields. Or knocking people off with knock-back sticks while dodging their attacks by quickly moving around them.
This sounds a lot like you want to add kits to KOTL which i'm not to sure how this would work with the specific inventories per world this i will touch more on later. As far as the healing goes, I absolutely think it should be removed it would add much more of a challenge and fix some of the issues.

1.) Jungle Beach: I love the map but the problem is once you get to the top it is just mindless fisting, you can't kill anyone due to the constant healing, you can't knock anyone off because it doesn't have enough holes. The solution i would advise is making the top platform a 2 x 2 to fit the top of a jungle tree, and the rest is empty so its easier to knock people off.
I agree with this, I believe that we just need to add more holes to the top of it to make it easier for people to fall down. I don't want to make the top smaller as in this case it no longer is a tree. I also believe that the healing needs to be removed especially in this situation where it is near impossible to knock people down.

2.) roundhouse brawl: This map is also good, and i like how there is 4 ways to get to the top. The problem in this map is that it is possible to knock off people coming up the ladders to the top, while getting points, and the attackers can't hit them back due to the defender's higher position. The only way for someone to get the defender is to have 2 people climbing up opposite ladders. To fix this problem i would advise adding a ladder to the back of each of the ways up.
This is an issue I have actually brought up before. Short of making this illegal (because it is a dickish move) I don't know of an exact way to fix this. Though, going up the ladder is only one of the ways to get there and I don't personally think it is too bad. You can easily run around the side of it and just jump back onto the main platform. That being said, I am open to more suggestions about this.

Important Rule: All the ideas I'm discussing depend on one main point: After every kotl game your kotl inventory gets cleared. The problem about this is that in the Death Run game people have collected discs and use them as trophies. I have a few ideas on what to do with them.
1. Sell them for cookies
2. If you go with the kb idea I have listed below put kb on the discs aswell
3. Have them as the only thing you don't clear
I personally wouldn't want to sell my discs. Many people like holding onto them as a way of showing off that they have all three of them. I am also fully against them having any form of enchantments put on them. See further down in this post for more information.

Best Idea: "Creator Chooses" Let the map creator decide what items they want the players to have. This could work with all the ideas I'm listing below. Maybe the creator will want them to have nothing but their fists. This idea could fit with every idea i'm going to list, which is why I think it is the best idea.
As previously mentioned this sounds A LOT like kits from AoD. Whiled I am not against it I do not like it either. I personally like the idea of just having to punch people backwards and keep in mind that the inventories that we have in KOTL are the same inventories for DR so I don't think it would work well to install kits. I think that it is fine as is but we need to just remove the healing factor from KOTL.

Idea One: "Defender and Attackers" Give Players bows and arrows (2-5 arrows), and a stone sword and define them as "attackers" while they are trying to reach the top. The person who gets to the top gets a shield (You can change their gear to maybe weaker weapons if needed) so that arrows wont knock them off if they're skilled enough to deflect them with their shield. The problem with this idea is that on some maps (Ex: Jungle Beach) the "defender" wouldn't be able to fight back very well because of the fact that you can't knock anyone off. I personally think that that map should be edited to make it easier to knock people off.

Sub Idea to this: have everyone have shields, bows, and swords. Make the bows do no damage (If possible) so they only knockback. If you're skilled enough you will be able to block the arrows with your shield, taking no knockback. If someone melees you while blocking you still take knockback. The goal to this is to make it feel like there is more skill involved in reaching the top and defending it.
I am very against this. This sounds like an entirely new game mode to me and at this point it is no longer KOTL (though I may have misread this). I am very strongly against making the defender (as you said) have any form of disadvantages for being on the top. I think the easiest way to handle this is to do what I mentioned above, make the areas that are giving issues smaller or just creating more ways around it.

Idea Two: "Death is Easier" Make the healing less, if not none at all. I find that the healing sometimes makes it more fun, because you die a lot less and it makes it less repetitive. But i also find it annoying as the defender when you knock people off and they just keep coming back up like nothing happened on some maps like House of Fire, or in cases when both players are equally good and you can't knock each other off, and also neither one of you can kill each other because the healing is so OP, and it gets boring after a while of this. The change i would recommend is either make it normal regeneration or add regeneration I or II.
I already touched on this, I think healing just needs to be removed. Though I agree with you on it being reduced.

Idea Three: "Knock back Fun" Give players knock back 1 or 2 sticks so on maps where it isn't a 1 by 1 block for the defenders it is easier to knock other players off. for example, in City of Fire it is very hard to knock someone off unless you get a huge combo on them. I consider Kotl a game where you knock the other person off and they have to climb all the way back up unless they manage to skillfully catch the ladder on their way down. With the KB sticks it would help in scenarios like this one, where it would feel less like trying to hit someone away from the King spot over and over again, and more like trying to hit them off.
The Knock Back Sticks would substitute for some of the map's large king platform where it is very hard to knock other people off.
This could be enjoyable but it would have to be for very specific maps. This does feel like more of a minigame that can be played midround though if the controllers wanted to activate PVP. However, the original issue of this being a KOTL map would mean that these sticks would need to be removed from the Adventure inventory upon round end.

Idea Four: "Rotating Gamemodes" This is most likely much more work than it is worth. After every rof game we switch between 3 gamemodes, Kotl, Parkour, and Pvp. The prizes would all be the same thing. The main problem about this is that a lot of people wouldn't want to have any other gamemode besides kotl. Another one is that you would need way more maps for each of these new gamemodes.
Okay so lets break this one down even further

KOTL: We already have
Parkour: We have death run maps for this, and most of the people hate the map. DR_Psy is a relatively easy parkour map but it is also one of our most (if not our most) hated maps. I think we just need to leave parkour out of any form of a minigame for us.
Pvp: No, we have AoD for this I don't want to steal their gamemode from them just to have it on our server

Rewards: Rewards can be a very good motive for wanting to play kotl. If you want to make kotl more popular I would recommend balancing the rewards, and overall make them better. I'm not saying giving players diamond gear for winning, but make the rewards more useful. Heres a list of things i think you should add,remove, and buff.
1. Add Soulsand 16,32,64
2. Add netherwart 5,10,20
3. Remove Diamond Pickaxe (I got this as a prize and I think this is way too op, even if it's a low chance)
4. With the new potion shop maybe add some of those potions as prizes
5. Remove rotten flesh (To balance the diamond pickaxe being removed, and also if people know they have a chance of getting this it might discourage them from playing)
6. Make Enderchests higher chance but in lower quantities
7. Nerf the amount of iron you can get from winning, I find it takes away the fun of mining for it
8. As fishing has become more popular in rof, adding enchanted fishing rods as rewards might encourage fishers to play kotl more.
9. Add a low chance of getting enchanting bottles of XP. (Right now xp is in high demand and people might be more willing to play kotl if they know that they can get levels off it when they win)
10. Add the chance of getting bucket(s) (to make up for the loss of iron)
11. Add animal spawn eggs. I find that whenever mods are in a house with lots of players sometimes they spawn in animals for fun, and give them funny names. I think this would help the community as you can also name eggs in anvils
12. Make reward stonebrick and stone able to stack with normal stonebrick and stone by taking away the Kotl Tag. I find it annoying that i have to either place and break it to get rid of the tag or keep a extra slot open for it
13. Add Enderpearls
14. Add saddles so people can ride horses for fun without having to fish for them
Time to break this one down even further as well!
  1. Sure, at a lower block amount of probably 16 though
  2. No, netherwart is already OP enough (even if they can't sell these ones they will just plant more)
  3. No, I like the idea of a very rare very useful item being in there
  4. Nope. These potions should stay where they are. And as they are meant for Expert+ I don't want them just being given out willy nilly for free because of rewards
  5. No, I like the idea of crappy items being in there as well. KotL is a risk game where you don't know what you will get but it could be useful
  6. No, I think how it is now is the best fit. It's a lot of ender chests for a low turnover rate. I think it's good where it is. Besides, some maps have enderchests in them.
  7. It's a reward, it's meant to be rewarding. I say it stays where it is. Besides many people hate mining.
  8. This MAYBE, what enchantments would you put on them?
  9. Maybe. It would have to be rare but at this rate many people have high levels and these potions hardly do anything for them
  10. Not really, these can be made very easily.
  11. No, this has been suggested multiple time but I don't think these should be added in. IF we did add it in the only thing I would want in there is a Horse.
  12. No. We made it this way so that people can't sell the rewards they got. We can't make them stack if we want them unsellable
  13. Sure why not, how many though and how rare?
  14. Sure, it would just have to be very rare


Drink up baby, stay up all night
Sep 20, 2014
Reaction score
Alright, what a post. Before I answer all of your suggestions and concerns, I’d like to thank you for putting so much effort into writing this cohesive and comprehensive post. This reminds me of the days when I’d write threads of similar lengths all those years ago, back when I was a player, and it seemed like the staff didn’t really consider them. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen now, eh?

I’ll try to respond to your individual concerns and also keep in mind what Dess has already responded. Let’s go.

Numbers: A long time ago in Kotl you used to bring your gear with u when you played. This caused some balanced issues, hence removing it and making it all fists. I Feel like this is a good change, but on some maps there are places where it's just mindlessly fisting and never knocking anyone off, and because of the healing we get constantly they also can't die. I have a few ideas that i would like to mention, but I'm sure many of them are impossible or just much more work than they are worth.

Numbers: The idea is to make the game feel less like mindlessly hitting each other over and over and never hitting anyone off or killing anyone because of the OP healing. These ideas i'm going to say are to make it feel more like trying to skillfully knock people off while staying on the top, killing people with swords and bows, while blocking arrows with your shields. Or knocking people off with knock-back sticks while dodging their attacks by quickly moving around them.

The mindless fisting was never the intention. We made all inventories equal because otherwise, as you said yourself, it would be too unfair. However, the current no-weapons way of fighting is obviously broken and needs fixing. Currently it’s just a game of hitting each other without any real strategic thought or actual combat.

Dess: This sounds a lot like you want to add kits to KOTL which i'm not to sure how this would work with the specific inventories per world this i will touch more on later. As far as the healing goes, I absolutely think it should be removed it would add much more of a challenge and fix some of the issues.

I agree that one of the first steps to resolving this issue would be to remove the healing effect. I’m not really sure why that was added in the first place. I do believe that the ideal solution would be to add kits—In fact, I suggested this over two months ago in the staff forums ( and this was planned for a while but since this is something only the developer can do it seems to be put on hold while SirComputer focuses on other tasks. But ideally, yes, we would have kits. I’m still not sure what the ideal kits would be, but the most important thing here is to have equal inventories.

Numbers: 1.) Jungle Beach: I love the map but the problem is once you get to the top it is just mindless fisting, you can't kill anyone due to the constant healing, you can't knock anyone off because it doesn't have enough holes. The solution i would advise is making the top platform a 2 x 2 to fit the top of a jungle tree, and the rest is empty so its easier to knock people off.

Dess: I agree with this, I believe that we just need to add more holes to the top of it to make it easier for people to fall down. I don't want to make the top smaller as in this case it no longer is a tree. I also believe that the healing needs to be removed especially in this situation where it is near impossible to knock people down.

The top platform is way too sealed-in and it’s absolutely impossible to knock people down. I agree that this goes against one of the basic aspects of KoTL and the map will be adjusted as is needed.

Numbers: 2.) roundhouse brawl: This map is also good, and i like how there is 4 ways to get to the top. The problem in this map is that it is possible to knock off people coming up the ladders to the top, while getting points, and the attackers can't hit them back due to the defender's higher position. The only way for someone to get the defender is to have 2 people climbing up opposite ladders. To fix this problem i would advise adding a ladder to the back of each of the ways up.

Dess: This is an issue I have actually brought up before. Short of making this illegal (because it is a dickish move) I don't know of an exact way to fix this. Though, going up the ladder is only one of the ways to get there and I don't personally think it is too bad. You can easily run around the side of it and just jump back onto the main platform. That being said, I am open to more suggestions about this.

I’ve already adjusted this map yesterday to reduce the advantage of whoever is on top. Will see if more adjusting is needed. I believe that this has been fixed, however.

Numbers: Important Rule: All the ideas I'm discussing depend on one main point: After every kotl game your kotl inventory gets cleared. The problem about this is that in the Death Run game people have collected discs and use them as trophies. The good part is that since Death run and kotl share the same inventory this would allow death run games to have elytras in them. I have a few ideas on what to do with discs.
1. Sell them for cookies
2. If you go with the kb idea I have listed below put kb on the discs aswell
3. Have them as the only thing you don't clear

Dess: I personally wouldn't want to sell my discs. Many people like holding onto them as a way of showing off that they have all three of them. I am also fully against them having any form of enchantments put on them. See further down in this post for more information.

I agree with Dess that we shouldn’t make the discs sellable or give them some kind of enchantment. They’re a fun collectible to get during Deathrun but that’s where it ends. We should not try to incorporate them into KoTL in any way. The fact that KoTL and Deathrun inventories are the same is not necessarily intentional, it’s just one of the only solutions.

Numbers: Best Idea: "Creator Chooses" Let the map creator decide what items they want the players to have. This could work with all the ideas I'm listing below. Maybe the creator will want them to have nothing but their fists. This idea could fit with every idea i'm going to list, which is why I think it is the best idea.

Dess: As previously mentioned this sounds A LOT like kits from AoD. Whiled I am not against it I do not like it either. I personally like the idea of just having to punch people backwards and keep in mind that the inventories that we have in KOTL are the same inventories for DR so I don't think it would work well to install kits. I think that it is fine as is but we need to just remove the healing factor from KOTL.

I don’t think this suits RoF or KoTL. To give each map its own kit or inventory system feels needlessly convoluted and will be more confusing than actually useful. We just want a fun minigame inbetween rounds, not a mini-AoD.

Numbers: Idea One: "Defender and Attackers" Give Players bows and arrows (2-5 arrows), and a stone sword and define them as "attackers" while they are trying to reach the top. The person who gets to the top gets a shield (You can change their gear to maybe weaker weapons if needed) so that arrows wont knock them off if they're skilled enough to deflect them with their shield. The problem with this idea is that on some maps (Ex: Jungle Beach) the "defender" wouldn't be able to fight back very well because of the fact that you can't knock anyone off. I personally think that that map should be edited to make it easier to knock people off.

Sub Idea to this: have everyone have shields, bows, and swords. Make the bows do no damage (If possible) so they only knockback. If you're skilled enough you will be able to block the arrows with your shield, taking no knockback. If someone melees you while blocking you still take knockback. The goal to this is to make it feel like there is more skill involved in reaching the top and defending it.

Dess: I am very against this. This sounds like an entirely new game mode to me and at this point it is no longer KOTL (though I may have misread this). I am very strongly against making the defender (as you said) have any form of disadvantages for being on the top. I think the easiest way to handle this is to do what I mentioned above, make the areas that are giving issues smaller or just creating more ways around it.

I agree with Dess here with the opinion that this no longer feels like KoTL. This is an entirely different minigame and it feels like it would fit better on AoD. I agree with Dess—we should fix arenas or adapt them to make them more suitable for strategic playing. However, I still also believe that we should give all players standardized kits.

Numbers: Idea Two: "Death is Easier" Make the healing less, if not none at all. I find that the healing sometimes makes it more fun, because you die a lot less and it makes it less repetitive. But i also find it annoying as the defender when you knock people off and they just keep coming back up like nothing happened on some maps like House of Fire, or in cases when both players are equally good and you can't knock each other off, and also neither one of you can kill each other because the healing is so OP, and it gets boring after a while of this. The change i would recommend is either make it normal regeneration or add regeneration I or II.

Dess: I already touched on this, I think healing just needs to be removed. Though I agree with you on it being reduced.

Already mentioned, remove healing.

Numbers: Idea Three: "Knock back Fun" Give players knock back 1 or 2 sticks so on maps where it isn't a 1 by 1 block for the defenders it is easier to knock other players off. for example, in City of Fire it is very hard to knock someone off unless you get a huge combo on them. I consider Kotl a game where you knock the other person off and they have to climb all the way back up unless they manage to skillfully catch the ladder on their way down. With the KB sticks it would help in scenarios like this one, where it would feel less like trying to hit someone away from the King spot over and over again, and more like trying to hit them off.
The Knock Back Sticks would substitute for some of the map's large king platform where it is very hard to knock other people off.

Dess: This could be enjoyable but it would have to be for very specific maps. This does feel like more of a minigame that can be played midround though if the controllers wanted to activate PVP. However, the original issue of this being a KOTL map would mean that these sticks would need to be removed from the Adventure inventory upon round end.

I don’t see the point in this. Previously, back when we still had survival inventories in KoTL, players hated knockback and similar things so I believe that it would be a bad idea to re-add this. I would also like to see actual fighting/dying in KoTL instead of just hitting people off the ladder. While this is one of the most important aspects of the minigame, it shouldn’t be the only one.

Numbers: Idea Four: "Rotating Gamemodes" This is most likely much more work than it is worth. After every rof game we switch between 3 gamemodes, Kotl, Parkour, and Pvp. The prizes would all be the same thing. The main problem about this is that a lot of people wouldn't want to have any other gamemode besides kotl. Another one is that you would need way more maps for each of these new gamemodes.

Dess: Okay so lets break this one down even further

KOTL: We already have
Parkour: We have death run maps for this, and most of the people hate the map. DR_Psy is a relatively easy parkour map but it is also one of our most (if not our most) hated maps. I think we just need to leave parkour out of any form of a minigame for us.
Pvp: No, we have AoD for this I don't want to steal their gamemode from them just to have it on our server

I would like to see more minigames but I disagree with Parkour and PvP for the same reasons listed above. However, the addition of more minigames has been discussed internally before and we might add at least one other minigame in the distant future.

Numbers: Rewards: Rewards can be a very good motive for wanting to play kotl. If you want to make kotl more popular I would recommend balancing the rewards, and overall make them better. I'm not saying giving players diamond gear for winning, but make the rewards more useful. Heres a list of things i think you should add,remove, and buff.
1. Add Soulsand 16,32,64
2. Add netherwart 5,10,20
3. Remove Diamond Pickaxe (I got this as a prize and I think this is way too op, even if it's a low chance)
4. With the new potion shop maybe add some of those potions as prizes
5. Remove rotten flesh (To balance the diamond pickaxe being removed, and also if people know they have a chance of getting this it might discourage them from playing)
6. Make Enderchests higher chance but in lower quantities
7. Nerf the amount of iron you can get from winning, I find it takes away the fun of mining for it
8. As fishing has become more popular in rof, adding enchanted fishing rods as rewards might encourage fishers to play kotl more.
9. Add a low chance of getting enchanting bottles of XP. (Right now xp is in high demand and people might be more willing to play kotl if they know that they can get levels off it when they win)
10. Add the chance of getting bucket(s) (to make up for the loss of iron)
11. Add animal spawn eggs. I find that whenever mods are in a house with lots of players sometimes they spawn in animals for fun, and give them funny names. I think this would help the community as you can also name eggs in anvils
12. Make reward stonebrick and stone able to stack with normal stonebrick and stone by taking away the Kotl Tag. I find it annoying that i have to either place and break it to get rid of the tag or keep a extra slot open for it
13. Add Enderpearls
14. Add saddles so people can ride horses for fun without having to fish for them

Dess: Time to break this one down even further as well!

  1. Sure, at a lower block amount of probably 16 though
  2. No, netherwart is already OP enough (even if they can't sell these ones they will just plant more)
  3. No, I like the idea of a very rare very useful item being in there
  4. Nope. These potions should stay where they are. And as they are meant for Expert+ I don't want them just being given out willy nilly for free because of rewards
  5. No, I like the idea of crappy items being in there as well. KotL is a risk game where you don't know what you will get but it could be useful
  6. No, I think how it is now is the best fit. It's a lot of ender chests for a low turnover rate. I think it's good where it is. Besides, some maps have enderchests in them.
  7. It's a reward, it's meant to be rewarding. I say it stays where it is. Besides many people hate mining.
  8. This MAYBE, what enchantments would you put on them?
  9. Maybe. It would have to be rare but at this rate many people have high levels and these potions hardly do anything for them
  10. Not really, these can be made very easily.
  11. No, this has been suggested multiple time but I don't think these should be added in. IF we did add it in the only thing I would want in there is a Horse.
  12. No. We made it this way so that people can't sell the rewards they got. We can't make them stack if we want them unsellable
  13. Sure why not, how many though and how rare?
  14. Sure, it would just have to be very rare
Yes to soulsand. All block amounts are fine for me. No to netherwart. Same reasons as Dess. Diamond pickaxe stays. Same with rotten flesh. Not sure about adding potions, could be fun to maybe add a few cheap potions to the rewards pool. Enderchest rates is actually something I’m very happy with. Might be a bit too common, even. However, for now I think it just shouldn’t be touched. Iron is reward. I definitely don’t want to add fishing rods to the reward pool. I dislike fishing and its popularity and do not want to encourage fishing whatsoever. I think XP bottles would be too overpowered to add. It’s sold in the GMS for a reason.

I don’t see the point in adding buckets. We are never, ever, ever adding spawn eggs.

I do agree with removing the KoTL tag. This was my idea and I kind of regret it now. I suggested the new KoTL rewards before the sellshop was actually implemented and I suggested that tag before we actually fully understood how the sellshop would affect the game. In hindsight, we shouldn’t have added a KoTL tag—they ARE rewards, after all, and you should sell be able to sell them if you so wish to. I’m fine with adding enderpearls. I’m also fine with adding saddles.

Thank you for your suggestions. Feel free to respond/clarify wherever needed!


May 4, 2013
Reaction score
With 1.11, the Curse of Vanishing comes to mind as a very nice solution to the kits item problem, but it's even possible to implement this fairly easily before the update. We can give a kit of items per map as decided by the map creator, all tagged with a specific tag, and delete all items with that tag every time kotl starts and ends (although if someone logs during kotl they could have it during deathrun, this shouldn't be that much of an issue). In this way, we won't interfere with any other items the player has in their adventure mode inv, at the same time providing temporary items that are restricted to only that kotl map.