Cheers lads.


Jun 3, 2012
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I've struggled to decide what exactly I should say in this post, and yep, this is a long one. After staffing EscRes for 5 years straight, and being a member of the forums since 2012, I've became rather attached to this community. However, in the end, it is the people that have kept me here through all this time, through the fun and the not so fun, and so I reckon it's best to dedicate this post to the people, who make this community what it is.

On October 30th 2013, I passed my BuildBox staff trial. I was a bit of a twat back then, and looking back on my posts from then, it's cringeworthy. Once, I was raging in staff chat at Jube, and accidentally leaked some of it into the main chat! I did a fairly awful job of covering it up as well. Sorry Jub. Since then though, I've grown. Along the way, I've met plenty of people on my time at Create, from Natsubros and the old BB team at the start, to the current Create staff and community today: Hex, Jack, Pink, Arch, Bhyl, Jen, Rob, all the roleplayers... the list goes on and on. It has been fantastic to work with Create throughout my time here. As you know though, there has been another server I've been involved with.

Back in 2016, we were looking for a new plan for RoF, and that required a developer. Unfortunately, all the competent devs like Tnm and CompGuy were taken up, so unfortunately for the admins, I was the only option left. From there, I've worked with a constantly evolving team to maintain one of the longest-running server concepts in Minecraft, one that our community stakes its name to to this day. I've worked alongside hugely-dedicated admins, and also friends, in Robo, who kept RoF development alive, Wimali, who for a long time was Mr. RoF, and Psycho, whom RoF would not exist today without. I've been lucky to have what I believe is the best staff team in EscapeRestart, with shout-outs going to (but not exclusively to) Tamzies, Hoogilan, Superhalo, Raizzan, Kaito, and everyone else I've been with on this journey. Working on RoF has been my favourite part of my time at EscRes in part thanks to all these people I've mentioned, but most of all, the users that have played on our server, appreciated our work, turned up to events. It's quite humbling, really.

I was a CA too, but I was crap at that, so we won't mention it. What should be mentioned though, is our incredible staff team. I've regretted the departure of so many admins in the past, and whilst there are too many staff to mention, I'll talk about our current staff (although Arelic and Mulb come to mind as past admins who deserve a massive shout-out). I've already mentioned Robo; Later's a great guy; Danni's dedicated as hell and has helped keep us going; Inffy's been a great, stable voice over the years; Comp deserves better as AoD is far better presented than RoF; Jolt and Ref don't seem to be admins according to Discord but they're still cool; the lights wouldn't stay on without Nill; and Hex gets a hell of a lot of shit but has a lot of guts to keep going and does a huge amount of stuff.

Your staff team is fantastic and should be appreciated. Don't stray from offering feedback and advice, or challenging them when something isn't right, but equally, don't be a dick. Don't consider yourself higher than anyone else because you believe you're better or the status you possess, and don't consider yourself lower because of what anyone may say to you (presuming you're not a dick). We are all equals. For the staff, stay true to the people and orientate what you do towards them, upholding the community values we have had for so long. They are what keep us together.

Today (at 8:14pm), it is 5 years since I passed my trial, and although it's been a hell of a ride, 5 years is enough. It's time to pass on the baton. Thank you everyone for what you have done. I'll still be around for a bit I think, but I'll probably start to fade sooner rather than later, so it's best I make my farewell now. It's been a blast EscapeRestart. Do me proud.



Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
You were a reasonable, dedicated and modest admin throughout all the time I knew you and thank you so much for the effort and sheer amount of sacrifice you made to help Escape Restart. You're going to be missed without a doubt, and it was always quite amusing and heart-warming seeing you kind of go 'oh for goodness bloody sake' and try to sort some mess out. You were never one to shy away from providing a helping hand, even when you already had so much on your plate, and I think I probably speak for everyone when I say that it was a pleasure interacting with you and having you around, and you were one of the most stable, helpful and reliable staff we've had.

So much of what you contributed will be locked away for only admins to see but don't let that take away from how much people would appreciate you if they saw all that, and how much impact you actually had on the community, even if many people aren't aware of it. I for one appreciate Escape Restart still being here, and you were one of the most influential forces in making that happen.

Some people may not pull their weight, they may hide under the 'my contribution was behind the scenes', but you were genuinely incredibly hardworking and helpful and probably far too modest to say that yourself, so I'm letting it be known here, to the people you obviously care about so much.

Take care SirC, I have no doubt you'll succeed in whatever you choose to do in life.


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
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You were the staff member that I always looked up to ever since I came back a little over 2 years ago. You always appeared calm, collected, and cool even in situations that were really really messy, and I really wanted to model myself after that. This community would have probably gotten into a lot situations if it weren't for your level headedness, and we all appreciate it very much.

I honestly have no clue where I'd be without you on the staff team. I really appreciate everything, including the times where life has kinda thrown me a dirty rag and I had to be away and you stepped up to take my position and help out even when you were busy and you didn't need too. I have never met such a willing, level headed person in my life as much as you - and I'm really grateful that i was able to staff beside you as a CA. I can't thank you enough for showing me not only how to be a good staff member, but also fixing my mistakes without making me feel like an idiot, and ensuring i knew how to avoid it next time.

Take care in life, I'll miss bsing with you in staff chat. If you ever need anything feel free to PM me, I gotta make up for all those times you've covered my ass for something :')


Jul 14, 2016
Reaction score
Just a bit of a personal story.

You know, I might not be here in this community today if it weren't for SirC. I might have just ended up as another faceless person amongst the sea of banned and forgotten nobodies that have no doubt transpired here.

I vividly recall an incident that occurred within the first several months of my presence on Create. I was being a stubborn-ass regarding a particular situation involving the Geekopolis-Almere border and the settlements occuring there. Things got a little too heated, and I ended up undoing work done by two mods. I landed myself a temp ban. I was miserable.

Things were more tense back then; the RP community was still sore from its forced departure from BeastsMC. It was a natural reaction at the time to just assume that harsh treatment meant that EscRes was "like another BMC". SirC dispelled that possibility. I think my discussion with him that day must have been one of the first positive interactions I ever had with a higher staff member on any server. His attitude was positive, and his message calm and rational. It's one of the things that convinced me to stay, and later to get involved.

Perhaps it's cheesy. But at any rate, it's true. That was the closest I came to leaving, and Sir was there for me. I didn't leave. I stayed, and now I work here on Create too. I can only hope to try and uphold the legacy he is leaving behind.

We'll miss your expertise here on Create. Good luck out there.


Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
I didn't know you for very long since I've only been on EscapeRestart for a bit but you've really been one of the more spectacular staff members. Helping me whenever I needed, checking out all my builds and going through my adventure maps, and just being friendly and talking to me all the time. Everyone loved you here, and I did too :) I'll miss you, but I understand we all need to move on and grow up, get a job, do whatever, but I hope if it counts for something you've all left a mark on our hearts <3

See you buddy.