Close Your Eyes- A Random Lullaby Presented By FaliSongs Inc.


Oct 20, 2012
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FaliSongs Inc. doesn't exist.

The first sentence I write, and that's what I wrote.

A bit weird, ain't it?

Before we start, I'd like to tell the events following up to me showing this lullaby;

Just when I was about to start typing;

"Yes?" -Me
"Can I look for Demuk?" -Fare
"Demuk's not here." - Me
"Can I please check?" -Fare
"Fine." -Me
*unlocks door*
*Fare walks around without even checking under the bed or anything*
"Okay, thanks." -Fare
*Fare leaves the room*
... He wasn't doing anything at all... -Me
*locks door*
"Yes?" -Me
"Can I come in?" - Fare
"Sure..." -Me
*unlocks door*
*Fare walks in, only walking around and not doing anything at all*
"Uh... Why'd you want to come in?" -Me
"I dunno." -Fare
*comical vein-pop*
*Fare leaves the room*
*locks door*
If he comes in one more time for no reason at all... -Me

Keep in mind that each encounter was only SECONDS apart (it really pissed me off, it wasn't even for dinner!).


Close Your Eyes- A Random Lullaby by FaliSongs Inc

Close your eyes
Rest for a while
Close your eyes
And go to sleep

The war may be
At our front door
And ones we love
May be no more

But even so
But even so
Just close your eyes
And go to sleep

The war may be
At our front door
And ones we love
May be no more

But let your worries
Go away
Set them free
Just for today?

Think about those
Another day
Just close your eyes
And go to sleep.

Hurrah, I have created a lullaby.

Based off of a tune that I made up.

What is this.