• Posts in this section do not count towards your post count.

Count to 2012 Before XXX Posts

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This is based off of Defiant_Blob's Count to 100 before a Head Admin Posts.
Simple as the title, keep posting and counting before the person specified, XXX, posts.
  1. Double Posts don't count as two
  2. We do not start counting at a negative number.
  3. Only increment by 1 per post
  4. When XXX posts, everyone starts counting from 1 again
  5. When XXX posts, XXX specifies someone other than himself to take the baton and become the XXX.
  6. If XXX does not say a name, it is Okok237's or the previous XXX's, whoever posts first, honor to pick the next XXX.
  7. Okok237 will probably edit this later, probably for loopholes.
  8. If someone edits this post (i.e. Deadlock) then we will start at 3,000.
  9. [edit]All new XXX must be a Blocktopian and 1. be an op+ or 2. very, very well known and active on the forums.
OK, to start out, the next few lines should be self explanatory:

Kevin_28 is awesome!
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