Crappy Pastas

May 12, 2012
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So, I had the urge to write my own little crappy pasta, which are made to emulate video game creepy pastas, which are usually...crappy.
This is mine.
I am dead now, if you are reading this, that is what I am in the most hyper literal sence of the word "dead" It all happened because I wanted to play an old game of mine, Math blaster. It started as just a small childhood reliving, and i went on over to some sketchy sites to find the download. I came across one site that had it, strangely in a single file
I like not having to wait a long time for downloads, so i chose this one, as it was a small single file. This small single file ended up being my hyper realistic death though. I ran the single file, and it installed like anything else, took a very short 1 to 2 minutes, and I clicked the "done" button when it finished. To this day I wish i didnt, because I would still be alive now.
When I finally ran the file, which really didnt take that long, I just had to make some food before hand, the math blaster game ran like I remember, with the words math blaster. But something was different, the words Math Blaster were BLOOD RED and dripping down the screen, I shrugged this off and clicked "new game" button, to start a new game, like I always did as a child.
In game I couldnt do anything except type the number 6 three times, which confused me, because that makes 666 and that wasnt normally what happens in Math Blaster, normally you do math problems. After typing 666, it finally let me do math, but when I finally answered a question it made a scream, but not like anything ive ever heard in a video game, it was a hyper realistic scream
I wanted to exit, but everytime I did, my computer would just freeze, and then run Math Blaster again, which made me very uneasy. I decided to click a already saved game, and it took me to a pitch black screen, with a single word in blood red coloring. The word was... "MATH" I began to freak out, as that word wasnt usually in blood red coloring in the game, and then it happened, my computer began to bleed.
The blood was hyper realistic and It began to rise up to my neck, and I only had enough time to open notepad, to write down these last words of mine, and I hope that before I die, from being killed hyper realisticly, by hyper realistic blood, I can tell people... that MATH kills...

If anyone else makes one, or already has one they made, feel free to share here, and remember, stupidity is key in a crappy pasta.


Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
Here it is my masterpiece, Pokemon: BLOOD Red.

This was taken from the journal of the now missing "Viojuego Rodriguez".

Today my mom asked me to go pick up some stuff at the store, since I only lived a few blocks down from her, she asked for, milk, eggs, some soda, pancake mix, V8™ Fusion, 4 pack of some some candy bars, and some popcorn for a movie on Netflix™ tonight. She gave me $100 though, which was more then enough, since the total came out to be exactly $54.67, so I decided I might use the rest of the money on something else. I walked over across the store (It was a Target®) to the video game section. They only had some new shooters like Call of Duty: Black OPs 2™, Battlefiled 3™, and some other games crappy main-stream shooters I was above. I'm a big fan of the classics, so I naturally gravitated towards a boxed copy of Pokemon Red, my favorite when I was a kid, but I lost it. It most likely shouldn't have been there since it was the PS3 section. I picked it up, and saw it had no price on it, so I decided to take it to the clerk to see if it was sold or if it was just a game a kid left out on a shelf picking up another game instead. The clerk said it wasn't being sold, so I decided to take it home, after spending the rest of the money on some pizza ($20.67, large pizza 4 topping) and a 2 liter soda ($3.40). I ran drove home as quickly as I could and pulled out the cartridge from the box. But something was off. The little piece of paper usually glues onto the cartridges with the name and logo on it wasn't there, instead it was just some sharpy writing that read "POKEMON BLOOD RED". I shook this off as, the kid probably just wrote that so he would know it was his game, not someone else's. So I put the game into my old Gameboy and it started up. Everything was working fine, but when I to choose my pokemon, there was only one poke ball. I chose it and its name was just "…". I was confused at this but shrugged it off and kept playing, since I may just be a little rusty on what happened in the game anyways since its been exactly 8.3 years since I last played it. Gary didn't come in to pick his own pokemon though, which I found strange. And Prof. Oak's eyes were blood red, even though I was playing it on my GB, not my GBC. I walked out of the laboratory and went to start my adventure, but Prof. Oak didn't give me pokeballs, or a pokedex. So I went to the store to see if I could buy some, but when I talked to the cashier, they just said "RUN, RUN. FOR THE YRAG IS COMING". I was F-REAKED out by this. The person looked they had real emotions. But I decided to go and buy some poke balls anyways, since I had 1,000,000,000 yen for some reason. Right as I exited the store I headed out into some bushes to see what my pokemon was anyways and fight something with it. I eventually got into a battle with a Ratata and say my pokemon was a crudely drawn hyper-realistic… drawing of what looks like… me. I was F-REAKED out again by this and shut the game off. I took a nap for a few hours then woke up and curiosity got the best of me so I started the game up again. But this time instead of the normal title screen, there was blood everywhere. And written in blood across where the title would usually be, was "YOU'RE NEXT." I was confused by this, but shrugged it of and started the game. I figured I had a hacked version or something. But that hyper-realistic drawing of what looked like me… anyways, I went saw that all the other files were gone now, except mine. The hours changed from 30 minutes, to 666 hours. I was scared at this point, but I braved it out and opened my file to see it was still in the middle of the battle. But I couldn't press any buttons, and the game was playing itself. My pokemon just kept skipping its turn, trying to run, but it couldn't. The ratata used "Bite", but instead of it just wiggling around on its side as the animation, it lunged towards my pokemon, and started ripping him a part. I couldn't watch it, but when I looked back, the ratata said "YOU'RE NEXT!", then the battle ended. I was shivering at this point and got a glass of water. My player sprite was now just a corpse moving around on its own. It was running back home, but before it could, he froze. A giant sprite of what looked like Gary came from the top of the screen, hyper-realistic blood dripping down his body. He said "I AM YRAG, RULER OF ALL. YOU ARE MY SACRIFICE, THIS YOUR END. THERE IS NO ESCAPE." I tried shutting of the game but I couldn't. He hyper-realisticly hyperly took the corpse and deformed it further, then eating it. Right after he did this, he said "YOU'RE NEXT, JAROD (My name)"- I hear a knock at the door. I am writing this just in-case he comes… for me next…

After this, police found the body of Viojuego outside near his mother's house in some tall grass, ripped to shreds, limbs all over, with a note saying:

---------------------------------"YOU'RE NEXT"-------------------------------