Minecraft Create Easter Egg Hunt!


Zombier than thou.
Community Admin
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

Spring has come to EscapeRestart, and the Easter Bunny has made an appearance on Create! He has hidden dragon eggs around the world, and wants you to go out and find them!

How To Play

There are 10 eggs hidden around a 250x250 terrain world - can you find them all?
  • To get to the event world, type /mvtp EggHunt.
  • Use the hints given below to find as many eggs as you can!
  • When you find an egg, take a screenshot of yourself with it.
    • Press F5 twice to go into 3rd person mode, then push F2 to take a screenshot.
  • When you're done, PM nillbugwtw and/or Prizyms with the pictures of you with the eggs.
    • You can use a tool like imgur to compile an album.
  • Once the event is over, those who found the most eggs will be entered into a drawing for Steam games!
    • Here is the full list of possible prizes:
      7 Days to Die
      AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
      Always Sometimes Monsters
      AquaNox 2: Revelation
      Black Mirror
      Bridge Project
      Crayon Physics Deluxe + Aquaria + Dungeons of Dredmor Steam Pack
      Crusader Kings II + African, Norse, and Russian Unit Packs
      Deadfall Adventures
      Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
      Democracy 3
      Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
      Dustforce DX
      Escape Goat 2
      Euro Truck Simulator 2
      FTL: Faster Than Light Advanced Edition
      GRID 2
      Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
      Gone Home + Soundtrack
      Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
      Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy
      Hitman: Absolution
      Jack Lumber
      Lilly Looking Through
      Long Live the Queen
      MX vs ATV Reflex
      Monaco: What's Yours is Mine
      Ms. Splosion Man
      Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
      On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One
      On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two
      Pixel Piracy
      Potatoman Seeks the Troof
      Race the Sun
      Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
      Shank 2
      Sid Meier's Civ III: Complete
      SpeedRunners + Youtuber Packs 1 & 2
      SpellForce 2: Demon of the Past
      SteamWorld Dig
      Super Hexagon
      Supreme Commander Gold Edition
      The King Of Fighters XIII
      Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
      The Baconing
      The Bridge
      The Cat Lady
      The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete Pack
      Titan Quest Gold
      Valdis Story: Abyssal City
      Volgarr the Viking
      World of Goo
      Zenbound 2
      Keys for CS:GO, TF2 and Dota 2

  • Flying is allowed, however for full Easter egg hunt immersion, we recommend walking - all eggs can be reached without flying.
  • You are welcome to share egg locations with others, but remember: the more eggs other people find, the lower your chances are of winning!
  • The number of prizes given out will largely depend on the number of people who found all/most of the eggs.

  1. The Easter Bunny still has burn marks on his paws from hiding this egg.
  2. Nothing says Spring like beautiful flowers, a cluster of which hide egg #2!
  3. Silly jack-o-lanterns, Easter eggs aren't for Halloween!
  4. The Easter Bunny grabbed his snorkel and flippers before placing this egg.
  5. Brr! Someone should light a fire - Egg #5 is freezing!
  6. Don't take these clues for granite!
  7. Tired after a day of egg-hiding, the Easter Bunny build himself a house for the night - perhaps he left an egg behind?
  8. Egg #5 may be freezing, but it's pretty coald where Egg #8 is too!
  9. The Easter Bunny is scared of the dark - follow his torches to find this egg!
  10. Finally... it's all ogre now...
The egg hunt will run until Friday, April 10th, at which point prizes will be drawn and the winners will be announced.

Good luck, and have fun!

In other news:
The Lobby build competition is still going on, and there's still a little time to get involved! Check out this thread for more information!


Zombier than thou.
Community Admin
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
This is incredibly belated, however:

Thanks to all of you who participated! We had 9 people find all of the eggs, from which 4 were randomly selected, and those 4 are:
Roobarb Pie
Congratulations you guys, I'll be in touch with you shortly to get prizes for you. I hope everyone enjoyed the hunt, it really gave myself and the guys on Create some good insight into non-building events.

Roobarb Pie

Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
This is incredibly belated, however:

Thanks to all of you who participated! We had 9 people find all of the eggs, from which 4 were randomly selected, and those 4 are:
Roobarb Pie
Congratulations you guys, I'll be in touch with you shortly to get prizes for you. I hope everyone enjoyed the hunt, it really gave myself and the guys on Create some good insight into non-building events.
As my mommy says, everyone's a winner!