Accepted [CtF] 1916

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Mafia Host
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
Map Name: 1916
Map Authors: theROZE, Plive
Game Type: Capture the Flag
Map World Border: 64x129
Download: advplot TheROZE
Round Time: 300 seconds
Min Player Count: 10
Max Player Count: Server maximum
Team Names: United Kingdom (Green) vs German Empire (Brown)
Spawn Locations: Dugouts on either side of the map in the trenches marked by iron doors.
Flag Locations: Flags are marked with two blocks of wool inside each tank.
Kit modifications: All players are to have full coloured leather armour for their team and be equipped with a bow (which kills in one shot regardless of range at a full charge) and an iron shovel (which deals 5 hearts, if possible.)

Notes: I decided to make a map themed on the Western Front. The tanks containing the flags have functional cannons and guns, and there are working artillery/machine gun emplacements scattered around the backlines. The central no man's land has a naturally raised area in the centre to encourage longer ranged fighting there, and the engagements become increasingly close as players move towards each team's base.


The Brutal Create Dictator
Dec 15, 2011
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I believe this map wil be a really good close quarter combat map. I do think there is a problem with the spawn however, I think there should be more than one exit to the spawn; you go out those doors and turn either left or right, it'll be really easy for people to try and spawn camp. I do also think that a min player count of 10 is too high for a relativily small map, I'd go more 4/6.

I would love to see this map added though



In Omnia Paratus
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Hi TheRoze (and plive), thanks for submitting this map
The map is really nice and I love the WW1 theme in it with the barbed wire and trenches etc but I feel the "nomans land" is a bit empty, maybe add small ruins or pieces of barbed wire to add a small challange of it cause it is called nomans land for a reason ;). Further I cant seem to find the spawns of the teams (said at iron doors but I can find none in the map?) so maybe add a screenshot of one spawn so I can see that too. As last I agree with sal, 10 player is a really low standard for a such a small map, I suggest changing it to 6.
Overall I will give this a +1 but I do want you to add some more small structures in the center.
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