Danni's A&T Staff Application

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The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
In-game name:
Time zone:
GMT +1 (Norway), currently summertime, so effectively +2
Have you ever staffed another Blocktopia server before? If yes, when?
JtE Trusted to Operator, DoD VetOp to ConTroller (current), AoD Trusted to Operator (current)
Are you good at organization and planning?
Yes, I would say so. I helped with, and are currently organizing event(s) on DoD. This have given me some experience, and I would say that I am rather good on spotting issues before they appear, as in that when planning an event, I can easily spot things that don’t work out, make challenges reasonable, and just in general make a better event.

I shine during the event itself, this is what I am best at in events, hosting, or helping with an event. This is something I love to do, I would say possible even more than participating in the event itself. Just to see the work with planning pay off, players having fun, and everything working out. I mean that this is something I am good at, just making sure everyone is having a great time, and rapidly taking care of any issues that may rise.
What sets you above other potential applicants?
Why should we choose you? As mentioned above, I am experienced with planning events, and it is something I really like to do. Also, I am rather good at solving problems with players, any issues that may arise there. Trying to make all the, if more than one, involved parts in a conflict being able to accept the outcome. I also got a lot of experience with players that are just trolls, and how to handle those.


May 17, 2012
Reaction score
I was a little hesitant at first with your controller duties on DoD and operator on AoD. However, I know you are a great staff member and it would be great to have you on the team. I've talked to you ingame and you've told me you have no problem keeping up with staffing on 3 servers- so I hope this won't be an issue for you!

Accepted, (and also probably first user with 4 badges), Congratulations!
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