Danni's Gaia Leader application - DENIED!

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The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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Previous experience:
SMP 3: DGH Leader
SMP 4: DGH Leader
JtE : Fish leader, Oceanus and Sancti co leader/council member
DoD: DGH Leader
Kami : Mutaro Leader

What family are you applying for?

Why do you want to be a family leader?
I feel that I am the person in the family that would benefit the family as a whole as a leader. This is due to my leadership experience, and previous success with other clans, both in terms of defense and diplomacy

What will you do to lead your family to prosperity?
I am not in for any bullshit from any family members, I will do whatever action is necessary to make the family the best place possible for everyone that is a member of the family.
I will make sure that diplomatic affairs is taken care of, and that any issues that arises within the family is dealt with appropriately.

I will of course also maintain our short and long term goals as a clan, planning the capital, server goals and general prosperity.I will also have positions, as one player can not do everything himself, example on this would be city planner/builder or Vault responsible.

Are there any rules you want to implement within your family?
Most of them just common sense stuff, like dont steal from fellow family members, don't kill them, help with the clan etc, but I want to tell you a bit about what my rules on raiding would be.

I like PvP and raiding, and I think disallowing it all together would be a mistake, as that is a big part of the server. However, under my leadership there will not be a shitstorm of pointless wars. If we are attacked appropriate action will be taken, but in general I hope we will remain mostly peacful( no promised though!).

There will be no unauthorized single player attacks on other families capital, if we go to attack another family it will be organized and the consequences will have been consideredI will allow attacks on any and all players in any fashion they would like, if they are not at their capital, as I do not consider that to be such a big of a deal. If you want to be safe from Gaia, stay in your capital, and I'm sure most clans will understand this logic.

How will you handle alliances and how will you deal with family members that violate the rules?
I do not quite like the wording quite here, so I will rather answer "How do you want to handle diplomacy"

I will, as mention earlier, not declare ware on the entire server for no good reason, that would be no fun. I will however declare war if it comes to that due to event on the server. I see myself as a good diplomat and I am sure there will not be a problem to create an alliance with some other family if our interests are the same.

Family members that break rules will be talked to in a nice way at first, to make sure they understand what they are doing wrong, and why that damages the family. If the player refuses to cooperate or is a complete dick, he will be banished from our lands, and a public statement will be made to make everyone aware that we no longer consider the player as a part of the family. If given the power to kick players from the family this will be considered in extreme cases.

I will be very happy and perfectly fine with sharing the leadership with another player, as I feel that as long as we are working together it will benefit the family. Not too sure about more than 2 leaders, but I will be also be okay with a council if it comes to that.
Any disputes between me and a fellow leader would be decided on by a vote within the family.

Undefined User 7

Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Kurizmaah, Hockeyfan & Danni all have extensive history in SMP, past and present.

I'm voting +1 for Danni, because the legacy of Gaia is one of prosperity in peace. I want a clan that serves players not interested in endless raiding & fighting. I've worked with Danni as staff, and in the JtE clan Sancti. He's been outstanding in both respects, and is in my opinion, the best choice for leader.
Last edited:


Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
Kurizmaah, Hockeyfan & Danni all have extensive history in SMP, past and present.

I'm voting +1 for Danni, because the legacy of Gaia is one of prosperity in peace. I want a clan that serves players not interested in endless raiding & fighting. I've worked with Danni as staff, and in the JtE clan Sancti. He's been outstanding in both respects, and is in my opinion, the best choice for leader.
We have mainly decided that we are going to split the leadership and have myself and Danni work together 50/50 to ensure the best possible results for decision making. We both agreed that we would make a pretty good team and he has some really good ideas so far as well as other people within our family. So I'm looking forward to working with everyone in Gaia and as Danni said as long as we are working together then it would be beneficial to have another leader and other players giving ideas to improve our family.


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Yes, as hockey said, he will be the offcial leader, and I will be his right hand man/co leader. We have talked extensively together since the start, and as we got the same visions for our clan, we saw no reason not to lead together
Hockey fan will be the one with th Leader rank, as I am already staff.

I hope all members of Gaia are happy with our decision! =)
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