DarkRP | So You Want to be Staff

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Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score

So you want to staff on our DarkRP server? Staffing DarkRP can be very tolling sometimes. You will deal with rule breakers almost everyday, sometimes minor rules, sometime major rules. Despite this though, it can be very fun to staff, and you will meet many new people and gain new bonds over the time you staff on DarkRP. Ask myself, JoeisPyro, and StarBaker, I met them 4 years ago while I ran a DarkRP server, and they've been my best friends ever since.


Here's what I look for in an applicant:
  • Active & Friendly
  • Helpful & Laid-Back
  • Knows the rules well
  • Knows how to have fun
  • Able to deal with stress
  • Knows garrysmod and DarkRP, and the mechanics of it
  • Basic ULX knowledge (If you don't that okay, I have a handy guide in staff forum! Ask me to teach you!)
  • A staff reference
I don't ask for much. I want a laid back staff team, that isn't so strict and on players arses about things. I expect to have a very fun and enjoyable DarkRP server, not one where we enforce every little rule, and watching players 24/7.

What if I don't meet these? What can I do to meet them?

I recommend these things to help touch these points.
  • Be active! Not just on the server, but on the forums and community as a whole.
  • Read the rules thoroughly, don't just skim!
  • Watch staff. My staff team won't mind if you tag along and watch how they handle things!
  • Watch video tutorials! Don't know DarkRP much? Watch video tutorials, like this!
  • Interact with players! The more you interact, the more staff notice you. If you are helpful, and laid back with players, it will catch the attention much better than just sitting around and helping once in a while.
Some things, like being laid back, or dealing with stress, is something that comes naturally. I'll give some advice that I give my staff, which is to always take your time. If a player is frustrating you, don't act out. Calmly remind yourself that you have time, and sometimes that's all it takes to see that being frustrated won't work, or just isn't worth it. If you find yourself in a situation where you just can't handle it, contact a staff member instead of acting out. Be rational & Smart about what you do, there's a reaction for every action!

What do you do?

The main goal of being DarkRP Staff is ensuring the players are having a good time. This means just making sure everyone is following rules, everyone is having fun, and the server is running without hiccups. Not only do we make sure its a nice and enjoyable atmosphere, we also help layers in general. Player doesn't know how to make a fading door? Help them! They need help making a base? Give them tips! You're not there to just enforce rules, you're there to have fun, and play too!

Where do I start?

Go ahead and look here for the format of a staff application. I recommend taking that and pasting it in a google doc and filling it out and making sure it looks nice and pretty.

After you are done with that, you can go ahead and post it in the Staff Applications forum, located here. Once you've posted it there, just wait and be patient for all the staff to reply on your post. I will make sure we are all speedy to answer it, so don't expect to wait too long! ;)

If your application is accepted, then you will be put into trial mod for a specified time the staff agree upon. Once that time is up, staff will discuss if you passed your trial or not, and then you will be promoted or demoted. You'll then have access to all the DarkRP Staff Forums / Discord Channels, and you'll get some fancy tags on the forum!

If you happen to be denied, don't worry! You will be able to apply in a specified time, that our staff agree on. We will give you pointers on what you need to work on, and what you can do to fix those. don't feel disheartened, because you never know, the next time around you may just be on your way to a shiny new moderator rank!

Closing Statement

Thank you for reading this, and thank you for considering applying for the Staff team! Good luck!
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