davidjl123's A&T Operator Application

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Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
In game name: davidjl123

Timezone: EST/EDT (Eastern Standard Time/Eastern Daylight Time)

Have you ever staffed another Blocktopia server before? If yes, when?: Yes.
JtE Trusted | 06/14/2013 -- 10/27/2013 | (4 months, 13 days)
Zombie Trusted | 07/08/2011 -- 02/11/2012 | (7 months, 3 days)
Build Advanced Builder | 08/16/2010 -- 09/05/2010 | (20 days)
Build Advanced Builder | 10/29/2010 -- 11/19/2010 | (21 days)
Build Operator | 11/19/2010 -- 01/01/2011 | (1 month, 13 days)
SMP Trusted | 09/03/2010 -- 11/19/2010 | (2 months, 16 days)

Are you good at organization and planning?: Of course, yes! In fact, when I was younger, things that were messy and unorganized always bothered me for some reason, and it still kinda does. Planning is another thing I am especially good at. For example, when I am given a project assignment in school, I always plan things out.

What sets you above other potential applicants? Why should we choose you?: Again, mostly my determination in trying to become Operator. In fact, I have never gotten a chance to become operator in 4 years. I tried maybe around 6 times just to become an Operator. It makes me angry just thinking about that.
One time, I really wanted to become a Zombie Operator. I was stuck on Zombie Trusted for 7 months, then I was demoted without any warning. To this day, I still don't know the full reason to my demotion. One person informed me that I was demoted just because there were too many trusteds, and they wanted to make space. But that's a story for another time.
Aside from determination, I am good with teamwork with other players, and with other staff members. I am friendly with other players, and I often lighten up the mood of some by using humor.
4 hours a week is easy for me. In fact, I expect to get more than that on some weeks.
I hope that you will consider me for this staff rank, and I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for taking your time to read my application,
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