Dear Blocktopia


Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
It's hard to believe it's almost been two and a half years since I joined the community. Thing is, I'm not really sure why it's hard to believe. Sometimes it's because it's already been that long, other times it's because it's only been that long. Regardless, the past holds some fond, very nostalgia, times. Discovering and playing lava for the first time was hands down the best experience I've ever had in Blocktopia. Working up towards master(never did get that rank, funny enough), searching for secrets, and being amazed by the winterfreshed maps are memories that will always mean a lot to me. People like aleeyana, Goldenvalley, hoogilan, gggggggggg189, ASHD, FallenSoulZ, Araidian, 63LittlePiggy63, Vault93, jayp94, choclate_god, ronaldoskillz, brickwolf, Omar_Sales, and a lot of other names I've foolishly forgotten about made these early times as memorable as they were. It was the start of a really big story, and this thread isn't ending the story, just finishing up a really big chapter.

I'm resigning down to guest, but I'm not leaving. After nine months of getting to take the wheel, I think it's time for me to step down. It's no reason specifically, I just want to move on in my life, and the community can't wait around while I do that.

Since that October of 2011, I've got to grow up and mature within Blocktopia. Never for a second did I grow tired of it or wanted to leave. I've gotten stressed, pissed, furious at shit that happened before. I cared(and still do care) about things in an online community a lot more than I should have. But I never really considered leaving. Because this place and the people in it are, as cheesy as it sounds, like a really big, crazy, dramatic(;)) family. I joined to play minecraft, but if it wasn't for how inviting and friendly the people were, I would have left a long time ago. I don't come on every day to play minecraft, or league of legends, or minez, or whatever. I come on every day because I've met some fantastic people, ones I consider great friends. People I can be honest with, people I can laugh around and joke with, people I can trust. All of this coming from a minecraft community over the internet, it's really silly when you think about it.

As long as Blocktopia keeps offering these fantastic people to meet and laugh with, I will be around.

So I'm not worried about leaving. Blocktopia has some big things ahead of it, and I'm excited to see how they unfold and the surprises I will get to see in the future.

I've had my ups and downs here. My overreacting towards things that happen here has got me angry before, depressed before, dare I say (sleep deprived) insane before, all due to what happens in Blocktopia. Despite every down, I'm glad they happened. My time in this community has shaped me to be the person I am now. I am happy with who I have become since I joined at age 14. If I could go back and do anything differently, I don't think I would take that offer up.

I considered doing shoutouts to the people who have meant a lot to me in the community, but I realized, I simply can't do that. There's too many to list, too many different reasons to go through, and when it would be finished, I wouldn't trust myself that I'm not missing someone. So I will instead say: Thank you. If you have made me laugh before, have taught me something, put up with my crap, or put me in my place when I was acting like a git, then Thank you. If you have been a friend of mine before, thank you. It shouldn't be too hard to decipher if I'm speaking to you right now or not, but--if you've spoken to me before, chances are, I am.

T0 wrap this up: You are an amazing entity, Blocktopia. You house some of the best fun a 14 year old who was starting to get into minecraft could imagine. You have some of the greatest people I've had the pleasure of meeting, ones that when I do eventually leave and fully commit myself to the real world, I'll still remember and miss. Your name will always be tied with some fantastic memories. And when I do leave, I hope I can come back years later and I'll have the opportunity to make some new memories.

You're the best, Blocktopia. Keep being the best.



PS--As my final request, I demand GmK make me a special rating only I can give, called "Thanks Man!" It must be so! Or just make the thank you rating say that.
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Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks a lot for all the hard work you had done on the community, it's very sad to see you resigning :(, you're a great friend, since the first day i meet you on classic lava, i will always remember how you referred to be as "the guy flying around out of the map in front of innerspace's secret". Hope you visit us soon, specially with TNT the event coming soon. Here's a pic for nostalgia:
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