Declined [Denied] Bhyldir's Architect Application

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Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
Account Name: Bhyldir

References (Adv+): None.

Screenshots of builds (minimum of one large-scale project (Size of AdvPlot) The more quality builds, the better.)

What are your future plans for projects? Well none right now since i would need another plot to even attempt to start a project but if i could i would love to make a new spawn etc...

Additional/final notes: Sadly im not able to view the images on imgur so if something is wrong with them i apologise.


Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Firstly, apologies for the delays for any response whatsoever. That's our fault.

Let's start with the positives. You want to get it, and you have potential. Those are the two basic things you need. However, you need to stop trying to get it the fast way. There's no way around us telling you to go back and add terrain in the large empty spaces in the corner of your build for example, or telling you to add interior. Evidence of your rush is in the fact you have no references, and you don't seem to often ask for advice, often waiting until we give you advice in your application. Even then, it can seem that you wait the 2 months just to make small modifications, perhaps a couple of additions, and reapply. You really need to be doing as much as you can during those 2 months, asking people for advice and acting upon it, "I'll probably get denied, see you in 2+ months" isn't the attitude that's going to get you Architect. I'd say this is slightly my fault, because I should have had a chat with you before you submitted this anyway, but you still shouldn't be rushing this. You've already been through 2 applications where we've given you advice. However, I'll go and give you some more advice, because the advice I've given you in the past might not have been too clear.

You currently don't have much terrain in your main build, but there are 4 empty corners you could perhaps put this in, and maybe a bit down the sides of the plot too, so I think you can do what you want with it, as I know you have the skills and ideas, as I've seen your terrain plot. Let's go onto the structure. We've pretty much got some rather nice pillars, a roof and a floor or two, surrounded by some nicely detailed towers and a wall that seems weirdly low. For Architect, we'd expect things to be on the floors, a huge grand building that goes all out and says a statement. It currently doesn't. I don't want to criticise your building skills, because I don't need to, we know you can build. I don't want to criticise your building skills, because I don't need to. You just need more stuff. We know you can build stuff. We just need to see it. Put some effort in, and you'll see the results. Whilst I'm giving you a -1 (although not by much, I am considering a 0) for now, I know you have the potential. Just do it.
What are your future plans for projects? Well none right now since i would need another plot to even attempt to start a project but if i could i would love to make a new spawn etc...
By the way, Architects get infinite plots.
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Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Apologies for the delay in this response, have been relatively confused about what exactly has happened.

Although you have applied twice prior to this application, I have seen very little evidence that you have actually wanted to improve your work even though you have stated that your dedication is there to me - which I have no question about. However, the main thing that I am concerned about is the patience that you have towards achieving the rank, as seen earlier today when you said "I'll probably get denied, see you in 2+ months" and then quit. Although this was clearly news about your application in which you would have become angered over after waiting for 2 months, we do not expect that you instantly leave because we tried to give you reasoning behind our decision. We did this as you had 'forgotten' the discussion that I had held with you about improving your builds - improving your terrain on either one build, or completing the other plot structure or vegetation. This is the Architect rank, we expect that everything goes together well, not rushed and left unfinished as these have been. Also, I feel as this application was too premature after I see little work that has been done to both of the builds since the (two, maybe) times that you have applied for the rank, indicating that you want the rank yet are impatient about achieving it. There is no reason why you should rush, 2 months was a long time given to make the suggested improvements.

Also, on a completely different topic, I disliked how you had remained silent and ignored everyone on the server completely as a resulting of trying to be mature and avoid arguments. This only confused and angered people as they felt ignored and that you were being rude. Your attitude HAS improved though after you had stopped being silent, so keep it up!

Going to go with a [BCOLOR=#ffffff]0 [/BCOLOR]as I have seen the arguments stop, although the builds need more work (refer to Sir's post above for specifics). If you happen to finish these builds, I may change my vote.


Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Pretty much what they said. Take some time improve, don't rush it. Architect is not a-- for lack of a better word-- small rank. We really want to see the highest potential for architects, and don't get me wrong, you do show great potential, but you still have some things to work on. Also don't be afraid to ask for advice ingame. Personally, I'm much better at giving advice directly, than on the forum. So catch me when I'm online, and I'll give you my mind.

That all being said, it's going to be a 0 from me too. But take your time and keep working at it, and that might change. :)

P.S Also Sir, might want to reread your second paragraph again. There's just a little thing you might have missed.
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