Digitalmez A&T Op Application

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Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
In-game name: digitalmez

Timezone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (GMT +11)

Have you ever staffed another Blocktopia server before?
- No

Are you good at organization and planning?
- I am the oldest of my siblings, so the leadership seems to come naturally. My current job placement is also in business management -- organization and planning is a bit of a requirement for my actual job as well.

What sets you above other potential applicants? Why should we choose you?
- Unlike some others I have no previous staff experience and I'd like to give something new a try. I've yet to staff and I've been around here for years! With that in mind, I've visited the server numerous times before and have a basic understanding of every command. I also have experience both inside and outside of this community when it comes to the expected problem solving: being friendly, responsive with any questions. To wrap this up, it's not hard to find me on TeamSpeak unless it's a busy day and I can definitely bring forth the necessary minimum of four hours per week. Thank you for reading, I really hope you consider me! :D
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