Discuss the new masteries here!
Here are my support masteries for this season. I have no idea how to do my jungle masteries so gonna tag Ronaldo for some insight.
Tank Support ( Change Meditation to Merciless if you are playing shen)
Shield Supports ( Passive Lulu, Janna)
Soraka Balancio (went more into health regen in the resolve tree because soraka uses her health a lot to heal the adc)
Ap Support bully (Annie, Karma, zilean, Aggro Lulu) (Some people say vampirism is better than natural talent but I think the ad and ap you get is better since you are gonna be auto attacking a lot the enemy adc as these champs.)
Thresh Support (not to sure about this one if anybody got any suggestions that would be helpful)
Here are my support masteries for this season. I have no idea how to do my jungle masteries so gonna tag Ronaldo for some insight.
Tank Support ( Change Meditation to Merciless if you are playing shen)
Shield Supports ( Passive Lulu, Janna)
Soraka Balancio (went more into health regen in the resolve tree because soraka uses her health a lot to heal the adc)
Ap Support bully (Annie, Karma, zilean, Aggro Lulu) (Some people say vampirism is better than natural talent but I think the ad and ap you get is better since you are gonna be auto attacking a lot the enemy adc as these champs.)
Thresh Support (not to sure about this one if anybody got any suggestions that would be helpful)